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发布时间 2020-02-23 截止时间 未注明




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赵学波教授,英国纽卡斯尔大学博士、博士后,教授、博士生导师,中国科学院“百人计划”获得者,山东省“泰山学者”特聘专家,青岛西海岸新区领军人才,山东省氢能源与燃料电池产业联盟专家。长期从事新能源、新能源材料、氢能综合利用等领域的研发工作。回国工作后,先后主持4项国家自然科学基金面上项目,,并主持山东省“泰山学者”资助项目,(2016-2020)200万元、中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目KJCX2-YW-W34,(2010-2013),200万元、及其他地区、院所类创新项目5项,累积经费800余万元。近年来,在国际著名学术期刊Science、Nature-Chemistry、JACS、Angew、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、ACS Nano、Chemistry of Meterials、Chemical Communications等学术期刊上发表100多篇SCI收录的研究论文,被国内外同行引用6000多次。获发明专利授权6项(其中1项为国际发明专利)。2016、2017连续两年入选英国皇家化学会Top 1% 高被引中国作者榜单。2004年荣获国家优秀自费留学生奖和英国燃烧工程协会颁发的杰出研究成就奖“The Derek Ezra Award 2004”。在氢气储存和氢同位素分离研究领域做出过具有世界影响的重要学术贡献,相关成果以第一作者身份发表在国际顶级期刊《Science》上(2004,306, 1012-1015),单篇引用达到1100多次。




1.        Superstructure of a Metal-Organic Framework Derived from Microdroplet Flow Reaction: An Intermediate State of Crystallization by Particle Attachment,Ying, Wang,Li, Liangjun*;Liang, Huimin;Xing, Yanlong;Yan, Liting;Dai, Pengcheng;Gu, Xin;Zhao, Guoming;Zhao, Xuebo*; ACS Nano, 2019, 13(3): 2901-2912

2.        Metal-organic frameworks: a promising platform of constructing non-noble electrocatalysts for oxygen-reduction reaction,Liangjun Li, Jiangxiu He, Ying Wang, Xiaoxia Lv, Xin Gu, Pengcheng Dai, Dandan Liu, Xuebo Zhao*,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019, 7(5): 1964-1988 (邀请综述)

3.        One-step and Scalable Synthesis of Ni2P Nanocrystals Encapsulated in N,P-codoped Hierarchical Porous Carbon Matrix using a Bipyridine and Phosphonate linked Nickel Metal-organic Framework as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting,Liting Yan,Huimin Jiang,Ying Wang,Liangjun Li,Xin Gu,Pengcheng Dai,Dandan Liu,Si-Fu Tang,Guoming Zhao,Xuebo Zhao*,K. Mark Thomas*, Electrochimica Acta,2019,297,755-766

4.        Titanosilicate Derived SiO2/TiO2@C Nanosheets with Highly Distributed TiO2 Nanoparticles in SiO2 Matrix as Robust Lithium Ion Battery Anode, Zhang, li; Gu, Xin; Yan, Chunliu; Zhang, Shuo; Li, Liangjun; Jin, Yingjie; Zhao, Shanlin; Wang, Haiyan; Zhao, Xuebo*;ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018,10 (51), 44463–44471

5.        Paper-Derived Flexible 3D Interconnected Carbon Microfiber Networks with Controllable Pore Sizes for Supercapacitors, Dai, Pengcheng; Xue, Yanming; Zhang, Shuo; Cao, Lei; Zhao, Xuebo*,ACS applied materials & interfaces,2018,10,43, 37046-37056

6.        Highly dispersed Zn nanoparticles confined in nanoporous carbon network: promising anode materials for sodium and potassium ion batteries, Chunliu Yan,  Xin Gu,  Li Zhang,  ying wang,  Liting Yan,  Dandan Liu,  Liangjun Li,  Pengcheng Dai  and  Xuebo Zhao*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 17371-17377

7.        Bottom-Up Fabrication of Ultrathin 2D Zr Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets through a Facile Continuous Microdroplet Flow Reaction,Wang, Y; Li, LJ; Yan, LT; Gu, X; Dai, PC; Liu, DD; Bell, JG; Zhao, GM; Zhao, XB* ; Thomas, KM*;Chemistry of Materials,2018,30,9: 3048-3059

8.        Nickel metal-organic framework implanted on graphene and incubated to be ultrasmall nickel phosphide nanocrystals acts as a highly efficient water splitting electrocatalyst,Yan, LT ; Jiang, HM; Xing, YL; Wang, Y; Liu, DD ; Gu, X; Dai, PC ; Li, LJ;Zhao, XB*,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018, 6, 4,1682-1691

9.        Carbonates (bicarbonates)/reduced graphene oxide as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries,Gu, X ; Yan, CL; Yan, LT; Cao, L ; Niu, FE; Liu, DD ; Dai, PC ; Li, LJ; Yang, J ; Zhao, XB*,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5,47,24645-24650

10.        Missing-node directed synthesis of hierarchical pores on a zirconium metal-organic framework with tunable porosity and enhanced surface acidity via a microdroplet flow reaction,Wang, Y; Li, LJ; Dai, PC ; Yan, LT; Cao, L ; Gu, X; Zhao, XB* ,Journal of Materials Chemistry A ,2017,5, 42,22372-22379

11.        Metal-Organic Frameworks Derived Nanotube of Nickel-Cobalt Bimetal Phosphides as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting, Yan, LT ; Cao, L ; Dai, PC; Gu, X; Liu, DD; Li, LJ; Wang, Y ; Zhao, XB*,Advanced Functional Materials,2017,27,40,1703455(高被引论文)

12.        Exceptional high selectivity of hydrogen/methane separation on a phosphonate-based MOF membrane with exclusion of methane molecules, Yang, QP ; Li, LJ; Tan, WQ ; Sun, YJ; Wang, HL; Ma, JP ; Zhao, XB* , Chemical Communications, 2017,53, 70, 9797-9800

13.        High efficiency organic solar cells based on amorphous electron-donating polymer and modified fullerene acceptor, Xiao, B ; Zhang, ML; Yan, J ; Luo, GP ; Gao, K ; Liu, JY ; You, QL ; Wang, HB ; Gao, C; Zhao, BF ; Zhao, XB*; Wu, HB ; Liu, F , NANO ENERGY, 2017, 39, 478-488

14.        High Oxygen Reduction Activity on a Metal-Organic Framework derived Carbon Combined with High Degree of Graphitization and Pyridinic-N Dopants. Li, L., P. Dai, X. Gu, Y. Wang, L. Yan and X. Zhao*. Journal of Materials Chemistry A ,2017, 5: 789-795(高被引论文)

15.        In Situ Synthesis Strategy for Hierarchically Porous Ni2P Polyhedrons from MOFs Templates with Enhanced Electrochemical Properties for Hydrogen Evolution. Liting Yan, Pengcheng Dai, Ying Wang, Xin Gu, Liangjun Li, Lei Cao, and Xuebo Zhao*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (13), 11642–11650

16.        Hierarchical tubular structures constructed from rutile TiO2 nanorods with superior sodium storage properties. Xin Gu, Liangjun Li, Ying Wang, Pengcheng Dai, Hongbo Wang, Xuebo Zhao*. Electrochimica Acta ,2016, 211, 77–82

17.        Coaxial MnO/N-doped carbon nanorods for advanced lithium-ion battery anodes. Xin Gu, Jie Yue, Liang Chen, Shuo Liu, Huayun Xu, Jian Yang *, Yitai Qian * and Xuebo Zhao*. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 1037-1041 (高被引论文)

18.        Solvothermal Metal Metathesis on a Metal Organic Framework with Constricted Pores and the Study of Gas Separation. Liangjun Li, Haitao Xue, Ying Wang, Pinhui Zhao, Dandan Zhu, Min Jiang, and Xuebo Zhao* ,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces ,2015, 7(45), 25402-25412

19.        Hysteretic Gas and Vapor Sorption in Flexible Interpenetrated Lanthanide-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks with Coordinated Molecular Gating via Reversible Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation for Enhanced Selectivity. Chao Wang, Liangjun Li, Jon G. Bell, Xiaoxia Lv, Sifu Tang, Xuebo Zhao*, and K. Mark Thomas*. Chem. Mater., 2015, 27 (5), 1502–1516

20.        General Synthesis of MnOx (MnO2, Mn2O3, Mn3O4, MnO) Hierarchical Microspheres as Lithium-ion Battery Anodes. Xin Gu, Jie Yue, Liangjun Li, Haitao Xue, Jian Yang,* Xuebo Zhao*,Electrochimica Acta, 184 (2015) 250-256

21.        High CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 selectivity in a chiral metal-organic framework with contracted pores and multiple functionalities, Xiaoxia Lv, Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang, Jinjun Cai, Xuebo Zhao*, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50 , 6886-6889

22.        Enhanced uptake and selectivity of CO2 adsorption in a hydrostable metal-organic frameworks via incorporating methylol and methyl groups, Chao Wang, Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang and Xuebo Zhao*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6(19), 16932–16940

23.        Gas Storage and Diffusion through Nano-Cages and Windows in Porous Metal Organic Framework Cu2(2,3,5,6-tetramethylbenzene-1,4-diisophthalate)(H2O)2, Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang, Jon G Bell, Xiaoxia Lv, Xianrui Xu, Yanlong Xing, Xuebo Zhao*, Mark Thomas*, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26 (16), 4679–4695

24.        Nitrogen-doped porous carbons from bipyridine-based metal-organic frameworks: Electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction reaction and Pt-catalyst support for methanol electrooxidation, Dandan Zhu, Lianglun Li, Jinjun Cai, Xiaoxia Lv, Min Jiang, Xuebo Zhao*, Carbon, 2014, 79, 544-553

25.        Poly(vinylidene chloride)-based carbon with ultrahigh microporosity and outstanding performance for CO2 capture and H2 storage,Jinjun Cai, Jingbo Qi, Chunpeng Yang, Xuebo Zhao*,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2014,6, 3703?3711

26.        Oxygen Reduction in the Nanocage of Metal-Organic Frameworks with A Electron Transfer Mediator, Min Jiang, Liangjun Li,Dandan Zhu, Hongyu Zhang and Xuebo Zhao*, Journal of Materials Chemistry-A,2014,2,5323-5329

27.        High gas storage capacities and stepwise adsorption in a UiO type metal-organic framework incorporating Lewis basic bipyridyl sites,Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang, Chao Wang, Xiaoxia Lv, Min Jiang, Huaizhi Wu, Xuebo Zhao*,ChemComm,2014,50, 2304-2307

28.        Large Surface Area Ordered Porous Carbons via Nanocasting Zeolite 10X and High Performance for Hydrogen Storage Application, Jinjun Cai, Liangjun Li, Xiaoxia Lv, Chunpeng Yang, Xuebo Zhao*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6,167-175

29.        Rationally tuned micropores within enantiopure metal-orgnic frameworks for highly selective separation of acetylene and ethylene, S.C.Xiang, Z. Zhang, C.G.Zhao, K.Hong, X.B.Zhao, D.R.Ding, M.H.Xie, C.D.Wn, M.C.Das, R.Gill, K.M.Thomas, B.L.Chen,Nature-Communications,2011,2,Feb22(高被引论文)

30.        Protecting group and pore-discriminating adsorption properties of a hydrophilic-hydrophobic metal-organic framework, M.I.H.Mohideen, B.Xiao, P.S.Wheatley, Y.Li, A.M.Z.Slawin, N.Cessford, T.Duren, X.B.Zhao, R.Gill, K.M.Thomas, J.M.Griffin, S.E.Ashbrook, R.E.Morris, Nature-Chemistry,2011,3,304-310

31.        Chemically Blockable Transformation and Ultra-selective Low Pressure Gas Adsorption in a Metal Organic Framework, Bo Xiao, P.J. Byrne, P.S. Wheatley, D.S Wragg, Xuebo Zhao, A. J. Fletcher, K.M.Thomas, W.Zhou and R.E.Morris, Nature-Chemistry, 2009,1(4), 289-294

32.        Surface interactions and quantum kinetic molecular sieving for H-2 and D-2 adsorption on a mixed metal-organic framework material, B. Chen, Xuebo Zhao, A. Putkham, K. Hong, S. Ma, E. B Lobkovsky, E. J Hurtado, A. J. Fletcher, K. M. Thomas*, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2008, 130, 6411-6423(高被引论文)

33.        High Capacity Hydrogen and Nitric Oxide Adsorption and Storage in a Metal-Organic Framework, B. Xiao, P. S. Wheatley, Xuebo Zhao, A. J. Fletcher, S. Fox, A. G. Rossi, S. Bordiga, L. Regli, K. M. Thomas* and R. E. Morris*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 1203-1209

34.        High H2 Adsorption by Coordination-Framework Materials, Xiang Lin, Junhua Jia, Xuebo Zhao, K. M. Thomas, A. J. Blake, G. S. Walker, N. R. Champness, P. Hubberstey, M. Schroder*, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 2006, 45, 7358-7364

35.        Hysteretic Adsorption and Desorption of Hydrogen by Nanoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks, Xuebo Zhao, Bo Xiao, Ashleigh J. Fletcher, K. Mark Thomas*, Darren Bradshaw, Matthew J. Rosseinsky*, Science, 2004, 306, 1012-1015




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