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姓名: 方 泉
name: Quan Fang
职务: 教授,博士生导师,医学生理学与心理学研究所所长
duty: Professor, Head of Institute of Physiology & Psychology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University
E-mail: fangq[AT]lzu.edu.cn
1. 神经肽生理与药理
2. 神经肽与疼痛/痒觉
3. 多肽生化与药化
Research Interests:
1. Neuropeptide Physiology & Pharmacology
2. Neuropeptide & Pain/Itch
方 泉,男,教授,博士生导师,现任医学生理学与心理学研究所所长,甘肃省生理科学学会的秘书长。2007年6月获兰州大学生物化学与分子生物学专业的博士学位,同年留校。2014年,在国家公派高级研究学者及访问学者(含博士后)项目资助下,在美国杜克大学(Duke University)医学中心神经学系Wolfgang Liedtke实验室从事1年的访问学者研究。
目前在基础医学院医学生理学和心理学研究所从事教学和科研工作,承担了本科生的医学生理学、麻醉生理学、生理学实验和机能实验等专业基础课的教学任务,已指导 “本科教学工程”国家级大学生创新创业训练计划创新训练项目、本科生创新创业课题等多人次。
2013年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,并主持和完成的包括国家自然科学基金在内的科研项目10项;并作为主要项目组骨干成员参与科技部“十一五”和“十二五”国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金委重点项目、国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划培育项目和集成项目等科研课题多项。在Neuropharmacology、J Pharmacol Exp Ther和Pain等期刊上发表学术论文28篇,其中以第一作者(含共同第一作者)发表的SCI论文12篇,以通讯作者发表的SCI论文6篇。申请国家发明专利4项,已授权3项,申请国际专利PCT 1件。热忱欢迎有志从事科研的青年加入本课题组,具有医学、生物学和药学背景均可。
B.Sc. in Biochemistry, 2002
School of Life Science, Lanzhou University, China
Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2007
School of Life Science, Lanzhou University, China
Visiting Scholar in Duke University Medical Center in the Department of Neurology (Lab of Wolfgang Liedtke), from January, 2014 to December, 2014
Lectuer, Lanzhou University, China, 2007-2011
Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, China, 2011- 2014
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, China, 2014- Present
Head of Institute of Physiology& Psychology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, China, 2014-Present
1.主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目一项(81273355),阿片/神经肽FF 受体的双功能肽类配体的化学构建及其无耐受镇痛特性的研究,2013.1-2016.12
7.主持教育部高校博士点专项科研基金(新教师基金课题)一项(200807301028), RFa肽家族的新成员——促摄食肽26RFa的构效关系及其生物活性的研究,2009.1-2011.12
10. 主持兰州大学博士启动基金一项
3.以项目组主要成员(3/19)参与十一五“重大新药创制”国家科技重大专项项目一项(2009ZX09503-017), 若干多肽合成和化学修饰的新方法和关键技术及其在多肽药物产业开发中的应用,2009.1-2010.12
1. Han ZL, Wang ZL, Li XH, Li N, Pan JX, Zheng T, Fang Q*, Wang R*.Cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2 combined with neuropeptide VF produces potent antinociception lacking tolerance in mice. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2015, Accepted. (SCI, IF2014 = 3.472)
2. Chen Y, Kanju P 2, Fang Q 2, Lee SH, Parekh PK, Lee W, Moore C, Brenner D, Gereau RW 4th, Wang F, Liedtke W. TRPV4 is necessary for trigeminal irritant pain and functions as a cellular formalin receptor. Pain. 2014;155(12):2662-72. (SCI, IF2014 = 5.213) (2: authors contributed equally to this work)
3. Han ZL1, Fang Q1, Wang ZL, Li XH, Li N, Chang XM, Pan JX, Tang HZ, Wang R*. Antinociceptive effects of central administration of the endogenous CB1 agonist VDPVNFKLLSH-OH [(m)VD-hemopressin(α)] , a N-terminally extended hemopressin peptide. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2014; 348(2): 316-332. (SCI, IF2014 = 3.972) (1: authors contributed equally to this work)
4. Wang ZL1, Fang Q 1, Han ZL, Pan JX, Li XH, Li N, Tang HH, Wang P, Zheng T, Chang XM, Wang R*. Opposite Effects of Neuropeptide FF on Central Antinociception Induced by Endomorphin-1 and Endomorphin-2 in Mice. PLoS One. 2014; 9(8): e103773. (SCI, IF2014 = 3.234) (1: authors contributed equally to this work)
5. Pan JX, Wang ZL, Li N, Han ZL, Li XH, Tang HH, Wang P, Zheng T, Fang Q*, Wang R*.Analgesic tolerance and cross-tolerance to the cannabinoid receptors ligands hemopressin, VD-hemopressin(α) and WIN55,212-2 at the supraspinal level in mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2014; 578: 187-191. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.030)
6. Li XH1, Li N1, Wang ZL, Pan JX, Han ZL, Chang XM, Tang HH, Wang P, Wang R*, Fang Q*. The hypotensive effect of intrathecally injected (m)VD-hemopressin(α) in urethane-anesthetized rats. Peptides. 2014; 56C: 45-51. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
7. Han ZL, Wang ZL, Tang HZ, Li N, Fang Q*, Li XH, Yang XL, Zhang XY, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF attenuates the acquisition and the expression of conditioned place aversion to endomorphin-2 in mice. Behavioural Brain Research 2013; 248(1):51-56. (SCI, IF2014 = 3.028)
8. Sun YL, Zhang XY, He N, Sun T, Zhuang Y, Fang Q*, Wang KR, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF activated ERK and NF kappa B signal pathways in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Peptides 2012; 38(1):110-117. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
9. Li N 1, Han ZL 1, Fang Q*, Wang ZL, Tang HZ, Ren H, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF and related peptides attenuates warm-, but not cold-water swim stress-induced analgesia in mice. Behavioural Brain Research 2012; 233(2): 428-433. (SCI, IF2014 = 3.028)
10. Fang Q, Han ZL, Li N, Wang ZL, He N, Wang R*. Effects of neuropeptide FF system on CB1 and CB2 receptors mediated antinociception in mice. Neuropharmacology 2012; 62 (2): 855-864. (SCI, IF2014 = 5.106)
11. Fang Q 1, Jiang TN 1, Li N, Han ZL, Wang R*. Central administration of neuropeptide FF and related peptides attenuate systemic morphine analgesia in mice. Protein & Peptide Letters 2011; 18(4): 403-409. (SCI, IF2014 = 1.068) (1: authors contributed equally to this work)
12. Fang Q 1, Li N 1, Jiang TN, Liu Q, Li YL, Wang R*. Pressor and tachycardic responses to intrathecal administration of Neuropeptide FF in anesthetized rats. Peptides 2010; 31(4): 683-688. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618) (1: authors contributed equally to this work)
13. Fang Q 1, Liu Q 1, Li N, Jiang TN, Li YL, Yan X, Wang R*. Cardiovascular effects of intravenous administered 26RFa, a novel RF-amide peptide ligand for GPR103, in anaesthetized rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 2009; 621(1-3): 61-66. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.532) (1: authors contributed equally to this work)
14. Fang Q, Wang YQ, He F, Guo J, Guo J, Chen Q, Wang R*. Inhibition of neuropeptide FF (NPFF)-induced hypothermia and anti-morphine analgesia by RF9, a new selective NPFF receptors antagonist. Regulatory Peptides 2008; 147(1-3): 45-51. (SCI, IF2014 = 1.833)
15. Fang Q, Zhang BZ, Wang R*. Progress in the structure-activity relationship studies of neuropeptide FF. Progress in Chemistry 2007; 19: 1977-1985. (SCI, IF2014 = 0.687, Review, in Chinese)
16. Fang Q, He F, Wang YQ, Guo J, Zhang BZ, Chen Q, Wang R*. Pharmacological effects of the dansylated neuropeptide FF analogues on body temperature and morphine analgesia. Neuropeptides 2007; 41(5): 339-347. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.644)
17. Fang Q, Guo J, He F, Peng YL, Chang M, Wang R*. In vivo inhibition of neuropeptide FF agonism by BIBP3226, an NPY Y1 receptor antagonist. Peptides 2006; 27(9): 2207-2213. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
18. Fang Q, Guo J, Peng YL, Chang M, He F, Chen Q, Wang R*. In vitro and in vivo studies of dansylated compounds, the putative agonists and antagonists on neuropeptide FF receptors. Peptides 2006; 27(6): 1297-1304. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
19. Fang Q, Guo J, Chang M, Chen LX, Chen Q, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF receptors exert contractile activity via inhibition of nitric oxide release in the mouse distal colon. Peptides 2005; 26(5): 791-797. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
20. Chen LX , Fang Q, Chen Q, Guo J, Wang ZZ, Chen Y, Wang R. Study in vitro and in vivo of nociceptin/orphanin FQ(1-13)NH2 analogues substituting N-Me-Gly for Gly2 or Gly3. Peptides 2004; 25(8): 1349-1354. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
21. Wang YQ, Guo J, Wang SB, Fang Q, He F, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF receptors antagonist, RF9, attenuates opioid-evoked hypothermia in mice. Peptides 2008; 29(7): 1183-90. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
22. Chen LX, Wang ZZ, Wu H, Fang Q, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen Y, Wang R*. Effects of nociceptin (13-17) in pain modulation at supraspinal level in mice. Neuroscience Letters 2002; 331(2): 95-98. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.030)
23. Wang YQ, Wang SB, Ma JL, Guo J, Fang Q, Sun T, Zhuang Y, Wang R*. Neuropeptide FF receptor antagonist, RF9, attenuates the fever induced by central injection of LPS in mice. Peptides. 2011; 32(4): 702-706. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
24. Sun YL, Zhang XY, Sun T, He N, Li JY, Zhuang Y, Fang Q, Wang R. The anti-inflammatory potential of neuropeptide FF in vitro and in vivo. Peptides 2013; 47:124-132. (SCI, IF2014 = 2.618)
25. Sun YL, Sun T, Zhang XY, He N, Zhuang Y, Li JY, Fang Q, Wang KR, Wang R*. NPFF2 receptor is involved in the modulatory effects of neuropeptide FF for macrophage cell line. Protein & Peptide Letters 2014; 21(5): 490-502. (SCI, IF2014 = 1.068)
26. Fang Q, Yang MJ,Li RD. Inhibitory effects of melation on the tumor in mice bearing S180. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 2003; 2: 234-235. (in Chinese) (国内核心)
27. Fang Q, He F, Wang YQ, Chen Q, Wang R. Studies in vitro and in vivo of pharmacological activities of PFR(Tic)amide. Sciencepaper Online (http://www.paper.edu.cn) 2006 Nov. 30. (科技论文在线)
28. 李 宁,方 泉*. RFa家族新成员26RFa/43RFa的研究进展. 中国科技论文在线, http://www.paper.edu.cn/index.php/default/releasepaper/content/201202-2, 2012- 02-01(科技论文在线,四星级论文)
王 锐,方 泉,张 伟。参编中国科协组织2012-2013年的《生物化学与分子生物学学科发展报告》的“多肽学科发展报告”部分——“多肽科学研究进展”,中国科学技术出版社。
1. 王 锐,方 泉,李 宁,韩政岚;“基于内吗啡肽2和神经肽FF的嵌合肽及其合成和应用”, 国家发明专利,授权号:ZL201110097843.4,申请日期:2011年4月19日;公 开 (公告) 号: CN102206285A,公开(公告)日: 2011.10.05。授权日期:2013年2月13日
2. 王 锐,方 泉,韩政岚,王子龙,李宁;“基于阿片肽Biphalin和神经肽FF的嵌合肽及其合成和应用”, 国家发明专利,授权专利号:201210098832.2,授权日期:2014年5月21日。已申请国际专利,PCT/CN2013/070611
3. 王 锐,方 泉,韩政岚,王子龙,李宁,李旭辉;“内源性大麻肽类激动剂(m)VD-Hpα在镇痛方面的应用”,国家发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201310087565.3,授权日期:2015年4月22日。
4. 王 锐,李 宁,方 泉;“一种光热甩尾测痛仪”,国家实用新型专利,授权专利号:ZL201420393092.X,授权日期:2014年12月10日。
甘肃省生理科学学会 秘书长
中国生物化学与分子生物学学会 理事
甘肃省药学会药物化学专业委员会 委员
甘肃省新药临床前研究重点实验室药物化学与多肽药物研究方向 主要成员
教育部“多肽药物”长江学者创新团队 核心成员
多次参与《PLOS ONE》、《European Journal of Pharmacology》、《Life Sciences》、《Peptides》、《Neuropeptides》和《生物化学与生物物理学报》等SCI期刊的稿件评审