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Name Tan, Jiying
Duty Professor
Major Immunology & Evidence Based Medicine
E-mail: tanjy@lzu.edu.cn
一、 科研方向
1. HIV感染免疫细胞相关分子机制和HIV潜伏感染;
2. 结核疫苗和结核免疫
3. 基于HIV和结核病相关的循证医学与免疫学研究;
Research Interests:
1. The Molecular mechanisms of HIV infect Immnuocytes & HIV latent infection
2. The Vaccine of Tuberculosis & Immune of Tuberculosis
3. Evidence Based Medicine & Immunology of HIV and Tuberculosis
1. 2011年6月至2014年3月 在美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug of Administration, FDA) 生
物安全评价中心(Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, CBER) 分子病毒学研究室(Laboratory of Molecular Virology, LMV)博士后,主要从事HIV的分子免疫学机理的研究。
2. 2003年12月至2014年4月兰州大学免疫学研究所副教授。
3. 2006年6月在四川大学华西临床医学院外科学专业移植免疫和循证医学方向获得博士学位。
1. Postdoc May 2011 – March 2014
Lab. of Molecular virology (LMV), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,
(CBER), Food and Drug of Administration, (FDA). My researches are to study on effects of host factors on HIV-1 replication and reactivation from its latent infection:
Key contribution:
Determined the mechanisms by which HIV-1 induces infected cell death;
Found the effects of molecules from apoptotic/autophagy pathways on HIV-1 replication;
--Some mechanisms of FLIP expression in HIV-1 replication,
--The effects of FADD knockdown on HIV-1 replication,
--Mechanisms of XIAP in HIV-1-induced cell death and HIV-1 replication,
Understand the effects of 2009 pandemic influenza H1N1 virus infection on HIV-1 infection,
replication and reactivation from HIV-1 latent infection.
2. Associated Professor Dec. 2003 - May 2011
Dept. of Immunology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University
My researched fields were vaccine of Tuberculosis. The fund from Ministry of Health of CHINA to Study of pre-Clinic of Tuberculosis subunit vaccines.
3. Ph.D. Candidate Sep. 2003 - Jun. 2006
Key Laboratory of Transplant Engineering and Immunology, and Ministry of Health, and Chinese Centre of Evidence–Based Medicine, West China Hospital, West china medical school, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, CHINA. My researches were experiment of immunotolerance and review of infection after renal transplantation.
(一) 参与合作的主要课题:
1. 参加FDA的项目:NHLBI 13, To test and compare HIV from Cameroon in diagnosis and pathology;
2. 参加FDA的项目: NHLBI 13,To test and diagnosis using new technology
3. 国家科技重大研究专项(2012ZX10003-008-006), “结核病创新型疫苗的研制”子课题“结核病免疫加强用亚单位疫苗临床前研究”,子课题下部分研究。
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金, 兰州大学重点项目: 结核分枝杆菌主要流行菌株致病机制与疫苗研究。(lzujbky-2010-k07),主持子项。
5. 国家科技重大研究专项(2008ZX10003011),“结核分枝杆菌感染的免疫保护机制”子课题“结核免疫病理分子机制”,子课题下部分研究。
6. 甘肃省乡镇卫生院继续教育群随机实验:CMB项目(CBM09-944)
(二) 主要文章(Publication)
1. Jiying Tan, Xue Wang*, Krishnakumar Devadas, Jiangqin Zhao, Panhe Zhang, Indira Hewlett*. Some mechanisms of FLIP expression in inhibition of HIV-1 replication in Jurkat cells, CD4+ T cells and PBMCs. J Cell Physiol. 2013: 228 (12): 2305-13
2. Xue Wang*, Jiying Tan, Jiangqin Zhao, Viswannath Ragupathy, Mohan Haleyurgirisetty , Indira Hewlett*. Some findings of FADD knockdown in inhibition of HIV-1 replication in Jurkat cells and PBMCs. Mol Cell Biochem, 2014; 393 (1-2):181-90. (共同第一)
3. Xue Wang *, Jiying Tan, Olga Zouev , Jiangqin Zhao, Zhiping Ye, Indira Hewlett*. Novel pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection modulates apoptotic pathways that impact its replication in A549 cells. Microbes Infect. 2014;16 (3): 178-86. (共同第一)
4. Xue Wang* , Yamei Gao, Jiying Tan, Krishnakumar Devadas, Viswanath Ragupathy, Kazuyo Takeda, Jiangqin Zhao, Indira Hewlett*. HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections induce autophagy in Jurkat and CD4+ T cells. Cellular Signaling 2012; 24 1414–1419
5. Tan JY, Li SH, Yang KH,. Ustekinumab,a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody,in patients with psoriasis: A meta-analysis. Journal of Dermatological treatment. 2011; 22: 323–336
6. 谢富佳,谭继英(通讯作者)*,乔梅,梁正羽,王世婷,唐克峰,祝秉东,杨燕,章国平. CFP21-ELISPOT方法的建立及其在结核分枝杆菌感染诊断中的应用. 中国病原生物学杂志2011,6(9): 647-683
7. 谢富佳,谭继英(通讯作者)*,梁正羽,乔梅,祝秉东,吴玉敏,杨燕,章国平. 结核分 枝杆菌培养滤液蛋白21(CFP21)的基因克隆、表达及纯化. 中国人兽共患病学报. 2011,27(2): 117-119
8. 吴玉敏, 谭继英(通讯作者)*,王革,刘万波,胡丽娜,祝秉东. 核分枝杆菌Mtb8. 4- spx 和Hspx-Mtb8. 4重组基因克隆及表达. 中国病原生物学杂志. 2010;6(5):414-417
9. 李少红,马彬,谭继英(通讯作者)*,杨克虎. 依那西普治疗强直性脊柱炎的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志. 2009, 9(4): 423-429
10. 安睿晓,田金徽,谭继英(通讯作者)*, 杨克虎. 环磷酰胺联合静脉注射免疫球蛋白治疗系统性红斑狼疮的系统评价等. 中国循证医学杂志,2011, 11(3): 320-324
11. JY. Tan, N. Zhao, Y.P. Li*. Steroid Withdrawal Increases Risk of Acute Rejection But Reduces Infection:A System Review in Renal Transplantation. Transplantation proceedings 2006 Sep;38(7):2054-6 (The 9th Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation. Oral)