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姓 名: 张小郁
Name: Zhang Xiaoyu
职 称:教授,硕士生导师
Duty: Professor
Research Interests:
1. Work with a major responsibility of physiology and pharmacology using standard cellular and molecular biology/physiology techniques.
2. Focus on cell signaling, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in a number of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity.
1. 2004年甘肃省医疗卫生中青年学术技术带头人。
2. 《葡萄籽中原花青素对阿霉素增效减毒作用及机理研究》荣获2006年甘肃省自然科学二等奖(1/5),甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖(1/8),兰州大学优秀博士论文。
3. 2007年荣获兰州大学度首届“隆基中青年教师教学骨干奖”,获得国家留学基金委资助作为访问学者去美国进行科学研究一年,提高科研水平。
4. 2011年,第十一届全国多媒体课件大赛决赛三等奖(第三完成人)
5. 2007年, 《生理学立体教学模式的探索——依托精品课程推动教学创新》 兰州大学教学成果二等奖(第四完成人)
Honors and awards:
1. In 2004, I won the Discipline Leader on Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology of Public Health Department of Gansu.
2. In 2006, Mechanisms of Proanthocyanidin from Grape Seeds in both Potentiating Anti-tumor Activity and Reducing Toxicity of Doxorubicin obtained the second prize of Gansu Provincial Natural Science, the first prize of scientific and techonology progress in Gansu Provincial advanced colleges and was entitled as the Excellence Doctor Paper in Lanzhou University. (first author).
3. In 2007, I won the prize of the Longji Excellence Teacher in Lanzhou University. At the same time, I got through the academic selection process organized by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and was granted the funds to study abroad for a year.
2008年12月至2009年11月在美国University of Wyoming和The State University of Newyork at Buffalo做访问学者期间,利用分子生物学等先进技术熟练掌握了心肌缺血再灌注损伤保护作用的世界前沿研究技术,发表相关SCI论文3篇;并对ISL抗肿瘤作用的分子机制进行了系统研究,论文<Natural antioxidant-Isoliquiritigenin selectively inhibits growth of prostate cancer cells>已于2010年发表在SCI刊物Clin Exp Physiol Pharm上。2006年获甘肃省自然科学进步二等奖1项,发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录10余篇。完成甘肃省自然科学和兰州市科技项目基金项目各一项。目前主持一项甘肃省自然科学基金项目。本项目作为负责人,全面负责课题的组织、管理和实施,负责实验设计、数据整理和分析、论文撰写,指导模型制作和分子生物学检测。
1. 1983年9月至1998年7月 在原兰州医学院临床医学系攻读本科。
2. 1996年9月至1999年7月 在原兰州医学院药理学攻读硕士。
3. 2002年9月至2005年6月 在兰大生命科学学院动物生理学攻读博士。
1. 1998年9月至1996年7月 在兰拖厂医院任主治医师。
2. 1999年7月至2000年6月 在原兰州医学院生理学教研室任助教。
3. 2000年7月至2002年6月 在原兰州医学院生理学教研室任讲师。
4. 2002年7月至2004年11月 在原兰州医学院生理学教研室任副教授。
5. 2004年11月至2008年5月 在兰州大学基础医学院生理学研究所任副教授。
6. 2008年5月---至今在兰州大学基础医学院生理学研究所任教授。
7. 2008年12月至2009年12月 在美国怀俄明大学做访问学者。
1. Sept. 2002--- June 2005Ph.D. in Physiology, the Life Science School of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China.
2. Sept. 1996--- June 1999M.S. in Pharmacology, the Department of Pharmacology of Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China.
3. Sept. 1983---July 1988 B.S. in Clinical Medicine, the Department of Clinical Medicine of Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China.
Working Experiences
1. Dec. 2008--- Dec. 2008 visiting scholar in University of Wyoming, USA
2. May 2008---NowProfessor, Institute of Physiology,School of Basic Medicine Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China
3. Nov. 2004--- May 2008Associate Professor, Institute of Physiology,School of Basic Medicine Science, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China
4. July 2002--- Nov. 2004Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China
5、Oct. 2000---July 2002Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China
6. July 1999---Oct. 2000 Assistant,Department of Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, P.R.China
7. Sept. 1988--- July 1996 Attending physician, Hospital of Lanzhou Tractor Factory, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, P.R.China
1. 主持甘肃省省自然科学研究基金计划项目一项(1208RJZA231),异甘草素抗肿瘤血管生成的机制研究,2012.1-2014.12
2. 主持甘肃省省自然科学研究基金计划项目一项(0710RJZA037),稀土配合物抗肿瘤作用分子机理研究,2008.1-2009.12
3. 主持兰州市科技计划资助项目一项(1208RJZA231)异甘草素抗肿瘤血管生成的机制研究,2007.1-2008.12
4. 主持企事业单位委托项目,戊肝疫苗临床前重复给药,毒性试验,2005.11-2007.6
5. 主持企事业单位委托项目,蛇葡萄素抗肿瘤作用的研究,2006.4-2007.12
6. 主持兰州大学医学基金一项,稀土配合物抗肿瘤作用及机理研究,2007.1-2008.12
7. 主持甘肃省新药临床前研究重点实验室开放课题基金一项,二(2-吡啶基-N-氧化物)二硫化物镧稀土配合物的抗肿瘤作用及机理研究,2006.1-2008.12
1. 以项目组主要成员(2/9)参与国家自然科学基金委——面上项目一项,填充吸附微量萃取法结合细胞代谢组学研究金纳米材料的毒性,2014.1-2017.12
2. 以项目组主要成员(2/4)参与甘肃省自然基金项目一项,抗病毒药筛选模型的建立及抗病毒中药,2004.7-2006.12
1. Xiaoyu Zhang, Ping Zhu, Xiuying Zhang, Yina Ma, Wenguang Li, Ji-Mei Chen,Hui-Ming Guo, Richard Bucala, Jian Zhuang, and Ji Li. Natural Antioxidant-Isoliquiritigenin Ameliorates Contractile Dysfunction of Hypoxic Cardiomyocytes via AMPK Signaling Pathway. Mediators of Inflammation. Volume 2013, Article ID 390890, 10 pages.(SCI, IF2013 = 3.882)
2. XiaoYu ZHANG, WenGuang LI, YongJie WU, TianZhen ZHENG, Wei LI, SongYi QU and NaiFa LIU. Proanthocyanidin from grape seeds potentiates anti-tumor activity of doxorubicin via immunomodulatory mechanism. Int. Immunopharmacol. 2005; 5(7-8): 1247–1257. (SCI)
3. XiaoYu ZHANG, WenGuang LI, YongJie WU, DeCheng BAI, and NaiFa LIU. Proanthocyanidin from grape seeds enhances doxorubicin-induced anti-tumor effect and reverses drug resistance in doxorubicin-resistant K562/DOX cells. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 2005; 83(3): 309–318. (SCI)
4. XiaoYu ZHANG, WenGuang LI, YongJie WU and MingTang GAO. Amelioration of doxorubicin-induced myocardial oxidative stress and immunosuppression by grape seed proanthocyanidins in tumor-bearing mice. J. Pharmacy Pharmacol. 2005: 57(8): 1043–1052. (SCI)
5. Xiaoyu ZHANG, Decheng BAI, Yongjie WU, Wenguang LI and Naifa LIU. Proanthocyanidin from grape seeds enhances anti-tumor effect of doxorubicin both in vitro and in vivo. Pharmazie. 2005; 60(7): 533–538. (SCI)
6. XiaoYu ZHANG, WenGuang LI, YongJie WU and Xuan TIAN. Antioxidative and antitumor activity of spin labeled derivatives of 4-β-amino-4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin and their structure-activity relationship. Pharmazie. 2007; 62(6): 432–438. (SCI)
7. Xiaoyu Zhang, Jingying Wang, Wenguang Li, Ji Li. Natural Antioxidant-Isoliquiritigenin Protects Heart against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Activation of Cardioprotective Signaling Pathways. Circulation. 2009;120:S1445.(Abstract) (SCI)
8. Xiaoyu Zhang, Eddie D Yeung, Jingying Wang, Evgeniy E Panzhinskiy, Tong Chao, Wenguang Li, Ji Li. Natural antioxidant-Isoliquiritigenin selectively inhibits growth of prostate cancer cells. Clin. Exp. Physiol. Pharm. 2010; 37: 841–847 (SCI)
9. WenGuang LI, XiaoYu ZHANG, YongJie WU, MingTang GAO and Rongliang ZHENG.. The relationship between structure and antioxidative activity of piperidine nitroxides. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2006; 58(7): 941–949. (SCI)
10.LI Wenguang, ZHANG XiaoYu, WU YongJie and TIAN Xuan. Antioxidative activity of spin labelled derivatives of podophyllilic acid hydrazide. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2002; 23(8): 727–732. (SCI)
11.LI Wenguang, ZHANG XiaoYu, WU YongJie and TIAN Xuan. Anti-inflammatory effect and mechanism of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2001; 22(12): 1117-1120. (SCI)
12.ZHANG XiaoYu, ZHENG TianZhen and PANG JinJiang. Effects of progesterone on contractile activity of trachea smooth muscle in rabbits. Chin J Appl Physiol. 2003; 19(4): 388, 401. (CSCD)
13.ZHANG XiaoYu, LI WenGuang, ZHENG TianZhen and LI Wei. Effects of proanthocyanidins on contractile activity of aortic smooth muscle and platelet aggregation in experimental animals. Chin J Appl Physiol. 2005; 21(4): 383-386. (CSCD)
14.ZHANG XiaoYu, LI WenGuang, GAO MingTang and TIAN Xuan. Protectective effect on injured myocardial cells of proanthocyanidins in vitro. Pharmacol Clin Chin Materia Med. 2001; 17(6): 14-16 (CSCD)
15.ZHANG XiaoYu, GAO MingTang, LI WenGuang, TIAN Xuan and ZHU JuHua. The anti-lipoperoxidative effect of grape seed extract in vitro. Advanced in Free Badical Life Sciences. 1999; 7: 116-120.
16.ZHANG XiaoYu, ZHANG YongPing and LI WenGuang. Anti-tumor activity of lanthanum nitrate Complexes with bis(2-pyridyl-N-Oxide)disulphide in vitro. J Lanzhou University ( Natural Sci). 2004; 40Supp: 34–36. (CSCD)
17.ZHANG XiaoYu, LI WenGuang, WU YongJie and GAO MingTang. CHL chromosome aberration test of proanthocyanidinsfrom grape seeds. J Lanzhou University ( Natural Sci). 2002; 38(6) Supp: 15-17. (CSCD)
18.Xiaoyu Zhang, Jingying Wang, Wenguang Li, Ji Li. Natural Antioxidant-Isoliquiritigenin Protects Heart against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Activation of Cardioprotective Signaling Pathways. Circulation. 2009;120:S1445.(Abstract)
19.Tuanming YANG, ShiFang GUO, Changrui CHENG, XiaoYu ZHANG and Wenguang LI. Anti-osteosarcoma effects and mechanisms of 4-O-amino-phenol-4′-demethylepipodophyllotoxin ether. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2008;60(2): 179-188. (SCI)
20.Zheng-lan Han, Zi-long Wang, Hong-zhu Tang, Ning Li, Quan Fang*, Xu-hui Li, Xiong-li Yang, Xiao-yu Zhang, Rui Wang* .Neuropeptide FF attenuates the acquisition and the expression of conditioned place aversion to endomorphin-2 in mice. Behav Brain Res. 2013; 248; 51-56. (SCI)
21.SI JinChao, ZHANG XiaoYu, LIN MeiLing, DING YongHui, LI Mei, QU SongYi and ZHENG TianZhen. Effects of Ephedra on body mass, serum lipid, glucose and hormone level of ovarietomized obese rats. Chin J Clin Rehabilit. 2006; 10(47): 209–212. (CSCD)
22.LI WenGuang, ZHANG XiaoYu and WU YongJie. Effect of podophyllic acid hydrozide piperidingyloxy and its derivatives on MDA formation. Chin Pharmacol Bull. 1997; 13(5): 422-424. (CSCD)
23.Jingying Wang, Heng Ma, Xiaoyu Zhang, Leilei He, Jianming Wu, Xiaoping Gao, Jun Ren, Ji Li. A Novel AMPK Activator from Chinese Herb Medicine and Ischemia Phosphorylate the Cardiac Transcription Factor FOXO3. Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Physiol. 2009: 1: 116-126 (SCI)
24.Peng Zhao, Jingying Wang, Leilei He, Heng M, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xinglei Zhu, E. Kurt Dolence, Jun Ren, Ji Li. Deficiency in TLR4 signal transduction ameliorates cardiac injury and cardiomyocyte contractile dysfunction during ischemia. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 2009; 13: 1513–1525 (SCI)
25.Wang Jun, Wang Hao, Guo Zhen, ZHANG XiaoYu, QU SongYi and ZHENG TianZhen. Gastrodin in modulating body mass and metabilism in obese rats fed with high-fat diet. J Clin Rehabilit. Tissue Engineering Res. 2008; 12(207): 3992–3996. (CSCD)
26.Guo Jiaohong, Li Xujun, Yue Jia, ZHANG XiaoYu, Lin Meiling and ZHENG TianZhen. The effects of Radix Achykanthis Bidentatae from Henan of China on body weight and tumor Necrosis Factor-α in ovariectomized obese rats. J Chengdu Medical College 2008; 3(2): 100–102, 106.
27.Li Xujun, Yue Jia, Chang Yanqin, Lin Meiling, ZHANG XiaoYu, Ding Yonghui and ZHENG TianZhen. Effects of Rhizoma Wenyujin Concisum on ovariectomized obese rats. China J Modern Med. 2008; 18(4): 405–407, 412. (CSCD)
28.袁良杰,卢霞,王君,郑天珍,瞿颂义,张小郁*. 苦参碱对高脂肥胖大鼠体重、血脂和抗过氧化能力的影响. 时珍国医国药. 2008; 19(9): 2062-2064(*为通讯作者)(CSCD)
29.白 岩,卢伍党,李文广,张小郁*. 金属配合物Cu(Ⅱ)1-羟基-3-(2-环氧基)吨酮的体外抗肿瘤作用. 兰州大学学报(医学版). 2010; 36(2): 56-60 (*为通讯作者)
30.白 岩,卢伍党,李文广,张小郁*. 金属配合物Cu(Ⅱ)吨酮冠醚的体外抗肿瘤作用. 兰州大学学报(医学版). 2010; 36(3): 21-25(*为通讯作者)
31.黄征,张林,瞿颂义, 郑天珍,张小郁*. 天麻素对大鼠离体脂肪组织释放游离脂肪酸及抗氧化作用的影响. 第四军医大学学报(J. Fourth Mil. Univ.). 2009:30(16):1488-1490. (*为通讯作者)(CSCD)
32.朱家恩,白延斌,蔺美玲,郑天珍,瞿颂义,丁永辉,张小郁*.白芍对去卵巢大鼠体重、血脂及抗氧化能力的影响.中国老年学杂志,2009, 29(2): 135-137 (*为通讯作者)(CSCD)
33.赵丽,陈红梅,蔺美玲,刘世雄,李中平,王志强,张小郁*,郑天珍.原花青素对STZ致胰岛细胞损伤的保护作用. 中国老年学杂志,2011, 31(23): 4580-4582 (*为通讯作者)(CSCD)
34.李中平,任文辉,张宝丽,蔺美玲,陈红梅,赵丽,王志强,张小郁*.槟榔碱对STZ致INS-1细胞损伤的保护和修复作用. 中国老年学杂志,2011, 31(23): 4583-4585 (*为通讯作者)(CSCD)
35.王志强,黄双盛,刘圆圆,胡腊梅,李文广,侯翠兰, 张小郁*。异甘草素的抗肿瘤血管生成作用.中国科技论文在线, 2012(*为通讯作者)
中国生理学会消化内分泌生殖代谢生理专业委员会 委员
甘肃省生理科学学会 理事
甘肃省新药临床前研究重点实验室 成员