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姓 名:冯利
Name: Feng Li
职 务:教授
Duty: Professor
Scientific and Research Interests:
My major research interests are on the fields of oral diseases. It has been studied through the genetics, cell biology and developmental /biology etc。
The research on Oral Genetics: it includes the phenotypes of oral diseases and genetic factors related to type of research, pedigree analysis, clinical phenotype and genetic screening. It is to provide a new evidence to prevention diagnosis and treatment。
The research on Oral Developmental Biology: it targets on the animal experimental research, which is including the whole process of its oral development; observing its cell proliferation, differentiation, organ formation, the interaction between cells and their abnormalities caused by disease and the formation of experimental tumor。
The research on Cell Biology of Oral Tissues: it is to observe the cell changes and its apoptosis in tissues。
Honorary Titles and Awards:
Leadership figure of young and middle-aged adults for Gansu Provincial academy and technology of medicine and health。
' Study on Periodontitis Tissue Immune Cytology and Clinical Genetic Factors' was awarded the second prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress of Drug and Health of Gansu Province.
'Ultrastructure Study on Mast cells, Macrophages in the Periapical Granuloma' was awarded the third prize of medical science and technology of Gansu Province。
' Study on the Developmental biology and Cell Biology of dental Germs in Fetal Rabbits of experimental Animal’ Teeth ' was awarded the third prize of Medical Science and Technology of Gansu Province。
' Practice and Research on Teaching Reformation of Biomedical Courses' was awarded Teaching Achievement of the Education Department of Gansu Province。
1979.09至1983.06 在西北师范大学生命科学院学习, 获理学学士学位。
19830.7至2004.11 兰州医学院基础部生物学暨遗传学教研室工作。曾参加电镜技术、免疫实验技术、生物实验技术、高分辨染色体技术及应用等培训学习。
2004.12至今 兰州大学基础医学院遗传学研究所工作。从事《细胞生物学》《医学遗传学》的讲授及培养研究生工作。
1979.09至1983.06 studied in Life Science Department of Northwest Normal University; B.S。
1983.07至2004.11 worked in the Biology and Genetics Department of Fundamental Division of Lanzhou Medical College. Trained and studied on eletron microsope technology, immune experimental technology, bio-experimental technology, high resolution chromosome。 technology and application etc。
2004.12至今 working in the Genetics Institute of Fundamental Medical College of Lanzhou University training and instructing graduate students .teaching “Medical Cell Biology” and “Medical Genetics”。
现代口腔医学杂志 2008 Research on Gingival Epithelial Cells Apoptosis of Aggressive Periodentitis JOURNAL OF MODERN STOMATOLOGY 2008。
口腔遗传疾病的遗传方式及其临床表现 中华医药杂志 2006。
Clinical manifestations and genitic modes of oral heriditary diseas CHINESE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2006。
胚兔牙乳头发育生物行为的观察 中国兽医科技 2004。
Observation of biological development behaviour of dental papilla in fetal rebbits CHINESE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2004。
胚兔牙囊发育生物行为的组织形态学观察 中国兽医科技 2003。
The biology behaviour study on the development of Dental sac in fetal rabbits CHINESE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2003。
牙周炎龈组织免疫细胞超微结构的观察 中国医学理论与实践 2003。
Observation on the ultrastrueture of the immune cells ingingival tissue of periodontitis THEORY AND PRACTICE OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2003。
根尖肉芽肿中免疫细胞超微结构的研究 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) 2002。
Observation on the ultrastructure of immune cellsin gingival tissue of periodontitis OURNAL OF LANZHOU UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCES) 2002。
胚兔成釉器发育生物行为的观察 中国兽医科技 2002。
The Biological Behaviour Study on the Development Of Enamel Organ in Fetal Rabbits CHINESE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE
根尖肉芽肿细胞超微结构观察 现代口腔医学杂志2002。
Observation on the ultrastrueture of the cells in periapical granuloma JOURNAL OF MODERN STOMATOLOGY 2002。
胚兔牙板发育的形态学观察 中国兽医科技 2002。
The study on development of Dental Lamina in fetal rabbits CHINESE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2002。
成人牙周炎龈组织内浆细胞的超微结构观察 中华口腔医学杂志 1997
Ultrastructurai morphological observation on the plasma cells in periodontitts-affected human gingival tissue CHIN J STOMATOL 1997。
在校: 张海英 田伟芳 赵 双