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姓 名:白德成
Name: Bai Decheng
职 务:教授
Duty: Professor
一、 科研方向
1、脑红蛋白对慢性进行性脑缺血缺氧的保护作用研究 甘肃省自然科学基金 2.0万
2、慢性进行性脑缺血缺氧与脑红蛋白表达的相关性研究 兰州大学医学基金 0.7万
3、阿司匹林脑保护作用的实验研究 甘肃省新药临床前研究重点实验室创新基金 2.0万元
1、The correlation study of injury of brain cells and high blood viscosity.
2.、The experimental study of brain trauma and blood brain barrier opening.
Reserching project:
1. Protective effect of neuroglobin on chronic anoxia- Ischemic change of the brain
2、The correlation between expression of neuroglobin and anoxia- Ischemic change of the brain
3、The experimental research of brain protection of Aspirin
奖 励:
1、 猫皮质-后索核-脊髓通路的实验形态学研究 甘肃省卫生厅科技成果奖 二等1985.07
2、胚胎脊髓组织移植修复脊髓损伤实验研究 甘肃省卫生厅科技进步奖 三等 1993.06
3、手部神经损伤修复的实验与临床研究 甘肃省科委科技进步奖 三等 1996.04.
4、外科手术学实验教学方法探索 甘肃省政府教学成果奖 二等1997.05
5、大鼠嗅结节与脑干某些核团间的联系 甘肃省卫生厅科技进步奖 三等 1997.08
6、教学、科研、生产为一体的实验动物学教学探索 甘肃省政府教学成果奖 二等1999.12
7、 皮质-脑干核-脊髓系统和皮质-脑干核-小脑系统的形态学研究 甘肃省教育厅科技进步奖 二等2000.12
8、皮质-脑干-脊髓系统的形态学研究 甘肃省科技进步奖 二等2001.4
9、葡萄籽中原花青素对阿霉素增效减毒作用及机理研究 甘肃省科技进步奖 二等 2007.05
honors and awards:
honors:cross-century academic leader in Colleges and Universities of Gansu Province
1、An experimental study on the organization of cortico dorsofuniculo-spinal pathway in the cat. The second prize of Scientific Research Achievements by Health Department of Gansu Province,1985.07
2、Renovation of rat spinal cord injury by transplantation of rat embryo spinal cord tissue .The third prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Health Department of Gansu Province,1993.06
3、The experimental and clinical research therapeutic effect on neural injury in the hand.The third prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Science Committee of Gansu Province,1996.04
4、The research of the course of operative surgery and the way of experimental teaching.The second prize of teaching research in Gansu Province,1997.05
5、Connections between the olfactory tubercle and some of brainstem nuclei in rat.The third prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Health Department of Gansu Province,1997.08
6、The teaching exploration of scientific research, teaching and production combining in laboratory animal science.The second prize of teaching research in Gansu Province,1999.12
7、Morphological study of cortical-brainstem nuclei-spinal system and cortical-brainstem nuclei- cerebellum system. The second prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Education Department of Gansu Province,1997.08
8、Morphological study of cortical-brainstem-spinal system.The second prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Gansu Province, 2001.04
9、Synergy and attenuation of doxorubicin activities by proanthocyanidins from grape seeds The second prize of scientific and technological advance Achievements by Gansu Province, 2007.05
1974年?1977年 原兰州医学院医疗系医疗专业。
1981年?1984年 原兰州医学院神经解剖学专业 硕士研究生。
1977年?1989年 原兰州医学院解剖教研室任助教、讲师。
1990年?2004年 原兰州医学院外科手术学教研室任讲师、副教授,设备处副处长、国资处处长,教学科研仪器报损报废鉴定专家组成员。
2005年?2007年 兰州大学临床医学院外科手术学教研室任教授,实验室与设备管理处处长,教学科研仪器报损报废鉴定专家组成员。
2007年?至 今 兰州大学基础医学院外科手术学教研室任教授,实验室与设备管理处处长,教学科研仪器报损报废鉴定专家组成员。
Resume(including education background, English):
1974至1977 Medical departments medical majors, Lanzhou Medical College。
1978至1984 Neuroanatomical majors,Lanzhou Medical College Postgraduate。
1977至1989 Department of Anatomy, Lanzhou Medical College Assistant and Instructor。
1990至2004 Department of Operative Surgery, Lanzhou Medical College Instructor and Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Equipment Department, Division Chief of State-owned Property Administration, Member of Identification Specialists in reported as loss and discard of Teaching and Scientific Instruments and Facilities。
2005至2007 Department of Operative Surgery of Clinical Medical College Lanzhou University Professor, Division Chief of Laboratory and Equipment Management Department, Member of Identification Specialists in reported as loss and discard of Teaching and Scientific Instruments and Facilities。
2007 until now Department of Operative Surgery of Basic Medical College Lanzhou University Professor, Division Chief of Laboratory and Equipment Management Department, Member of Identification Specialists in reported as loss and discard of Teaching and Scientific Instruments and Facilities。
1984 大脑皮质向三叉神经脊束尾侧亚核的投射
1985 大脑皮质向后索核投射的试验形态学研究
1985 皮质-后索核-脊髓通路的形态学研究
1985 皮质-后索核-脊髓通路的研究现状和简史
1986 中缝核族向嗅前核的投射
1987 臂旁核向大脑皮质的投射
1987 臂旁核-嗅球传入纤维的又一来源
1988 猫Darkschewisch`s核向大脑皮质的投射
1988 脑干神经元向小脑绒球和脊髓的分支投射
1988 The projections of the cerebellar nuclei to the cerebellar cortex and the spinal cord
1990 大鼠视神经传出纤维的HRP法结合荧光追逐法研究
1992 皮质-巨细胞网状核-脊髓通路--HRP结合溃变电镜法研究
1992 局解手术学协作教学的可行性和必要性
1993 单侧胸锁乳突肌缺如一例的巨微观察
1994 局解、手术学协作教学初探
1995 恒河猴皮质脊髓束与脊髓神经元的突触联系
1995 大鼠大脑皮质-下橄榄-小脑通路中的突触复合体
1995 大鼠后根-楔外侧核-小脑传入通路的HRP溃变电镜法研究
1996 SD大鼠皮质小脑前核纤维终扣的电镜观察
1996 兰州医学院SPF小鼠饲育设施的设计与建设
1997 大鼠大脑皮质投向小脑前核纤维的超微结构和突触联系
1997 小鼠25s神经生长因子对大鼠、小鼠受损坐骨神经再生的影响
1997 局解、手术学协作教学效果分析
1997 皮质-PMRN-小脑通路--HRP结合溃变电镜法研究
1997 大鼠PMRN中皮质纤维终末的超微结构观察
1997 大鼠大脑皮质-外侧网状核-小脑通路
1998 皮质-网状-脊髓通路─HRP法结合溃变电镜法研究
1998 皮质脑干纤维终末的超微结构 溃变电镜法研究
1999 大脑皮质-小脑前核-小脑通路-- HRP结合溃变电镜法研究
1999 大白鼠小脑前核中皮质纤维与小脑投射神经元间的突触联系
2003 实验性高粘血症对脑组织丙二醛和超氧化物歧化酶含量的影响
2003 Arsenic trioxide inhibits P-glycoprotein expression of multidrug-resistant human leukemia ells that overexpress mdr-1 gene and induces apoptosis
2003 Sensitization and apoptosis augmentation of K562/ADM cells by anti-multidrug resistance gene peptide nucleic acid and antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide
2004 高血粘度对小鼠脑细胞内游离钙浓度及脑组织丙二醛含量的影响
2004 小鼠脑细胞内游离钙浓度与高血粘度致脑血管病的相关性
2005 高血粘度大鼠血液有形成分及血液流变性的动态观察
2005 Proanthocyanidi from grape seeds enhances doxorubicin- induced antitumor effect and rveres drug resistance in doxorubicin-resistant K562/DOX cells
2005 Proanthocyanidin from grape seeds enhances anti-tumor effect of doxorubicin both in vitro and in vivo
2008 外源性锌对缺氧神经元的保护作用
2008 化学性缺氧致大鼠脑细胞[Ca2+]i和脑红蛋白表达变化及阿司匹林干预研究
赵秉江(教师) 程 菊(教师) 赵丽霞(学生)