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姓 名 | 马建明 | ||
性 别 | 男 | ||
最高学历 | 研究生 | ||
最高学位 | 博士 | ||
职 务 | 环境科学系主任 | ||
职 称 | ****”特聘教授 | ||
联系方式 | jianminma@lzu.edu.cn | ||
所在部门 | 兰州大学资源环境学院 | ||
研究方向 | 1.持久性有机污染物和重金属环境归趋,大气长距离迁移,源汇关系及健康风险数值模拟 2. 气候变化和持久性有机污染物的生物地球化学循环过程及其对生态环境和水生生物的影响 3. 大气复合污染,灰霾和光化学烟雾的生成机制和源-汇关系研究 4. 大气污染与健康风险评估和预报 5.干旱半干旱区城市有机气溶胶生成机制 6.大气边界层和湍流参数化及其对大气污染的影响 |
学习经历 | 于1995年在澳大利亚James Cook大学获得大气与环境物理博士学位,1995-1997在加拿大环境部空气质量研究所做博士后 | ||
工作经历 | 1980-1990在新疆气象局天气预报中心工作 1998年起至今在加拿大环境部空气质量研究所担任研究员(1998-至今) 2013- 兰州大学国家“****”特聘教授,博士生导师 |
主讲课程 | |||
学术组织兼职 | 美国地球物理学会会员,美国-加拿大关于防止五大湖有毒物质条约(Great Lakes Binational Toxic Strategy, GLBTS)长距离迁移工作组加方主席; 联合国环境保护署(UNEP)斯德哥尔摩公约气候和大气专家组成员(2008-2010);联合国欧洲经济理事会(UNECE)关于空气污染物全球输运特别工作组(Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants, TF HTAP)成员,HTAP2012至2015年评估报告计划组成员; “Air, Soil & Water Research”期刊编委及20几个SCI期刊的审稿人; 美国自然科学基金(the US NSF);加拿大自然科学和工程委员会(NSERC);捷克科学院,罗马尼亚科学院, 欧共体航空大气检测委员会(European Facility For Airborne Research).等国家研究项目申请的评审人,内容涵盖了土壤侵蚀,黑碳,汞、持久性有机污染物的生物地球化学循环等。 |
研究成果 | 长期从事跨多学科的环境与地球科学领域相关科学研究,包括的大气及水环境污染数值模拟及排放清单,数学和数值方法在大气污染物迁移模式中的应用,持久性毒物: 包括POPs(持久性有机污染物,Persistent Organic Pollutants)和重金属、常规污染物等大气传输模式开发;区域尺度持久性毒物大气迁移、沉降及跨区域和全球长距离输送,源汇响应等环境过程模拟,尤其在中小尺度、区域尺度、全球尺度大气传输模式及大气-海洋耦合模式开发研究及中小尺度、区域尺度及全球尺度污染物大气跨境输送及生物地球化学循环等模拟,中小尺度大气环流数值模拟,空气污染物大气边界层和湍流扩散过程研究方面具有非常丰富的经验,是POPs大气迁移和气候影响研究领域内全球知名的专家。在国际SCI期刊等发表近90篇科学论文、政府及国际学术组织科学报告。 从理论上推导出非中性大气边界层大气动量和热量通量以及干沉积速度在混合地表条件下的参数化方法;沙暴条件下风速垂直剖面的变化及其与沙地表面的相互作用,并首次将变分方法应用于反演计算地表粗糙度、冯•卡曼常数、及大气污染物通量。 于90年代开发建立的三维大气,水,土壤耦合大气输运模式CanMETOP (Canadian Model for Environmental Transport of Organochlorine Pesticides)是当时国际上最先进的POPs及重金属大气迁移模式之一。该模式在2006年底引入中国,在多所高校和中科院科研机构的合作研究中得到广泛应用:数值模拟典型POPs(多环芳烃、有机氯农药等)等污染物在大气中的迁移归趋及长距离输送行为,以及这些污染物对人体健康的影响与风险评估。 近10年来对全球气候变化及全球变暖对POPs迁移、归趋等行为影响及POPs生态环境效应对气候变化的响应,和全球气候变化对陆地环境生物地球化学及水循环的影响等给予了特别的关注,并开展了一系列开创性的研究工作,马建民博士于2004年在环境科学与技术杂志(ES&T)首次发表了全球气候变化影响POPs环境归趋的证据和研究成果,成为国际上研究气候变化和POPs关系的开创者。他建立了世界上首个模拟长期气候变化影响POPs多环境介质交换和长期趋势的扰动数学模型,并将此模式和理论延伸到模拟气候变化在生态环境及野生生物与人类对有机污染物风险暴露中的作用。他从理论和观测数据的统计分析中首次发现证明了北极变暖和海冰融化导致长期聚集冰封在北极寒冷环境的POPs重返回大气。这些研究成果在 Nature Clim. Change(自然•气候变化),Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research等国际著名期刊发表后,并被自然,环境科学与技术,美国化学学会环境科学与工程等杂志重点介绍,在国际上引起强烈反响,被国际和中国著名媒体,如英国卫报,纽约时报,路透社,加通社,法新社,新科学家(New Scientist),中国日报(China Daily), 人民网等上百个媒体,十多种语言报道。近年来,气候变化与POPs区域归趋行为及生态响应等相互作用方面研究已成为国际上环境与地球科学领域的前沿和热点研究内容。 |
获得荣誉 | 澳大利亚海外合作委员会优秀外国博士奖学金(Australia ADCSS outstanding foreign postgraduate students scholarship, 1992-1994)获得者,加拿大自然科学和工程委员会(NSERC)联邦政府实验室访问研究员(Canadian Government Laboratory Visiting Fellowship, 1995-1997) | ||
在研项目 | 自2002年起作为项目主持人已完成六个加拿大环境部研究项目,一个国际极地年项目。目前主持在研项目为 1兰州白银区域大气污染治理研究(2013-2015,“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金” 重大需求培育项目) 2气候变化对渤海多介质环境典型POPs的归趋行为和水生食物网暴露风险的影响研究 (2014-2017,自然科学基金4137147) |
发表论文 |
Since 1995 1. Ma, J., Sverko E., Su, Y., Zhang,J., Gao, H (2013) Uptake and Mobilization of Organic Chemicals with Clouds: Evidence from a Hail Sample. Environ. Sci Technol. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es401401u.
2. Huang, T., Li, X., Tian, C., Yang, X., Wang, L., Zhao, Y., Ma, J., Gao, H. (2013) Gridded inventories of historical usage for selected organochlorine pesticides in Gansu Province, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1572-6
3. Tian, H., Guo, Q.,Fang, L., Huang, T., Wu, J., Ma, J., Gao, H. (2013) Simulation of multimedia transfer and fate of endosulfan in semi-arid area: A case study in Lanzhou, a valley-basin city in Western China]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,33(4):1110-1117.
4. Mao, X., Ding, Z., Ma, Z., Ma, J., Huang, T., Gao, H., Guo, Q., Tian, H. (2013) Typical organochlorine pesticides residues in top soils and ecological risk of Lanzhou surrounding areas, China. Environ. Chem. (in Chinese) 32, 3.
5, Guo, Q., Tian, H., Mao, X., Ding, Z., Ma, Z., Huang, T., Wu, J., Ma, J., Gao, H. (2013) Soil pollution characteristics of hexachlorobenzene in Gansu Province and its neighboring regions. China Environ Sci. (In Chinese) ,33(3):455-460.
6. Xu, Y.,Tian, C. ,Ma, J.,Wang ,X., Li, J.,Tang, J., Chen, Y., Qin, W., Zhang, G.(2013) Assessing Cancer Risk in China from γ‑Hexachlorocyclohexane Emitted from Chinese and Indian Sources. Environ. Sci Technol. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es400141e.
7. Bidleman, T.F., Jantunen, L. M, Kurt-Karakus, P. B., Wong, F., Hung, H., Ma, J., Stern, G., Rosenberg, B. (2013) Chiral chemicals as tracers of atmospheric sources and fate processes in a world of changing climate. Mass Spectro. 2, DOI: 10.5702/massspectrometry.S0019.
8. Ma, J., Hung, H (2012) Arctic contaminants and climate change. Nature Clim Change, 2, 829-830. doi:10.1038/nclimate1750.
9. Perrie, W., Long, Z., Hung, H., Cole, A., Steffen, A., Dastoor, A., Durnford, D., Ma, J., Bottenheim,m J. W., Netcheva, S., Staebler, R., Drummond, J. R., O'Neill, N. T. (2012) Selected topics in Arctic atmosphere and climate. Clim. Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-012- 0493-6.
10. Xu, Y. Tian, C., Ma, J., Zhang, G., Li, Y., Ming, L., Li, J., Chen, J. Tang, J. (2012) Assessing environmental fate of β-HCH in Asian soil and association with environmental factors. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 9525−9532.
11. Wang, R. Tao S. Wang, W., Shen, H., Shen, G., Wang, B., Liu, X., Li, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Zhu, D., Wang, X., Li, B., Liu, W., Liu, J., Ma, J. (2012) Black carbon emissions in China from 1949 to 2050. Environ. Sci. Technol. dx.doi.org/10.1021/ es3003684.
12. Daggupaty, S., Ma, J. (2012) A numerical investigation of endosulfan impact to the Great Lakes ecosystem. Air Pollut Modeling Appli XXI. 4, 257-261. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1359-8_43.
13. Tian, C., Ma, J, Chen, Y., Liu, L., Ma, W., Li, Y. (2012) Assessing and forecasting atmospheric outflow of α-HCH from China on intra-, inter- and decadal timescales. Environ. Sci. Technol. doi.org/10.1021/es20285.
14. Ma, J., Hung, H., Tian, C., Kallenborn, R. (2011). Revolatilization of persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic induced by climate change. Nature Clim. Change. DOI:10.1038/NCLIMAT1167。
15. Cao, Z., Ma, J., Wu, A. (2011) Summer severe wind frequency over Ontario, Canada: Trend, variability, and relationship with tropical Pacific sea surface temperature, J. Geophy. Res (in press).
16. Zhang, Y. Tao, S, Ma, J. Simonich, S (2011) Transpacific transport of Benzo[a]pyrene emitted from Asia. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 11993–12006.
17. Cheng, Y., Shoeib, M., Ahrens, L., Harner, T., Ma, J. (2011) Wastewater treatment plants and landfills emit volatile methyl siloxanes (VMSs) to the atmosphere: Investigations using a new passive air sampler. Environ. Pollut. Doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.07.002.
18. Tian, C., Liu, L., Ma, J., Tang, J., Li, Y. (2011). Modeling outflow of a-HCH from Chinese soil induced by environment factors. Environ. Pollut. Doi:10.1010/j_envpol2011.04.031.
19. Zhang, Y., Shen, H., Tao, S., Ma, J. (2011). Modeling the atmospheric transport and outflow of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from China. Atmos. Environ. 45, 2820-2827.
20. Ma, J, Cao, J. (2010) Quantifying the perturbations of persistent organic pollutants induced by climate change. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 8567-8573.
21. Ma, J. (2010) Atmospheric transport of persistent semi-volatile organic chemicals to the Arctic and cold condensation in the mid-troposphere: Part 1: 2D modeling in mean atmosphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys 10, 7303-7314..
22. Zhang, L., Ma, J., Tian, C. Li, Y. (2010) Atmospheric transport of persistent semi-volatile organic chemicals to the Arctic and cold condensation in the mid-troposphere: Part 2. 3D modeling of episodic atmospheric transport. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10, 7315-7324.
23. Gao, H., Ma, J., Cao, Z., Dove, A., Zhang, L. (2010) Trend and climate signals in seasonal air concentration of organochlorine pesticides over the Great Lakes. J. Geophys. Res. 10.1029/ 2009JD013627.
24. Yao, Y., Harner, T., Su, K., Brice, K. A., Blanchard, P., Ma, J. (2010) A captured episode of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane air pollution in the Toronto area after the Canadian lindane ban. Air Pollu. Res. 1, 168-176.
25. Li, Y., Harner, T., Ren, N, Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Jia, H., Ma, J., Sverko, E. (2010) Polychlorinated Biphenyls in global air and surface soil: Distributions, air-soil exchange, and fractionation effect. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 2784-2790.
26. Wang, R., Tao, S., Wang, B., Yang, Y., Lang, C., Zhang, Y., Hu, J., Ma, J., Hung, H. (2010) Sources and pathways of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons transported to Alert, the Arctic. Environ. Sci. Technol.
27. Wang, X., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Ding, Q., Xi, L., Ma, J., Li, Y., Liu, Y. Cheng, C. (2009) Characteristics and sources of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Shanghai, China. Environ. Mon. Ass., DOI: 10.1007/s10661-009-0946-1
28. Tian, C., Ma, J., Liu, L., Jia, H., Xu, D., Li. Y. (2009) A modeling assessment of association between East Asian summer monsoon and fate/outflow of a-HCH in Northeast Asia. Atmos. Environ. 43, 3891 – 3901.
29. Tian, C., Li, Y., Wu, H., Ma, J. (2009) Modelling historical budget of α-hexachlorocyclohexane in Taihu Lake, China. Chemosphere, 43(25): 3891-3901.
30. Cao, Z., Ma, J. (2009) Summer severe rainfall frequency trend and variability over Ontario, Canada. J. App. Meteorol. Clim. 48, 1955-1960.
31. Zhang, Y., Tao, S., Shen, H., Ma, J. (2009) Inhalation exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk of Chinese population. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 106, 21063 -21067
32. Tian, C., Ren, N., Ma, J, Li, Y. (2009) Simulation and validation of γ -HCH soil residues in global major pollution regions in 2005. China Environ. Sci. 29(8):785-789.
33. Tian, C., Ren, N., Ma, J., Li, Y. (2009) Assessing the effect of global lindane soil residues and loading on Chinese environment. China Environ. Sci. 29(9):897-901.
34. Tian, C., Li, Y., Ma, J., (2009) Simulation of long-term transfer and fate of a-HCH in the Taihu Lakes region, China. Acta Sci. Circums. 29, 1-15.
35. Tian, C., Ma, W., Xu. D., Ma, J., Li, Y. (2009) Modeling the impact of East Asian Monsoon on spatial-temporal distribution of a-HCH in the atmosphere in eastern China. Environ. Chem., 28(6), 375-401.
36. Jia, H., Li, Y.,Wang, D., Cai, D., Yang, M., Ma., J., Hu, J. (2009) Endosulfan in China 1. Gridded usage inventories. Environ. Sci. Pollu. Res. 16, 295-301.
37. Jia, H, Li, Y., Wang, D., Yang, M., Ma, J., Cai, D. (2009) Endosulfan in China 2. Emissions and residues. Environ. Sci. Pollu. Res., 16, 302-311.
38. Cao, Z., Ma, J. (2009) A variational method for computation of sensible heat flux over the Arctic sea ice. J. Atmos. Oceanic Techno. 26, 838-845.
39. Zhang, Y., Ma, J, Cao, Z. (2008) The von Kármán constant retrieved from CASES-97 dataset using a variational method. Atmos. Chem Phys. 8, 13667–13688.
40. Zhang, L., Ma, J, Venkatesh, S., Li, Y., Cheung, P. (2008) Modeling evidence of episodic intercontinental long-range Transport of Lindane. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 8791-8797.
41. Zhang, Z., Liu, L., Li, Y., Wang, D., Jia, H., Harner, T., Sverko, E., Wan, X., Xu, D., Ren, N., Ma, J., Pozo, K. (2008) Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in concurrently sampled Chinese air and surface soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 6514-6518.
42. Yao, Y., Harner, T. Ma, J., Tuduri, L., Blanchard, P. (2008) Sources and occurrence of Dacthal in the Canadian atmosphere. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 688-694.
43. Li, Q., Zhang, H., Luo, Y., Song, J., Wu, L., Ma, J. (2007) Residues of DDTS and their spatial distribution characteristics in soils from the Yangtze River Delta, China. Environ. Toxi. Chem. 27, 24-30.
44. Ren, N., Que, M., Yi-Fan Li, Liu, Y., Wan, X., Xu, D, Sverko, E., Ma, J. (2007) Polychlorinated biphenyls in Chinese surface soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 3871-3876
45. Ma, J., Li, Y., Harner, T. Cao, Z. (2007) Assessing the relationship between extensive use of organochlorine pesticides and 20th century cooling trend in the southeastern United States. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 7209-7214.
46. Ma, J., Li, Y. (2006) Interannual variation of persistent organic pollutants over the Great Lakes induced by tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies. J. Geophys Res, 111, D04302, doi:10.1029/2005JD006014.
47. Daggupaty, S. M., Banic, C. M., Cheung, P., Ma, J. (2006) Numerical simulation of air concentration and deposition of particulate metals around a copper smelter in northern Quebec, Canada. Geochemistry: Explor., Environ., Anal. 6, 2-3, 139-146.
48. Cao, Z, Ma, J., Wayne R. R. (2006) Improving computation of sensible heat flux over a water surface using the variational method. J. Hydrometeorol., 7, 678-686.
49. Ma, J., Venkatesh, S., Li, Y., Daggupaty, S. M. (2005), Tracking toxaphene in the North American Great Lakes basin – 1. Impact of toxaphene residues in the U.S. soils. Environ. Sci. Technol, 39, 8132-8141.
50. Ma, J., Venkatesh, S., Li, Y., Cao, Z., Daggupaty, S. M. (2005), Tracking toxaphene in the North American Great Lakes basin – 2. A strong episodic long-range transport event. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39, 8123-8131.
51. Cao, Z., Ma, J. (2005) An application of the variational method to computation of sensible heat flux over a deciduous forest. J. Appl. Meteorol., 44, 144-152.
52. Hung, H., Blanchard, P., Halsall, C. J., Bidleman, T. F, Stern, G. A., Fellin, P., Muir, D. C. G., Barrie, L. A., Jantunen, L. M., Helm, P. A., Ma, J., Konoplev, A. (2005) Temporal and spatial variabilities of atmospheric POPs in the Canadian Arctic: Results from a decade of monitoring. Sci. Total Environ. 342, 119-144.
53. Li, Y., Struger, J., Waite, D., Ma, J. (2004) Gridded Canadian lindane usage inventories with 1/6o x 1/4o latitude and longitude resolution. Atmos. Environ. 38, 1117-1121.
54. Ma, J., Cao, Z., Hung, H.(2004) North Atlantic Oscillation signatures in the atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants-An analysis using Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network-Great Lakes data. J. Geophys Res, 109, doi: 10.1029/2003JD004435.
55. Li, Y., Macdonald, R. W, Ma, J., Hung, H. Venkatesh, H. (2004) Historical -HCH Budget in the Arctic Ocean: The Arctic Mass Balance Box Model (AMBBM). Sci. Total Environ. 324, 115-139.
56. Ma, J., Hung, H., Blanchard, P. (2004) How do climate fluctuations affect persistent organic pollutant distribution in North America? Evidence from a decade of air monitoring. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 2538-2543
57. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M., Harner, T., Pierrette, P., Waite, D. (2004) Impacts of lindane usage in the Canadian prairies on the Great Lakes ecosystem - 2: Modeled dry, wet depositions and net gas exchange fluxes, and loadings to the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38, 984-990.
58. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M., Harner, H. Li, Y. F. (2003) Impacts of lindane usage in the Canadian
prairies on the Great Lakes ecosystem - 1: Coupled atmospheric transport model and modeled concentrations in air and soil. Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 3774-3781. 59. Daggupaty, S. M., Banic, C. M., Ma, J., Cheung, P. (2003) Numerical simulation of air concentration and deposition of metals emitted from power plant with a boundary layer forecast model and air pollution prediction system (BLFMAPS). J. Phys., 107, 341-344, doi: 10.1051/jp4:20020311.
60. Ma, J., Li, Y., Poissant, L. (2003) Estimation of emissions of g-hexachlorcyclohexane from the Great Lakes St. Lawrence ecosystem using a coupled efficient Kalman filter-atmospheric transport-soil mode0., Environ. Modelling & Assessment, 8, 71-84.
61. Ma, J., Venkatesh S., Jantunen L. M. M. (2003) Evidence of the impact of ENSO events on temporal trends of Hexachlorobenzene air concentrations over the Great Lakes. Sci. Total Environ. 313/1-3, 177-184.
62. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M. (2001) Computing surface concentration fluxes of trace gases from a variational method using measured variance and single level concentration data. Atmos. Environ. 35, 609-616.
63. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M. (2000) Effective dry deposition velocities for gases and particles over heterogeneous terrain. J. Appl. Meteorol. 39, 1379-1390.
64. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M. (2000), Using all observed information in a variational approach in measuring z0m and z0t. J. Appl. Meteorol. 39, 1391-1401.
65. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M. (2000) An analytic study of the effects of saltation on wind profiles. Environ. Modelling & Assessment. 5, 205-215
66. Ma, J., Daggupaty, S. M. (1998) Stability dependence of height scales and effective roughness lengths of momentum and heat transfer over roughness changes. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 49, 322-341.
67. Ma, J. and Daggupaty, S. M. (1998) A generalized analytical solution for turbulent dispersion with inhomogeneous wind and diffusion coefficients. Environ. Modelling & Assessment, 3, 239-248.
68. Ma, J. (1997), Numerical modelling of a sea-breeze circulation over Cleveland Bay. Aust. Met. Mag., 46, 1-13.
69. Ma, J. and Robson, R. E. (1995) Turbulent dispersion of pollutants over complex terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 72, 149-175.
70. Ma, J. and Robson, R. E. (1995) An adaptive pseudospectral solution for atmospheric diffusion problems. J. Appl. Meteorol. 34, 955-970.
1. Ma, J. Lead author of chapter “Climate Effects on Transport/Deposition” and coauthoring other two chapters/sections on climate and pole-ward atmospheric transport modeling. The third Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report (CACARIII), 2013.
2. Ma, J. Coauthoring and key member of expert group for the UNEP/AMAP report “Climate change and POPs: Predicting the Impacts” (http://chm.pops.int/), March 2011。
3. Ma, J. Lead author of the sections on climate change and POPs in the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (TF HTAP) and the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe (UNCEC) 2010 assessment report for POPs (http://www.htap.org/).
4. Ma, J. Lead author of atmospheric modeling chapter “PBDE Atmospheric Modeling: Impact of Global Emissions on Canadian Environments” in Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers: A Case Study of Environmental Trends in Canada. Chemical Management Plan, Government of Canada, May 2010.
5. Ma, J., Contributing to Long Range Transport (Regional and Global Environmental Transport) in First Regional Monitoring Report - Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants under the Stockholm Convention (UNEP)on POPs Article 16, UNEP. Jan. 2009
6. Ma, J., Venkatesh, S. Progress towards long-range transport challenge. Dec. 2008. GLBTS 2008 annual newsletters. (http://www.epa.gov/bns/glbts2008newsltr draft.pdf)
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