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流域(区域)尺度水文过程与规律研究、水文与水资源模型研制, 水资源时空分布、演化及可持续发展;非点源模型开发与应用; 农业灌溉及生态系统保护;中美水资源政策比较分析。
1985.01-1986.08:西北农业大学农学系, 助教(Asst. Lecturer);
1986.09-1990.08:美国密西根州立大学(Michigan State University),研究助理(Research Asst.);
1990.09-1994.08:美国密西根州立大学,客座助理教授(Visiting Asst. Prof.);
1994.09-1995.07:美国圣客芬德州立大学(St. Cloud State University),助理教授(Asst. Prof.);
1995.08-2005.07:美国西密西根大学(Western Michigan University),助理教授至副教授(Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof);
2001.09-2002.08:美国海洋气象管理局(NOAA),研究员(Senior Research Associate)(Sabbatical leave).
2005.08-至 今:美国西密西根大学(Western Michigan University),教授.
2011 - 至 今:兰州大学“****”特聘教授,旱区流域科学与水资源研究中心主任.
江西师范大学鄱阳湖生态环境与资源发展教育部重点实验室客座教授 (2005-2006)
西北农业大学客座教授 (1995-1998)
European Journal of Environment,(2011-)
Science China Earth Sciences (English edition, Springer, 2012- )(SCI 收录刊物)
Journal of Resources and Ecology (English edition),2010-)
Chinese Geographical Science (English edition), 2009-)(China, Springer) (SCI 收录刊物)
《兰州大学学报-自然科学版》编委(Journal of Lanzhou University Natural Sciences Edition,2015-)
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions (English edition), 2009-)
《资源科学》编委(Resources Science,2001-2014)(The Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2015-至今. 中国科学技术部评审专家。
2001-至今:美国科学发展协会会员(member, American Association for the Advancement of Science<AAAS>)
2008-2010:美国地理学家协会水资源专业委员会主任(Chair, AAG (Association of American Geographers) Water Resources Specialty Group)
2006-2008:美国地理学家协会水资源专业委员会秘书长兼司库(Secretary & Treasurer, AAG Water Resources Specialty Group)
2004-2006:美国地理学家协会水资源专业委员会常务理事(Executive Board member, AAG Water Resources Specialty Group)
2003-2004:美国地理学家协会水资源专业委员会评奖委员会委员(Member, AAG Water Resources Specialty Group Award Committee)
2012-至今:国际水文学协会会员 (International Association of Hydrological Science)
2010-至今:美国地球物理协会会员(American Geophysical Union)
1990-至今:美国水资源协会委员(Member, American Water Resources Association)
1995-至今:美国大学教授协会会员(Member, American Association of University Professors)
2013-至今:中国地球科学促进会会员(member,International Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences)
2013-至今: 中国生态学会理事
2006-2008:中美协会常务理事(Board of Director, The U.S. – China Institute)
2000-2001:中国地理信息(GIS)科学协会(海外) 常务理事(Board of Director, The Association of Chinese Professionals in GIS (Overseas))
提出了流域是水文水资源分析的基本系统和单元,必须采用系统科学的理论与方法分析点源和非点源污染物在流域系统中的产生、传输和沉积过程和规律的重要学术观点; 开发了基于ArcView 界面的农业面源污染模型(AVNPSM)与技术,已在12个国家46个部门得到应用与好评;与美国海洋气象管理局(NOAA)五大湖环境研究实验室合作研究、开发出大流域分布式水文水质模型(DLBRM),已经在北美40多个流域,中国西北黑河流域和其它国家得到成功应用;于九十年代将非点源污染国际前沿理论和方法最先系统地介绍到中国,1998年发表的《非点源污染的管理与控制》被引用640多次,在学术界产生较大影响。
III. 提出了兼顾生态保护及粮食生产的农业灌溉理论与分析模式
2014. 国际地理联合会(IGU)水资源专业委员会水资源可持续发展大会慝邀报告“Heterogeneity of soil moisture and the environmental factors in the Upper Reach of the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China” at Dubrovnik, Croatia(克罗地亚), Aug.24-28, 2014.
2013. 秘鲁天主教大学气候变化与灾害预防国际会议特邀报告 “Climate change and water resources sustainability in arid regions” ,MAGNA 2013 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in Lima, Peru, November 11-13, 2013, 利马, 秘鲁, 2013年11月11-13日。
2011:中国自然资源学会年会大会特邀报告 “流域科学和水资源管理”,乌鲁木齐,2011年7月25-27日.
2011:土耳其国际环境保护与规划大会特邀报告 “水资源域和北美五大湖地区水质管理“2011年6月28-29日. (Plenary speaker, “Hydrological Resource Sheds and Water Quality Management in North America’s Great Lakes Watersheds”, International Symposium on Environmental Protection and Planning (ISEPP): Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) Applications, Izmir, Turkey, 6/28-29, 2011.
2009:美国国务院富布莱特高级专家奖(U.S. Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, U.S. Department of State)
2009:中国科学院寒旱所国际合作研究成就奖(Outstanding Achievement Award in collaborative research by The Chinese Academy of Sciences Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI)(Lanzhou))
2007:西密西根大学文理学院研究创造学术成就奖(Western Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Achievement Award in Research and Creative Activity)
2005:中国科学院海外著名学者(Outstanding Overseas Scholar<one of the 113 awardees worldwide>, The Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2004:美国Phi Kappa Phi荣誉学会会员(Member, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, USA)
2001:美国国家研究委员会/国家海洋气象管理局高级研究员奖(National Research Council/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Senior Research Associateship Award)
2001:美国名人榜(Marquis Who’s Who 55th-58th edition), 科学与工程名人榜(Who’s Who in Science and Engineering) since 2001)
2000:西密西根大学文理学院教研奖(WMU College of Arts and Sciences Teaching and Research Award)
1998:西密西根大学环境研究激励奖(WMU Environmental Research Incentive Award)
1997:国家自然科学基金海外中国学者回国研究奖学金(The National Natural Science Foundation of China Returning Overseas Chinese Scholar Academic Fellowship)
1997:西密西根大学校长研究奖(Western Michigan University President Special Research Grant)
1995:西密西根大学文理学院院长优秀奖(Western Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Appreciation Award)
1991-1992:密西根州立大学国际领袖计划奖(International Leadership Program award, Michigan State University)
1991:美国水资源协会最佳学生论文竞赛奖(American Water Resources Association Best Student Paper Competition Award)
1990:Phi Beta Delta国际学者荣誉学会会员(Member, Phi Beta Delta International Scholars Honor Society)
1988:密西根州立大学Thoman奖学金获得者(Thoman Fellowship, Michigan State University)
2012-2015,负责国家自然科学基金重点项目,“黑河上游土壤水文异质性观测试验及其对山区水文过程的影响”(91125010)(260 万元)。
2010-2015 , 科技部973 项目“气候变化对西北干旱区水循环影响机理与水资源安全研究” 子课题 “气候变化对西北干旱区水循环过程的影响”(2010CB951002);
2008-2009,西密西根大学地理系Milton E. & Ruth M. Scherer基金会;负责“通过流域内水资源分配与节水解决中国西北地区黑河水资源短缺问题”($46,786).
2007-2008,NOAA五大湖生态系统预测,负责“以点源和面源数据分析为基础建立美国五大湖流域分布式水文水质模型” ($35,640).
2007-2013,参与美国NOAA海岸海洋计划,发展应对管理模式-揭示多重因子对海岸生态系统影响 ($369万美元)。
2006-2012,参与美国NOAA海岸海洋计划,“伊利湖缺氧原因、结果及潜在解决方案预测”($220 万美元)。
2005-2009,参与中国科学院国际知识创新团队,“黑河流域地表过程基础研究”,(CXTD-Z2005-2)(600 万元)。
Li, Xin, Ganlin Zhang and Chansheng He. 2015. Editorial: Watershed science: Brigdging new advances in hydrological science with good management of river basins. Science China Earth Sciences, 58(1-2):1-2, DOI:10.1007/s11430-014-5037-7.
Jin, X, L. Zhang, J. Gu, C. Zhao, J. Tian and C. He*. 2015. Modeling the Impacts of Spatial Heterogeneity in Soil Hydraulic Properties on Hydrologic Process in the Upper Reach of the Heihe River in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Hydrological Processes (SCI) DOI:10.1002/hyp.10437. (*corresponding author).
Zhang, X., L. Zhang, C. He*, J. Li, and Y. Jiang. 2014. Quantifying the impacts of land use/ land cover change on groundwater depletion in Northwestern China - a case study of the DunhuangOasis. Agricultural Water Management (SCI) 146:270-279
He, C, L. Zhang, C. DeMarchi, and T.E. Croley II. 2014. Estimating Spatial Distribution of Point and Nonpoint Sources Pollution Loads in the Saginaw Bay Watersheds Journal of Great Lakes Research Supplement 40 (2014) 11–17,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2014.01.013 .
Tang, Q., C. He, X. He, Y. Bao, R. Zhong and A. Wen. 2014. Farmers’ sustainable strategies of soil conservation on sloping arable lands in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China .Sustainability 2014 (6):4795-4806; doi:10.3390/su6084795 (SCI) .
Fu, Li, L. Zhang, and C. He*. 2014. Analysis of Agricultural Land Use Change in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI), 11(3):2678-2712, doi:10.3390/ijerph110302698 .
Zhang, L., S. Wang , C. He*, K. Shang ,L.Meng, X.Li, and B. M. Lofgren. 2014. A new method for instant correction of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Science China -Earth Sciences(SCI),57(1): 1–14, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4957-6.
Zhang, LanHui, Shigong Wang , Yu Zhang, ChanSheng He*, Xin Jin. 2014. Development of an instant correction and display system of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Chinese Geographical Science (SCI) DOI:10.1007/s11769-014-0672-7.
Yang, F., Z. Xu, Y. Zhu, C. He, G. Wu, J Qiu, Q. Fu, & Q. Liu. 2013. Evaluation of agricultural nonpoint source pollution potential risk over China with a Transformed-Agricultural Nonpoint Pollution Potential Index method. Environmental Technology (SCI) DOI:10.1080/09593330.2013.796008.
Xu, YD, BJ FU, and CS He. 2013. Assessing the hydrological effect of the check dams in the Loess Plateau, China, by model simulations. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. (SCI), 17: 2185–2193.
Li, Yi, S. Liu, Z. Liao, and C. He. 2012. Comparison of two methods for estimation of soil water content from measured reflectance. Canadian Journal of Soil Science (SCI)(2012) 92: 1-13, doi:10.4141/CJSS2011-114 .
Su, C.-h., Bo-Jie Fu, C. He, Yi-He Lü . 2012. Variation of ecosystem services and human activities: A case study in the Yanhe Watershed of China, Acta Oecologica (SCI) , 44(2012):46-57.
Xu, Y.D., B.J. Fu, C.S. He, and G.Y. Gao. 2012. Watershed discretization based on multiple factors and its application in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. (SCI) 16:59-68, doi:10.5194/hess-16-59-012.
Fu, B., Yu Liu, Yihe Lu, C. He, Yuan Zeng and, B. Wu. 2011. Assessing the soil erosion control service of ecosystems change in the Loess Plateau of China. Ecological Complexity (SCI) 8 : 284–293.
Wang, Shuai, B. Fu, C. He, G. Sun, and G. Gao.. 2011. A Comparative Analysis of Forest Cover and Catchment Water Yield Relationships in Northern China. Forest Ecology and Management (SCI), 262 ( 7): 1189-1198 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.06.013 .
Wang, Xili, L. Fu, and C. He. 2011. Applying Support Vector Regression to Water Quality Modeling by Remote Sensing Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI) 32 (23):8615-8627.
He, C. and T.E. Croley. 2010. Hydrological Resource Sheds and the U.S. Great Lakes Applications. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 1(1):25-30.
DeMarchi, Carlo, Fei Xing, Thomas E. Croley II, Chansheng He, Yaping Wang. 2011. Application of a Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model to Lake Erie: Model Calibration and Analysis of Parameter Spatial Variation. J. of Hydrologic Engineering(SCI), 16((3):193-202 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) HE.1943-5584.0000304).
Liu, Lei, Y. Luo, C. He, J. Lai, and X. Li. 2010. Role of the Dual Functional Canals in Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Irrigation Districts along the Lower Yellow River, China. Journal of Hydrology (SCI) Vol. 391( 1-2):157-174) .
He, C., X. He, and L. Fu. 2010. China’s South-to-North Water Transfer Project: Is It Needed? Geography Compass 4/9: 1312-1323, 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2010.00375.x.
He, C. and C. DeMarchi. 2010. Modeling Spatial Distributions of Point and Nonpoint Source Pollution Loadings in the Great Lakes Watersheds. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 2(1):24-30.
Fu, B., Yafeng Wang, Yihe Lu, C. He, Liding Chen, and Chenjun Song. 2009. The effects of land-use combinations on soil erosion: a case study in the Loess. Plateau of China . Progress in Physical Geography (SCI) 33 (6): 793-804.
He, C., C. DeMarchi, T. E. Croley, Q. Feng, and T. Hunter. 2009. Modeling the Hydrology of the Heihe Watershed in Northwestern China. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, Vol.31 (3):410-421.
Luo, Y., C. He, M. Sophocleous, Z. Yin, and H. Ren. 2008. Assessment of Crop Growth and Soil Water Modules in SWAT2000 Using Extensive Field Experiment Data in the Irrigation District of the Yellow River Basin. Journal of Hydrology (SCI) (352):139-156.
Croley, T. E., II, D. F. Raikow, C. He, and J. F. Atkinson, 2008. Hydrological Resource Sheds. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol.13 (9):873-885.
He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2007. Application of a Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model in the Great Lakes Basin. Control Engineering Practice (SCI)Vol. 15 (8): 1001-1011.
Croley, T.E. II. and C. He, 2006. Watershed Surface and Subsurface Spatial Intraflows. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol.11 (1):12-20.
He, C. S. Cheng, and Y. Luo. 2005. Desiccation of the Yellow River and the South Water Northward Diversion Project. Water International (SCI) Vol. 30 (2):261-268.
Croley, T.E.II.and C.He. 2005. Distributed-Parameter Large Basin Runoff Model I: Model Development. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol. 10 (3):173-181.
Croley, T.E. II., C. He, and D.H. Lee. 2005. Distributed-Parameter Large Basin Runoff Model II: Application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (SCI) Vol. 10 (3):182-191.
He, C. 2003. Integration of GIS and Simulation Model for Watershed Management. Environmental Modeling and Software (SCI), Vol. 18(8-9): 809-813 .
He, C., C. Shi, C. Yang, and B.P. Agosti. 2001. A Windows-Based GIS-AGNPS Interface. J. of The American Water Resources Association (SCI), Vol. 37 (2):395-406.
He, C., S.B. Malcolm, K.A. Dahlberg, and B. Fu. 2000. A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Hydrological and Biological Indicators into Watershed Management. Landscape and Urban Planning (SSCI) , Vol.49(2):25-34.
He, C. 1999.Assessing Regional Crop Irrigation Requirements and Streamflow Availability for Irrigation Development in Saginaw Bay, Michigan. Geographical Analysis (SSCI), Vol. 31 (2) :169-186.
He, C. 1999. Incorporating Soil Associations into Linear Programming Models for Development of Irrigation Scenarios. Geographical Analysis (SSCI), Vol. 31 (3): 236-248 .
He, C. 1999. Use of Hydrologic Budget and Chemical Data for Groundwater Assessment. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (SCI), Vol. 125 (4):234-238.
He, C. and T.C. Edens. 1999. Environmental and Economic Concerns in the Saginaw Bay Watershed: Results of A Survey of Environmental Professionals. The Great Lakes Geographer, Vol. 6 (1&2): 40-50.
Fu, B., L. Chen, and C. He, 1999. Integrating Landscape Ecological Principles and Land Evaluation for Sustainable Land Use. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 11(2):136-140.
He, C. and C. Shi. 1998. A Preliminary Analysis of Animal Manure Distribution in Michigan for Nutrient Utilization. Journal of The American Water Resources Association (SCI), Vol. 34 (6):1341-1354.
He, C. 1997. Modeling Hydrologic Impact of Withdrawing the Great Lakes Water for Agricultural Irrigation. Journal of The American Water Resources Association (SCI), Vol. 33(5): 1055-68.
Bartholic, J.F., Y.T. Kang, N. Phillips, and C. He. 1996. Saginaw Bay Integrated Watershed Prioritization and Management System. Water Resources Update (the University Council of Water Research Institutes (UCOWR) Issue No. 100, pp.55-59.
He, C., J.F. Riggs and Y.T. Kang. 1993. Integration of Geographic Information Systems and A Computer Model to Evaluate Impacts of Agricultural Runoff on Water Quality. Water Resources Bulletin (SCI) , Vol.29 (6):891-900.
张喜风,张兰慧,顾娟,贺缠生*. 2014. 敦煌绿洲地下水时空变异性分析及其对土地利用/覆盖变化变化的响应分析. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 50(3):311-317.
赵琛,张兰慧,李金麟,田杰,吴维臻,金鑫,张喜风,蒋仪文,王晓磊,贺缠生*,白晓. 2014. 黑河上游土壤含水量的空间分布与环境因子的关系[J]. 兰州大学学报 (自然科学版), 50(3): 338-347.
金鑫,张兰慧,赵琛,田杰,贺缠生*. 2014,复杂地形下太阳辐射计算工具的开发与验证. 地理空间信息,12(2):56-59.
贺缠生. 2012. 流域科学与水资源管理。地球科学进展, 27(7):705-711.
贺晓英, 贺缠生. 2008. 北美五大湖保护管理对鄱阳湖发展之启示. 生态学报. 28(12):6235-6242.
贺缠生, 牛叔文, 成升魁. 2005. 美国西部发展对中国西部大开发的启示. 资源科学. 27 (6): 188-193.
贺缠生, 傅伯杰. 1998. 美国水资源政策演变及启示. 资源科学. 20 (1): 71-77
贺缠生, 傅伯杰. 陈利顶. 1998. 非点源污染的管理与控制. 环境科学, 19(5): 101-106 . (被引用640多次).
Stow, C. and T. Hook (ed) (..C. He as a member of project team). 2013. SAGINAW BAY Management Report, NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-160. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. 51 p.
Bao, S., H. Lin, Q. Zhang, P. Gong, W. Ji, J. Qi, C. He, B. Xu, R. Yi, C. Chen, F. Kung, H. Qi, and Y. Liu. 2008. Comparative Analysis of The Development and Management of Domestic and International Lakes. Final Report of the Greater Poyang Lake Eco-Economic District Key Project to Jiangxi Provincial Government (in Chinese), 216 p.
Croley, T. E., II, C. He, J. F. Atkinson, and D. F. Raikow, 2007. Resource Shed Definitions and Computations. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-141, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 43pp.
He, C., L. Zhang, X. Zhang, and S. Eslamian. 2014.Chapter 28: Water Security: Concept, Measurement, and Operationalization. In: SaeidEslamian (ed): Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Vol. 3: Environmental Hydrology and Water Management (CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group) ISBN:9781466552494, pp.544-55.
He, C., Lanhui ZHANG, Li FU, Yi LUO, Lanhai LI, Carlo DeMarchi , 2013. Simulation of River Flow for Downstream Water Allocation in the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China. In: B. Fu and K. B. Jones (eds): Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture, Springer, New York, pp. 173-186.
He, C., C. DeMarchi, W. Tao, and T.H. Johengen. 2012. Modeling Distribution of Point and Nonpoint Sources Pollution Loadings in The Saginaw Bay Watersheds, Michigan. In: Lawrence, P.L. edited book: Geospatial Tools for Urban Water Resources. Springer, New York, p97-113.
Croley II, T.E. and C. He. 2008. Ch.9. Spatially Distributed Watershed Model of Water and Materials Runoff. In: Ji, W. (ed). Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. CRC Press, New York, p.99-112.
He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2008. Ch.10. Estimating Nonpoint Source Pollution Loadings in the Great Lakes Watersheds. In: Ji, W. (ed). Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. CRC Press, New York, p.115-127.
He, C., S. Cheng, and Y. Luo. 2007. Water Diversions and China’s Water Shortage Crisis. In Robinson, P.J., T. Jones and M-K Woo (eds). Managing Water Resources in a Changing Physical and Social Environment. IGU Home of Geography Publication Series, Società Geografica Italiana, Rome. Pp. 89-102 .
He, C. and T.E. Croley II. 2007. Integration of GIS and Visualization for Distributed Large Basin Runoff Modeling of the Great Lakes Watersheds. In: Scarpati and Jones (eds). Environmental Change and Rational Water Use. Orientación Gráfica Editora S.R.L., Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 247-260.