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教学及指导研究生情况 发表论文及专著 先后发表学术论文140余篇,编著国内第一部高等教材《细胞生物学》和教学参考书《生物显微技术》分别于1987年获国家教委优秀教材一等奖、甘肃省教委优秀教材一等奖。编著了《细胞生物学进展》(共三卷),《植物细胞融合与细胞工程•郑国锠论文集》。
Changjun Mu, Heng Liu, Guo-Chang Zheng. 2007, The modification and variants of histone. Molecular Biology of Russia.
Dong W, Li W, Guo GQ*, Zheng GC, 2004, Ultrastructural aspects of plasmodesmata and cytoplasmic bridges during spermatogenesis in Funaria hygrometrica. Acta Bot Sin 46(8): 988-996.
Guo GQ*, Zheng GC, 2004, Hypotheses for the functions of intercellular bridges in male germ cell development and its cellular mechanisms.J Theor Biol 229(1): 139-146.
H.H. Gao, W. Li, J. Yang, Y. Wang, G.Q. Guo and G.C. Zheng, Effect of 6-benzyladenine and casein hydrolysate on micropropagation of Amorpha fruticosa. Biologia Plantarum, 2003/4, 47:145-148
Heng Liu, Guangqin Guo, Yuke He, Yuping lu and Guo-Chang Zheng. 2007, Visualization on Intercellular movement of chromatin in intact living anthers of transgenic tobacco expressing histone 2B-CFP Fusion Protein. Caryologia.
Heng Liu, Guo GQ, He YK, Zheng GC. 2003, Nuclear migration: Endless efforts toward unraveling its molecular apparatus. Chinese Science Bulletin48: 615-619.
Heng Liu, Guo GQ, He YK, Zheng GC. 2003, The advance of nuclear migration related proteins. Chinese Science Bulletin.48:647-651.
Li W, Guo GQ*, Zheng GC, 2000, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation: state of the art and future prospect. Chin Sci B 45(15):1537-46.
Li W, Guo GQ, Zheng GC, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation: state of the art and future prospect.2000 Chin Sci B Vol45 No5.
Li W, Yang J, Pan YF, Guo GQ*, Zheng GC, 2003, Chromosome localization of genes that control synchronous development of pollen mother cells in wheat. Caryologia 56(3): 275-279.
Pan, Y. F., Wang, X. Y. and Zheng, G. C. (Cheng, K. C.) (2002) The arrangement of microtrabecular network during chromatin migration process and immunolocalization of actin and myosin in pollen mother cells of David lily. Caryologia 55, 215-225.
Tiwari RK*, Trivedi M, Guang ZC, Guo GQ*, Zheng GC.2006. Genetic transformation of Gentiana macrophylla with Agrobacterium rhizogenes: growth and production of secoiridoid glucoside gentiopicroside in transformed hairy root cultures. Plant Cell Rep [Sep 14, 2006,Epub ahead of print].
Wang, X. Y., Nie, X. W., Guo, G. Q., and Zheng G. C. (2002) Ultrastructural characterization of the process of cytoplasmic channel formation between pollen mother cells of David lily. Caryologia 55, 161-169.
Wang, X. Y., Yu, C. H., Li, X., Wang C. Y., and Zheng G. C. (2004) Ultrastructural aspects and possible origin of cytoplasmic channels providing intercellular connection in vegetative tissues of anthers. Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 51, 97-106.
Yang.J,Yu.C.H, Wang.X.Y, Zheng.G.C,Ultrastractural observation on intrace- llular and intercellular cytoskeleton network of pollen mother cells in onion Acta Batanica Sinica , 2001, 43(3):331-338
荣誉、获奖 1、1987年, 郑国锠教材《细胞生物学》和《生物显微技术》分别获国家教委优秀教材一等奖、甘肃省教委优秀教材一等奖。 2、1985和1986年郑国锠两次获得国家教委科技进步二等奖。 3、1999年郑国锠荣获全国归侨、侨眷先进个人称号。 4、1999年郑国锠获全国先进科普工作者称号。 5、2003年郑国锠获“何梁何利科学与技术进步奖”。