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本次英语二翻译试题原文整体难度较低,全文话题为"失败”, 内容较生活化,理解难度较小,词汇层面除个别难词和一些固定短语外,多为简单基础词汇;句子层面延续了考研翻译常考考点,句子长度适中,各种从句类型均多次考察,其中形式主语句型以及结果状语从句更是2019年英语-翻译试题已经考察过的通过本次考试再次建议各位考生反复练习熟练掌握历年真题中的考点,以获得理想分数。
It's almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kindof failure. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us todecide how to look at it.
We can choose to see failure as "the end of the world," orwe can look atfailure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail atsomething, we can choose to look for the lesson we're meant to learn. Theselessons are very important; they're how we grow, and how we keep from
making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we let them.
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never havelearned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong aperson you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends,or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.