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7. Ving/ved 状语
Eg1:I climbed the stairs. I took a suitcase.
I climbed the stairs, taking a suitcase.
Climbing the stairs, I took a suitcase.
Eg2:When they are compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.
Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.
Bicycles, compared with cars, are superior in several ways.
(2)两个动作主语一致,但前后发生,则可将先发生的动作写成Having +ved形式。
Eg1:He had lived in this city for years. He had no difficulty finding the way home.
Having lived in this city for years, he had no difficulty finding the way home.
8. 排比结构
Eg1:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. (Bacon)
Eg2:We shall fight on the hills. We shall fight in the streets. We shall fight blood and sweet and tears. (Churchill)
As a vital quality, confidence brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for life, and helps us to conquer difficulties.