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朱远志,男,教授。 中国.北京 100144 北方工业大学机电工程学院机械系 Tel: 88802301 E-mail: tozyz1@163.com 个人简历:北京市长城学者;北京市千百万人才工程入选者;世界名人录(who‘s who)入选者;湖北省杰出青年基金获得者;湖北省新世纪高层次人才;中国高校材料试验教学委员会理事;中国循环经济精密成型分会首席专家 Journal of powder metall. Min. 编委 |
1989-1993 中南工业大学 压力加工 本科; 1993-1998 涟源钢铁公司; 1998-2001 中南大学 压力加工 硕士; 2001-2006 湖南大学 材料学院 讲师; 2002-2006 中南大学 材料物理与化学 博士; 2006-2012 武汉科技大学 教授; 2010-2011 哈佛大学访问学者; 2013- 北方工业大学 教授 |
有色金属材料及制备;传输原理 |
金属/粉末冶金新材料,材料表征方法及设备 |
发表的第一作者SCI检索部分论文如下:1. ZHU Y.Z,Microstructure-Based Strength Distribution Across the Welds of Nickel-Based Superalloy Inconel 751 and Austenite Steel 21-4N Joined by Inertia Friction Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2013.4 (SCI, EI)
2. ZHU Y.Z,Macroscopic Distribution of Residual Elements As, S, and P in Steel Strips Produced by Compact Strip Production (CSP) Process,Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2012.7 (SCI, EI); 3. ZHU Y.Z,, COMPARISON STUDY OF SINGLE DIRECTION AND FRICTION ASSISTED COMPACTION OF MULTIPLE ALLOY POWDERS BY FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION, powder Metall. Metal ceramics,2012,9,(SCI, EI) 4. ZHU Y.Z,A method to study interface diffusion of arsenic into a Nb-Ti microalloyed low carbon steel, Int. J. mineral,Metall. Mater.,2012,9 (SCI, EI); 5. ZHU Y.Z,Grain boundary segregation of minor arsenic and nitrogen at elevated temperatures in a microalloyed steel,Int. J. mineral,Metall. Mater.,2012,5 (SCI, EI); 6. ZHU Y.Z,Microstructural mapping in closed die forging process of superalloy Nimonic 80a valve head,J. Alloy Compound,2011,9 (SCI, EI); 7. ZHU Y.Z,Distribution of arsenic on micro-interfaces in a kind of Cr, Nb and Ti microalloyed low carbon steel produced by a compact strip production process, Mater. Chem. Phys.,2011.130, (SCI, EI); 8. ZHU Y.Z,Effects of thermo-mechanical treatment and microalloying with Cr, Nb and Ti on phase transformation in C–Mn steel strips produced by compact strip production process,Mater. Sci.Eng.A,2011,528(SCI, EI) 9. ZHU Y.Z,Comparative study on effects of microstructures of hot rolled and twin roll casting 1235 aluminium alloy on surface quality of aluminium foils produced,Mater. Sci. Technol.,2011,4,(SCI, EI); 10. ZHU Y.Z,Microstructure and Property of Ni76Cr19AlTi Side in Inertia Friction Weld Joint of the Superalloy Ni76Cr19AlTi and the Martensite Stainless Steel ,ISIJInternational, 2010.11,(SCI, EI); 11. ZHU Y.Z,Pressing vacuum sintering of multipowders for manufacturing novel engine valve seat on Gleeble 1500 simulator,Powder Metall.,2010,1, (SCI, EI) 12. ZHU Y.Z,Tension deformation mechanism and fracture characteristics of high nitrogen steel 6Cr21Mn10MoVNbN at 25–800C,Mater. Sci. Technol.,2009.8, (SCI, EI) 13. ZHU Y.Z,Microstructural evolution in 4Cr10Si2Mo at the 4Cr10Si2Mo/Nimonic 80A weld joint by inertia friction welding, J. Alloy Compound,2009,476, (SCI, EI) 14.ZHU Y.Z,Surface inclusions and their evolution on strip rolled on CSP line and in following cold rolling process,Ironmaking & steelmaking,2009,7, (SCI, EI) 15. ZHU Y.Z,Evolution of carbides and carbon content in matrix of an ultra-high carbon sintered steel during heat treatment process, J. mineral,Metall. Mater.,2009,3 (SCI, EI); 16. ZHU Y.Z,Cold densification behaviour of multiple alloy powder containing Fe–Cr and Fe–Mo hard particles, Powder Metall., 2008,2 (SCI, EI); 17. ZHU Y.Z,Scale Accretion on Homogenization Furnace Rollers in Compact Strip Production Mills and Its Densification Mechanism, ISIJ Int,2008,5 (SCI, EI) 18.ZHU Y.Z,Compression characteristics of 6Cr21Mn10MoVNbN heat resistant valve alloy at elevated temperatures, Ironmaking & steelmaking, 2008,1 (SCI, EI) 19. ZHU Y.Z,Effects of cryogenic treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of Fe-Cr-Mo-Ni-C-Co alloy, J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2008) 15, (SCI, EI)
一、主要奖励:1. 2008年度湖南省科技进步二等奖; 2. 2009年度福州市科技进步二等奖; 3. 2010年度福州市科技进步二等奖; 4.2012年度湖北省科技进步二等奖; 5. 湖北省高层次人才称号获得者 6. 湖北省杰出青年基金获得者 6. 北京市长城学者支持计划入选者。 二、发明专利,获国家发明专利5项 三、公开发表论文100余篇,其中SCI检索30余篇,第一作者SCI检索28篇。 科研项目、学术成果 |
1. 铸轧铝铁硅合金的早期析出行为, 国家自然科学基金 ,2011.1-2013.122. 短脉冲激光设备及其在超薄箔材微加工上的应用, 国家国际合作项目,2013.1-2015.12 3. 超薄箔材微孔成型方法, 横向项目,2012.1-2013.12 4. 电网用铝线夹产品质量及工艺优化, 横向项目,2013.1-2013.12 5. 惰性阳极材料,国际合作,2011.1-2013.12 5. 北京市长城学者资助项目,2014-2017 |