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2011年3月-2012年3月,访问学者Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Porject on “Human mobility pattern under emergencies”.
1. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于数据分析的城市交通出行行为规律研究,2016-01-01--2019-12-31,59.16万元,主持
2. 科技部“863”:位置服务应用开放支撑平台研制与示范应用,2015-01-01--2017-12-31,135.15万元,参加
3. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":不确定性条件下环境导向的城市交通出行结构优化及调控策略研究,2014-01-01--2016-12-31,22.0万元,参加
4. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:城市交通系统中停车换乘设施布局与运营优化研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,56.0万元,参加
5. 基本科研业务费:用户有限理性条件下停车换乘设施选址与收费定价研究,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,7.0万元,参加
6. 基本科研业务费:电动自行车不安全行为的实证、建模与分析,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,7.0万元,参加
7. 科技部“973”:大城市交通需求的引导理论与方法,2012-01-01--2016-08-31,320.0万元,参加
8. 北京交通大学:公交供求关系主要经济因子的弹性分析,2012-05-21--2012-12-31,10.0万元,参加
9. 基本科研业务费:基于手机通讯数据的城市交通需求计算方法与演化特性研究,2012-01-01--2013-12-31,8.0万元,主持
10. 基本科研业务费:城市综合交通经济外部性分析及系统优化方法,2012-03-16--2013-12-31,8.0万元,参加
11. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:基于出行行为的综合交通网络多方式选择与分配模型及算法研究,2012-01-01--2016-12-31,60.0万元,参加
12. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":基于空间网络的城市交通出行引导策略研究,2012-01-01--2014-12-31,20.0万元,主持
13. 国家重点实验室:城市轨道交通网络突发客流分布及其传播规律研究,2011-01-01--2012-12-31,15.0万元,参加
14. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于超网络的城市多模式交通出行分布特性及优化研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,27.0万元,参加
15. 基本科研业务费:考虑换乘的城市多模式组合交通出行分布及优化研究,2009-12-31--2012-12-31,5.0万元,参加
16. 基本科研业务费:非常规突发事件中大规模人群的行人动力学研究,2009-12-01--2012-12-31,5.0万元,主持
17. 北京交大创新科技中心:北京轨道交通网络流量分配模型与算法研究,2010-03-16--2010-06-20,11.0万元,参加
18. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":基于复杂网络理论的城市交通空间结构演化与道路选址方法研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,18.5万元,参加
19. 校科技基金:复杂网络背景下的城市交通系统研究,2007-11-01--2009-11-30,2.0万元,主持
20. 校科技基金:复杂网络背景下的城市交通系统研究,2007-11-01--2009-11-30,2.0万元,参加国家自然科学基金“面上”:城市交通系统中停车换乘设施布局与运营优化研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,56.0万元,参加国家自然科学基金“面上”:城市交通系统中停车换乘设施布局与运营优化研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,56.0万元,参加国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于数据分析的城市交通出行行为规律研究基于数据分析的城市交通出行行为规律研究
1.Wanchen Gao, Liang Gao, Zi-You Gao. Smartphone-based study on the spatio-temporal patterns of regional road traffic noise. Proceedings of System Engineering Society of China Conference 2014, A07, 417 (2014). (CN11-9251/G;ISSN 1671-6787).
2.Hao Tang, Liang Gao, Zi-You Gao. Travel Time Reliability of Bus Network —Hangzhou as an Example. Proceedings of System Engineering Society of China Conference 2014, A07, 407 (2014). ( CN11-9251/G;ISSN 1671-6787).
3.Yanan Miao, Liang Gao, Zi-You Gao. Characteristics of the spatial evolution of Beijing road network system. Proceedings of System Engineering Society of China Conference 2014, A07, 395 (2014). (CN11-9251/G;ISSN 1671-6787).
4.Liang Gao*, Yanan Miao, Yuhao Qin, Xiaomei Zhao, Zi-You Gao. Finding topological center of a geographic space via road network. Physica A, 419, 128-133 (2015). SCI: AX6EZ.
5.Peng Zhang, Menghui Li∗, Liang Gao, Ying Fan, Zengru Di. Characterizing and Modeling the Dynamics of Activity and Popularity. PLoS ONE, 9, e89192 (2014). Citations: 0, (SCI citation 0). (IDS Number: AC2ZX)
6.Liang Gao, Chaoming Song, Ziyou Gao, Albert-László Barabási, James P. Bagrow and Dashun Wang*. Quantifying Information Flow During Emergencies. Scientific Reports, 4, 3997 (2014). Citations: 1, (SCI citation 0). (IDS Number: AA6QU, IF(2013)=5.078)
7.Xiao-mei Zhao, Dong-fan Xie, Zi-you Gao and Liang Gao. Equilibrium of a two-route system with delayed information feedback strategies. Physics Letters A, 377(43), 3161–3169 (2013).
8.Jinbao Du, Hualing Ren, Liang Gao and Bingfeng Si. A strategies based transit pricing method in multi-way traffic condition. Shandong Science, 26(3), 95-100 (2013). (In Chinese).
9.Yanan Miao and Liang Gao. Study on the Price Elasticity of Demand of Beijing Subway. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, 1, 25 (2013).
10.Wei Shi-chao, Gao Liang, Sun Shi-zhao and Li Lin-can. An Application of ARIMA model in Study of Darwin's Mail Communication Pattern. Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 43(4), 185-192 (2013). (In Chinese).
11.Liang Gao, Yanan Miao, Daqing Li, Xiaobao Yang, Hualing Ren and Bingfeng Si. Agent-based Evaluate and Mitigate Habitat Fragmentation by Road Network. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communication, (Dec. 4-5, Shenzhen, China). Pages 97-102 (2012).
12.Liang Gao, Yanan Miao, Xiaobao Yang and Bingfeng Si. Road Network Impacts On Wildlife Animals: A Simulation Study. Proceedings of 2012 IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (Dec. 7-9, Shenzhen, China), vol.2 pages 1091-1095 (2012). (EI, CPSI-S, ISTP)
13.Liang Gao, Bingfeng Si, Xiaobao Yang, Huijun Sun, and Ziyou Gao. A matrix method for finding last common nodes in an origin-based traffic assignment problem. Physica A 391, 285–290 (2012). Citations: 0, (SCI citation 0). (SCI, IDS: 850WQ)
14.Si Bingfeng, Zhong Ming, Gao Liang, Gao Ziyou. Hierarchical Network Based Equilibrium Model and Algorithm for Mixed-Traffic Urban Transport System. Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, 35(5), 545-559 (2012). Citations: 0, (SCI citation 0). (SCI, IDS: 974TY)
15.Xiaobao Yang, Mei Huan, Bingfeng Si, Liang Gao, and Hongwei Guo. Crossing at a Red Light: Behavior of Cyclists at Urban Intersections. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2012, 490810 (2012). Citations: 1, (SCI citation 1). (SCI, IDS: 215FV)
16.Xiaobao Yang, Mei Huan, Bingfeng Si and Liang Gao. Bicycle capacity of borrowed-priority merge at unsignalized intersections in China. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 21, 229 (2012). (EI, CODEN: JBITE5)
17.Xiaobao Yang, Mei Huan, Hongwei Guo and Liang Gao. Car Travel Time Estimation near a Bus Stop with Non-motorized Vehicles. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 4, 1350-1357 (2011). (EI, Access #: 20122015029827)
18.X.B. Yang, Z.Y. Gao, B.F. Si, and Liang Gao. Car capacity near bus stops with mixed traffic derived by additive-conflict-flows procedure. Sci. China. Tech. Sci. 54, 733-740 (2011). Citations: 8, (SCI citation 6).
19.Liang Gao, Bingfeng Si, Xiaobao Yang, Huijun Sun, and Ziyou Gao. A Matrix Method for Finding Common Nodes in Network Traffic Assignment. TRB 2011, Washington, US.
20.Menghui Li, Liang Gao, Ying Fan, Dahui Wang, Jinshan Wu and Zengru Di. Emergence of global preferential attachment from local interaction. New Journal of Physics 12, 043029 (2010). Citations: 12, (SCI citation 5). (IDS Number: 584HL)
21.Bingfeng Si, Xiaobao Yang, Liang Gao, Ziyou Gao. Multi-mode urban traffic assignment model and algorithm based on travel demand (in Chinese). China Journal of Highway and Transport 23, 85-91 (2010).
22.Bingfeng Si, Liang Gao,Baohua Mao, Toll allocation model for urban railway traffic system under condition of seamless exchange (in Chinese). Journal of Management Science in China 12, 36-44 (2009).
23.Liang Gao, Yanqing Hu and Zengru Di. Accuracy of the ball-covering approach for fractal dimensions of complex networks and a rank-driven algorithm. Physical Review E 78, 046109 (2008). Citations: 14, (SCI citation 12). (IDS Number: 367SW)
24.Liang Gao, Jinshan Zhao, Zengru Di and Dahui Wang. Asymmetry Between Odd and Even Node Weight in Complex Networks. Physica A 376, 687-691 (2007). Citations: 3; (SCI citation 2).
25.Liang Gao, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu and Zengru Di. Betweenness-based attack on nodes and edges of food webs. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulse Systems B 13, 421-428 (2006). Citations: 3; (SCI citation 1). (IDS Number: 041ZE)
26.Liang Gao, Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu and Zengru Di. The Robustness of Attacks on Vertices and Edges of Food Webs(In Chinese). Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice 25, 1-8 (2005).
27.Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di and Jinshan Wu. Weighted networks of scientific communication: the measurement and topological role of weight. Physica A 350, 643-656 (2005). Citations: 32; Other citations: 24.
28.Ying Fan, Menghui Li, Jiawei Chen, Liang Gao, Zengru Di and Jinshan Wu. Network of Econophysicists: A Weighted Network To Investigate the Development of Econophysics. International Journal of Modern Physics B 18, 2505-2511 (2004). Citations: 24; Other citations: 16.
1.Transportations Research Part B, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, PLoS ONE, Transactions in GIS, Physica A, International Journal of Modern Phyiscs C, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 审稿人;