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[1.] You Haidong, Ning Tigang, et.al. An all-fiber optical temporal differentiator for wavelength-division-multiplexed system based on twin-core fiber.[J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2014: 1-10.
[2.] Wen Xiaodong, Ning Tigang, et.al. Liquid level measurement by applying the Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on up-tapers.[J]. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(1): 71-75.
[3.] Hu Xudong, Ning Tigang, et.al. Number sequence transition method based on MATLAB BVP solvers for high power Yb3+-doped fiber lasers.[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2014, 58: 76-83.
[4.] 宁提纲. 2013年中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛. 合肥,TCP成员.
[5.] Wen X., Ning T., et.al. Dumb bell-Shaped Mach-Zehnder Interferometer With High Sensitivity of Refractive Index.[J]. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2013, 25(18): 1839-1842.
[6.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. Photonic-Assisted Periodic Triangular-Shaped Pulses Generation With Tunable Repetition Rate.[J]. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2013, 25(10): 952-954.
[7.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. Simulation analysis of an improved optical triangular-shaped pulse train generator based on quadrupling RF modulation incorporating fiber dispersion-induced power fading.[J]. Optical Fiber Technology, 2013, 19(6, Part A): 574-578.
[8.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, Pei Li, Gao Song, You Haidong, Chen Hongyao, Jia Nan. Performance analysis of an optical single sideband modulation approach with tunable optical carrier-to-sideband ratio.[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2013, 48(0): 210-215.
[9.] Li Jing, Zhang Xiupu, Hraimel Bouchaib, Tigang Ning, et.al. Performance Analysis of a Photonic-Assisted Periodic Triangular-Shaped Pulses Generator.[J]. Lightwave Technology, Journal of, 2012, 30(11): 1617-1624.
[10.] Ning Tigang, Li Jing, Pei Li, Zhang Fan, Zhou Qian, Wen Xiaodong, Qi Chunhui, Zheng Jingjing. Overwritten fiber Bragg grating and its application in an optical single sideband with carrier modulation radio over a fiber system.[J]. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(3): 035001.
[11.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. 60 GHz Radio over Fiber Technology for Wireless Access by employing Narrow-Angle PSK Modulation.[J]. Optics Communications, 2011, 284(13): 3428-3432.
[12.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. Photonic generation of triangular waveform signals by using a dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator.[J]. Opt. Lett., 2011, 36(19): 3828-3830.
[13.] 宁提纲. 斜光谱光纤光栅的制作及其应用研究 [R]. 第五届光纤传感器发展与产业化论坛, 广州, 2010: 特邀报告.
[14.] Ning Tigang. Coherent beam combination of fiber laser and new method of phase-lock [C]. The International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM), Invited Talk, 2010.
[15.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. 60 GHz millimeter-wave generator based on a frequency-quadrupling feed-forward modulation technique.[J]. Opt. Lett., 2010, 35(21): 3619-3621.
[16.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. An Improved Radio Over Fiber System With High Sensitivity and Reduced Power Degradation by Employing a Triangular CFBG.[J]. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2010, 22(7): 516-518.
[17.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. Photonic frequency-quadrupling scheme for millimeter-wave generation by employing feed-forward modulation technique.[J]. Opt. Express, 2010, 18(3): 2503-2508.
[18.] Li Jing, Ning Tigang, et.al. A bidirectional 60 GHz RoF system based on FWM in a semiconductor optical amplifier.[J]. Optics Communications, 2010, 283(10): 2238-2242.
[1.] 宁提纲 ,等. 两稀土超磁致伸缩体的光纤受激布里渊散射阈值提高装置.[P]. 中国, 2013, ZL201110278361.9: 授权日期:2013-05-08
[2.] 胡旭东, 宁提纲 ,等. 圆芯多扇形区外围多扇形纤芯光纤及其制作方法.[P]. 中国, 2012, ZL201110256561.4: 授权日期:2012-09-05
[3.] 宁提纲, 温晓东, 等. 通过改变包层折射率分布的大有效面积单模光纤激光器.[P]. 中国, 2012, ZL201110082119.4: 授权日期:2012-05-30
[4.] 李晶, 宁提纲,等. 基于受激布里渊散射和光子倍频产生毫米波的装置.[P]. 中国, 2012, ZL200810225235.5: 授权日期:2012-04-25
[5.] 李晶, 宁提纲, 等. 基于双电极调制器产生超宽带脉冲装置.[P]. 中国, 2012, ZL200810239659.7: 授权日期:2012-03-07
[6.] 周倩, 宁提纲, 等虎. 基于反射率编码式光纤光栅防火监测系统.[P]. 中国, 2012, ZL201110004597.3: 授权日期:2012-02-29
[7.] 宁提纲, 温晓东, 等. 微型谐振腔体结构的多波长光纤激光器.[P]. 中国, 2011, ZL201010594998.4: 授权日期:2011-12-28
[8.] 李晶, 宁提纲, 等. 基于双电极调制器产生毫米波超宽带脉冲的装置.[P], 2011, ZL200810240116.7: 授权日期:2011-12-28
[9.] 周倩, 宁提纲, 等. 一种基于光纤光栅的监测系统 [P]. 中国, 2011, ZL201010237638.9: 授权日期:2011-09-14
[10.] 李晶, 宁提纲, 等. 基于双锯齿波扫频的光纤毫米波通信装置.[P]. 中国, 2011, ZL200910076169.4: 授权日期:2011-04-20
[11.] 李晶, 宁提纲, 等. 超宽带高斯单周脉冲的光学生成装置.[P]. 中国, 2010, ZL200910083243.5: 授权日期:2010-08-18
[12.] 宁提纲, 等. 无外部调相器件的主动锁相多光纤激光器及相干组束方法.[P]. 中国, 2010, ZL200710098608.2: 授权日期:2010-02-10
[13.] 宁提纲, 等. 单模有源光纤伴生耦合多模有源光纤超亮度单模激光器.[P]. 中国, 2008, ZL200810111817.0: 授权日期:2009-11-11
[14.] 宁提纲, 等. 基于三角形光纤光栅的一体化色散补偿和可调衰减器.[P]. 中国, 2008, ZL200810224238.7: 授权日期:2009-10-21
[1.] 衍射光栅介质电场强度分布仿真软件.[P]. 中国, 2011, 2011SRBJ4473: 登记证日期:2011-11-03
[2.] 两点异向侧面泵浦光纤激光器双端输出分析软件 [P]. 中国, 2010, 2010SRBJ6106: 登记证日期:2010.12.22
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