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博士 美国Purdue University 战略管理
硕士 中国人民大学 市场营销
学士 中国人民大学 贸易经济
工作经历: 2013至今 对外经贸大学国际商学院教授、博导
2009-2012 对外经贸大学国际商学院副教授
2004-2008 北京大学光华管理学院讲师
1.2014-2017 国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国企业转型升级战略及其竞争优势研究(7132007)”子课题负责人
2.2013.1-2016.12 国家社科基金重大项目“我国自主创新型技术赶超发展战略与路径研究——基于跨学科协同的多层次整合研究”(12&ZD205)子课题负责人
3. 2011-2014 国家社会科学基金重大项目“十二五”时期我国发展的创新驱动战略研究”(11&ZD004)子课题负责人
4. 2011-2013 国家社会科学基金重大项目“我国新一轮对外开放的战略布局、主要目标与政策选择研究” (11&ZD007)子课题负责人
5. 2010-2013 国家社会科学基金重点项目“资本国际化背景下的中国产业安全研究”(10AZD014)子课题负责人
6. 2011-2013 教育部人文社会科学研究项目: 基于行为代理理论的高科技企业研发投入决策研究(10YJC630278)项目负责人
7. 2010-2011 对外经济贸易大学校级科研课题“竞争密度、合法化与外资企业生存——基于中关村高新科技园区的研究”(7500010314)项目负责人
8. 2006-2008 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “高新技术企业的横向联盟网络构建与产品创新绩效的关系研究”(70502011)项目负责人
9. 2005-2006 教育部留学回国启动基金 “企业潜在闲置资源与创新导向:基于中国新兴高技术企业的研究” 项目负责人
10. 2006-2009 国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国企业国际化战略研究” (70532005)子课题负责人
11. 2012-2012 北京市社会科学界联合会重大决策咨询课题“北京发展实体经济问题研究”项目核心成员
12. 2012-2014 教育部人文社会科学研究项目: “中国企业跨国经营中母国形象劣势的应对策略研究”项目核心成员
13. 2010-2013 对外经济贸易大学创新团队项目:“服务管理与服务国际化研究团队”项目核心成员
14. 2011-2014 对外经济贸易大学创新团队项目:“新兴市场企业的国际化战略创新团队”项目核心成员
15. 2006-2008 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “整体服务体验、消费情绪与顾客满意互动研究”(70502012) 项目核心成员
1. Jianfeng Wu, Sali Li, Zijie Li. 2013. The contingent value of CEO political connections: A study on IPO performance in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(4): 1087-1114. (SSCI)
2. Yonggui Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Zhilin Yang. 2013. Customer participation and project performance: The mediating role of knowledge sharing in the Chinese telecommunication service industry. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 20(4), 227-244. (SSCI)
3. Menita Liu Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Jianjun Zhang. 2013. Formal and informal CPAs on business strategy and performance. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 7(3): 245-273. (ABI)
4. Xiaoli Yin, Jianfeng Wu, Wenpin Tsai. 2012. When unconnected others connect: Does degree of brokerage persist after the formation of a multipartner alliance. Organization Science, 23(6): 1682-1699. (SSCI)
5. Jianfeng Wu, Menita Liu. 2011. The impact of managerial political connections and quality on government subsidies: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Chinese Management Studies, 5(2), 207-226. (SSCI)
6. Jianfeng Wu, Dean Xu, Phillip Phan. 2011. The effects of ownership concentration and corporate debt on corporate divestitures in Chinese listed firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1): 95-114. (SSCI) 他引1次
7. Jianfeng Wu, Mark Shanley. 2009. Knowledge stock, exploration and innovation: Research on the United States electromedical industry. Journal of Business Research, 62(4): 474-483. (SSCI) 他引13次
8. Jianfeng Wu, Rungting Tu. 2007. CEO stock option pay and R&D spending: A behavioral agency explanation. Journal of Business Research, 60(5): 482-492. (SSCI) 他引7次
9. Jianfeng Wu, Min Liu, Yonggui Wang, Zijie Li. 2010. Legitimacy and the financing of Chinese technological start-ups. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)
10. Yonggui Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li. 2010. Customer innovations in the telecommunication service industry: An empirical study in perspective of suppliers. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)
11. Zijie Li, Yi Li, Da Chen, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang. 2010. International expansion strategy of firms in China: An empirical study on information technology industry. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)
12. Jianfeng Wu, Min Liu, Zijie Li, Yonggui Wang. 2010. Cluster density, external search and innovation performance: Evidence from the ZGC Science Park. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)
13. Menita Liu, Jianfeng Wu. 2010. Corporate political resources and their effects on technological innovation. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)
14. Zijie Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang, Da Chen. 2010. Cultural Differences and Performance: An Empirical Research on International Joint Ventures in China. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)
15. Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li, Yonggui Wang, Min Liu. 2009. Joining an e-marketplace: The role of resource and structural dependence. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09 (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5302820)
16. Zijie Li, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang, Ming Cai. 2009. Knowledge complexity, learning capability and joint venture stability. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5305099)
17. Yonggui Wang, Shanji Yao, Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li, Ruqiong Tong. 2009. The key drivers of user innovation performance: An empirical study of QZONE in perspective of users. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5303836)
1. 吴剑峰、许伟宏、许焕捷:金融风暴下企业危机意识的决定因素探讨——基于资源依赖与行为理论的实证分析。《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》(CSSCI),2012,14(1),17-22。2. 吴剑峰,张泽龙:战略剥离研究的回顾与展望。《科学决策》,2012(1):78-94。
3. 吴剑峰、宗芳宇:实物期权、动态能力与海外敌意并购:基于中钢并购澳大利亚中西部矿业的分析。《管理学报》(CSSCI),2010(11),1652-1659。
4. 韩志霞,吴剑峰:冗余资源、多元化与金融风暴下的经济危机感知:基于中国机电类上市企业的实证分析。《战略与风险管理》,2010(5),81-85。
5. 吴剑峰,胡晓敏:中国上市公司的国际化倾向研究——基于高管团队和代理理论的实证分析。《科学决策》,2010(5),14-22。
6. 吴剑峰,李自杰,武亚军:竞争密度、合法化与外资企业生存——基于中关村高新科技园区的研究。《经济科学》(CSSCI),2009(5),107-116。
7. 吴剑峰:转型经济中的战略剥离分析:以中国上市企业为例。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2009(2),4-10。
8. 吴剑峰,吕振艳:资源依赖、网络中心度与多方联盟构建:基于产业电子商务平台的实证研究。《管理学报》(CSSCI),2007(4),37-41。
9. 郭国庆,吴剑峰:企业知识库、技术探索与创新绩效关系研究:基于美国电子医疗设备行业的实证分析。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2007(3),87-93。
10. 武亚军,吴剑峰:转型经济中的战略规划与企业绩效:基于中国制造企业的实证分析。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2006(2),58-63。
11. 郭国庆,吴剑峰,钱明辉:交叉销售在中国金融业的应用前景研究。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI), 2005(1),47-51。
12. 郭国庆,钱明辉,吴剑峰:论加强商品交易市场管理。《财贸经济》(CSSCI),2005(5),80-84。
13. 郭国庆,吴剑峰:论产权市场的功能、管理与法制化建设。《当代经济管理》,2005(2),4-8。
1. Guoyong Liang, Jianfeng Wu, Shuaihua Cheng. 2011. China Inc. goes global: Examining the motivations and strategies of the largest investors. 2011 5th China Goes Global Conference at Harvard University, USA.
2. Jianfeng Wu, et al. 2011. Managerial political connections and government subsidy in China: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Accepted by the Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan.
3. Tony Lewis, Jianfeng Wu, Sali Li. 2011. Patron or parasite? The effects of CEO political connections on Chinese firms' time to IPO. Accepted by the 71st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas.
4. Yao, Emery, Jianfeng Wu, Ruolian Fang, Giuseppe Labianca. 2009. Institutional equity ties, IPO performance, and market growth of new ventures in China. Accepted by the 2009 Annual Meeting of Strategic Management Society, Washington, D.C.
5. Liu, Menita, Jianfeng Wu. 2008. Political capital, industrial visibility and social legitimacy: The adoption of political strategies and their influence on innovation performance. Accepted by the 2008 Academy of International Business Annual Conference. Milan, Italy.
6. Wu, Jianfeng, Dean Xu. 2007. Strategic response and institutional constraints: Explaining divestiture by Chinese listed firms. Accepted by the 2007 Academy of International Business Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
7. Wu, Jianfeng, Rungting Tu. 2006. CEO Stock Option Pay and R&D Spending: A Behavioral Agency Explanation. Accepted by the 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
8. Wu, Jianfeng, Mark Shanley. 2006. Knowledge Stock, Exploration and Innovation: Evidence from the U.S. Electromedical Device Industry. Accepted by the 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
9. Yin, Xiaoli, Jianfeng Wu, Wenpin Tsai. 2006. Brokerage, Group Characteristics, and the Formation of Multi-Partner Alliances. Accepted by the 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
10. Wu, Jianfeng, Hongfei Tang. 2006. Corporate Divestiture Intensity in an Emerging Economy: A Strategic Response and Agency Perspective. Accepted by 2nd International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Nanjing, China.
11. Zhou, Changhui, Jianfeng Wu, Yiyi Su. 2005. Effects of target firms' ownership structure on takeover process in China: An empirical analysis. Accepted by 65th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii.
12. Wu, Jianfeng, 2003.Technology Synergy, Uncertainty, and Acquisition Premiums. Accepted by Strategic Management Society 23rd Annual International Conference, Baltimore.
13. Wu, Jianfeng, Beiqing (Emery) Yao. 2003. Sequential Decision in Technological Acquisition: A Conceptual Framework of Antecedents and Consequence. Accepted by 40th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore.
14. Yin, Xiaoli, Jianfeng Wu, 2003. Why Do Firms Participate in Multiple-partner Alliances? Evidence from Industry-sponsored E-marketplaces. Accepted by 63rd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Seattle.