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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2015-07-13 相关院校:华中农业大学
姓名: 徐文兴 出生年月: 1974.1
性别: 男 硕/博导: 硕导
民族: 汉 开设课程: 《茶树病虫害防治》、《园林植物病虫防治》和《有害生物检验原理与方法》
职称: 副教授 研究方向: 果树病毒
学位: 农学博士
联系方式 移动电话:
个人简介徐文兴,汉族,男,1998年毕业于华中农业大学植物保护系,2002年至2007年期间在华中农业大学植物科技学院学习和从事果树病毒的研究工作,获得植物病理学博士学位,学位论文获得校优秀博士学位论文。2007年至今在华中农业大学植物科技学院任教。主要研究方向为果树病毒与类病毒,目前已对果树上危害严重的两大类类病毒:柑橘类病毒和桃潜隐花叶类病毒开展了较为系统的研究,在类病毒的快速检测、分子变异、群体结构、致病力测定、类病毒的结构研究等方面取得了的一些阶段性的成果。并拟进一步在类病毒与寄主互作、类病毒RNA switch、Viroid-derived ribozyme 介导的类病毒及病毒基因沉默等方面开展更深入研究。是国家果树脱毒种质资源室内保存中心和湖北省作物病害监测与安全控制重点实验室的固定研究人员、国家现代农业产业体系科学家岗位梨体系成员,并担任了湖北省植物保护学会副秘书长等职务。2010年获得国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大舍布鲁克大学以访问学者身份进行为期一年的交流学习
发表的论文及著作Xu Wen-Xing, Hong Ni, Zhang Jian-Kun, Wang Guo-Ping. Improving the sensitivity of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) to study the variability of PLMVd. Journal of Virological Methods, 2006, 135:276–280. (SCI IF:2.139)
WenXing Xu,Ni Hong,GuoPing Wang, XuDong Fan. Population structure and genetic diversity within Peach latent mosaic viroid field isolates from peach showing three symptoms. Journal of Phytopathology, 2008, 156:565-572. (SCI IF:0.937)
WenXing Xu, Ni Hong, GuoPing Wang, ZeQiong Wang, ChengChun Wu. Tissue blot hybridization functioning as a reaction of probe with host protein but not with target nucleotide sequence in viroid detection. Proceedings of the annual meeting of Chinese society for plant pathology.2008,404.
Xu WenXing, Hong Ni, Jin QiuTing, Abu Bakr Umer Farooqa , Wang ZeQionga, Song YanSu, Wu ChengChun, Wang LiPing, Wang GuoPing. Probe binding to host proteins: a cause for false positive signals in viroid detection by tissue hybridization. Virus research, 2009, 145 (1): 26-30. ( SCI IF: 2.905) .
Jing Shu, GuoPing Wang, WenXing Xu, Ni Hong. First report of Citrus exocortis viroid from grapevine in China. Plant Disease, 2009, 93 (7): 761-761.(Co-corresponding author)( SCI IF:2.387)
Wenxing Xu, François Bolduc, Ni Hong, Jean-Pierre Perreault. The use of a combination of computer-assisted structure prediction and SHAPE probing to elucidate the secondary structures of five viroids. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2012 (accept), DOI: 10.1111/J.1364-3703.2011.00776.X. ( SCI IF:3.709)
Wu C C, Hong N, Liu Y, XU W X, Wang G P. First report of Onion yellow dwarf virus in Allium chinense in China. Plant Disease, 2009, 93 (7): 761-761. ( SCI IF:2.387)
Li Ping Wang, Ni Hong,, GuoPing Wang, WenXing Xu, Michelutti R, Ai Min Wang. Distribution of apple stem grooving virus and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in infected in vitro pear shoots,Crop protection. 2010, 29 (12):1447-1451.( SCI IF:1.331)
Zeqiong Wang, Hong Ni, Liu Yong, Xu Wenxing, Guoping Wang. Genetic variability and population structure of Grapevine virus A in China based on the analysis of its coat protein gene. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, (accepted).( SCI IF:0.984)
H. G. Cui, N. Hong, W. X. Xu, J. F. Zhou, G. P. Wang. First report of Plum bark necrosis stem pitting-associated virus in Stone Fruit Trees in China. Plant Disease, 2011, 95, (11): 1483.( SCI IF:2.387)
徐文兴,洪霓,王国平,何云蔚.桃潜隐花叶类病毒中国分离株全长基因序列分析. 植物病理学报,2005,35, 300-304.
徐文兴,窦瑞木,王国平,洪 霓,王振华. 来源于沿叶脉褪绿症状桃的PLMVd分离物群体结构分析与序列测定.植物病理学报,2010,40(3):317-321.