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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2015-07-12 相关院校:华中农业大学
基本信息姓名: 牛长缨 出生年月: 1970.12
性别: 女 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 汉 开设课程: 普通昆虫学,普通昆虫学实验,昆虫生理学,昆虫生理生化实验技术
职称: 教授 研究方向: 实蝇昆虫生理生化及分子生物学研究,害虫绿色防控新技术研究与应用
学位: 博士
联系方式 办公电话:027-87280382
个人简介1988年-1992年 华中农业大学植保系本科毕业
1992年-1995年 华中农业大学植保系昆虫学硕士毕业
1997年-2000年 浙江大学昆虫系昆虫学博士毕业
2004年 澳大利亚昆士兰大学昆虫系访问学者
2009年 泰国农业部学习培训
科研项目主持中国-法国国际合作项目“ Structure, strength and invasibility of aphid food webs”
主持教育部留学回国科研启动基金“神农宫扁角菌蚊Chetoneura shennonggongensis的生物学、生态学及分子进化研究”
发表的论文及著作39.Yongcheng Dong,Lun Wan,Rui Pereira,Nicolas Desneux,Changying Niu*. 2014. Feeding and mating behaviour of Chinese citrus fly Bactrocera minax (Diptera, Tephritidae) in the field. Jounal of Pest Science. DOI 10.1007/s10340-014-0605-3 (IF:2.6)
38. Pupal diapause development and termination is driven by low temperature chilling in Bactrocera minax. Journal of Pest science DOI: 10.1007/s10340-013-0493-y. 2013 (通讯作者)
37. RNAi silencing of the HaHMG-CoA reductase gene inhibits oviposition in the Helicoverpa armigera cotton bollworm. PLoS ONE 8(7): e67732. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067732.2013 (通讯作者)
36.Field Evaluation of Attractive Lures for the Fruit Fly Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Their Potential Use in Spot Sprays in Hubei Province (China). J. Econ. Entomol. 2012, 105(4): 1277-1284 (通讯作者)
35.Does transgenic Cry1Ac + CpTI cotton pollen affect hypopharyngeal gland development and midgut proteolytic enzyme activity in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? Ecotoxicology 2012, 21: 2214-2221 (通讯作者)
34.Population dynamics, phenology, and overwintering of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Hubei Province, China. J of Pest Science. 2011.84(289-295)(通讯作者)
33.Use of an innovative T-tube maze assay and the proboscis extension response assay to assess sublethal effects of GM products and pesticides on learning capacity of the honey bee Apis mellifera L.Ecotoxicology, 2010. 19:1612—1619. (通讯作者)
32.Quantification of toxins in a Cry1Ac + CpTI cotton cultivar and its potential effects on the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Ecotoxicology, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s10646-010-0530-z (通讯作者)
31.Jiao ZhongJiu, Niu ChangYing*, Liu XianWei, Lei Chaoliang, & Wenxuan Bi, Descriptions of Chinese species of the subgenus Diestrammena (Gymnaeta) Adelung (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)., Zootaxa., 2008, 1917: 55~60 (IF: 0.891)(通讯作者)
30.Li XueZhen, Niu ChangYing*, Huang QiuYing, Chao-Liang Lei and David W. Stanley, Life cycle of Chetoneura shennonggongensis (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Keroplatinae) from Jiangxi Province, China., Insect Science., 2009, 00:1~9 (IF: 1.118)(通讯作者)
29.Amorim DS., Niu ChangYing*, Li XueZhen , Lei ChaoLiang and Clarke AK.(2008)Chetoneura shennonggongensis, a new species of cave–dwelling Keroplatini from China (Diptera: Keroplatidae), with a discussion of the position of Chetoneura. Zootaxa. Feb.59-68. (IF: 0.891)(通讯作者)
28.ChangYing Niu,Chaoliang Lei and D.J.Merritt. Temperature-dependence of bioluminescence of the Australian glow-worm Arachnocampa flava Harrison (Diptera:Keroplatidae). Luminescence. 2008,23:86 (IF: 1.209)
27.Yi-Peng Xu, Zheng-Pei Ye, Chang-Ying Niu, Yan-Yuan Bao, Wen-Bing Wang, Wei-De Shen, and Chuan-Xi Zhang. Comparative Analysis of the Genomes of Bombyx mandarina and Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedroviruses. The Journal of Microbiology. 2010. 48(1): 102-110 (IF: 1.463)
26.Chen LiZhen, Cui JinJie, Ma WeiHua, Niu ChangYing, Lei ChaoLiang (2010) Pollen from Cry1Ac/CpTI-transgenic cotton does not affect the pollinating beetle Haptoncus luteolus. J Pest Sci (in press). doi:10.1007/s10340-010-0319-0 (IF: 0.818)
25.Yunxia Cheng, Lizhi Luo, Xingfu Jiang, Lei Zhang, Changying Niu. Expression of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide and its receptor (PBANR) mRNA in adult female Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2010. Article first published online: 27 JUL 2010. DOI: 10.1002/arch.20379 (IF: 1.381)
24.Chen, LiZhen, Ma WeiHua, Wang XiaoPing, Niu ChangYing, Lei ChaoLiang. Analysis of pupal head proteome and their alterations in diapausing pupae of Helicoverpa armigera. J Insect Physiol, 2010, 56(3): 247-252 (IF: 2.235)
23.Jian Wang., Fen Zhu, Xinmiao Zhou, Changying Niu, Chaoliang Lei. Repellent and fumigant activity of essential oil from Artemisia vulgaris to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 2006, 42,(3)339-347 (IF: 1.248)
22.Niu Changying, Jiang yong, Lei Chaoliang, & Hu Cui. Effects of cadmium on housefly: influence on growth and development and metabolism during metamorphosis of housefly. Entomologia Sinica. 2002, 9(1):27~33
21.Niu Changying, Lei Chaoliang, & Hu Cui. Studies on a cadmium-induced metallothionein in housefly larvae, Musca domestica. Entomologia Sinica. 2000, 7(4):351~358
20.Jiang Yong, Lei Chaoliang, Niu Changying,Zhang Zhongling. Semiochemicals from ovaries of gravid females attract ovipositing female houseflies, Musca domestica, Journal of Insect Physiology. 2002.48: 945-950
19.李学珍,焦忠久,牛长缨*,雷朝亮. 广西雅长自然保护区洞穴物种多样性调查,生物多样性. 2008,`16(2):185-190
18.周秀娟,牛长缨*,雷朝亮. 转基因昆虫的应用研究进展,昆虫知识. 2008,45(3):368-373
17.王旭,刘芹,牛长缨*. 湖北武汉桔小实蝇的田间发生动态. 中国生物防治.2009,25(增刊2):105-108
16.林璐璐,牛长缨*,雷朝亮. 抗癌药用昆虫研究进展. 时珍国医国药. 2009,20(3):620-622
15.林璐璐,牛长缨*,雷朝亮. 桑螵蛸及其粗提物对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的影响. 2009,20(8):1901-1903
14.李学珍,牛长缨*,雷朝亮,韩道山. 中国洞穴无脊椎动物的研究概况. 中国岩溶,2007,26(3):255-261
13.刘芹,王旭,牛长缨*. 橘小实蝇不同地理种群成虫耐饥渴能力的比较, 华中农业大学学报 2010,29(4):436-439
12.顾永征,李学珍,牛长缨*. 神农宫扁角菌蚊幼虫种群分布及其与环境因子的相关性. 生态学报 2010, 30(24):6828-6834
11.薛建,安正帅,牛长缨*,雷朝亮. 水生双翅目昆虫监测水体重金属污染的研究,昆虫知识. 2008,45(3):378-383
10.朱彬彬,牛长缨,姜 勇,周兴苗,雷朝亮. 家蝇气味结合蛋白基因cDNA片段的克隆与序列分析.昆虫学报,2005,48(5):804-809
9.朱彬彬,姜 勇,牛长缨,雷朝亮. 家蝇触角cDNA文库的构建及质量分析.动物学研究,2005,4:203-208
8.牛长缨,雷朝亮,胡萃. 昆虫金属结合蛋白的研究. 昆虫知识,2000, 37(4):244-247
7.牛长缨,姜勇,雷朝亮,胡萃. 无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白的研究. 动物学杂志,2002,37(1):72-76
6.牛长缨,雷朝亮,宗良炳. 家蝇油脂肪酸的气相色谱分析. 华中农业大学学报,1999, 18(3):222-224
5.牛长缨,雷朝亮,胡萃. 家蝇幼虫消化道的解剖和镉中毒时的症状观察. 华中农业大学学报,1999, 18(1):24-27
4.姜勇,张钟宁,牛长缨,邓建华,雷朝亮. 阿维菌素对南方小花蝽抑制烟蚜的影响. 昆虫学报, 2002,45(2):215-220
3.姜勇,雷朝亮,牛长缨,方宇凌,肖春,张钟宁. 家蝇卵巢中的信息化学物质引诱雌蝇产卵的研究. 昆虫知识. 2003,40(2): 150-153
2.周兴苗,姜勇,牛长缨,雷朝亮. 光温条件对狭翅大刀螂生长发育的影响及其捕食功能研究. 应用生态学报,2004, 15(8):1423-1426
1.周游,刘静,朱芬,牛长缨,雷朝亮. 大斑芫菁成虫排毒量的初步研究. 昆虫天敌. 2003, 25(4): 184-187
1.Han Peng., Niu Changying*, 2009. Transgenic Cry1Ac+CpTI cotton cultivar may carry an antifeedant effect on the honey bee Apis mellifera. Poster for Entomological Society of America 2009 Annual Meeting.
2. Liu, Qin., Niu, Changying*, 2009. The studies of stress resistance for different geographical populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Published in "International Congress on Biological Invasions", Fuzhou, China (Nov. 2009). P 62 (English abstract)
3.Dong, Yongcheng, Niu, Changying*, 2009. The study of ecology, behavior and control of Chinese citrus fruit fly (Bactrocera minax). Published in "the 6th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology", Beijing, China (Oct. 2009). P 13 (English abstract