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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2015-07-12 相关院校:华中农业大学
基本信息姓名: 董五辈 出生年月: 1965.2
性别: 男 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 汉 开设课程: 分子植物病理学(留学生和本科生),分子生物学(研究生)
职称: 教授 研究方向: 抗病基因克隆;植物-微生物分子互作应用工程
go why men cheat why wives cheat on husbands
学位: 农学博士
联系方式 办公电话:
个人简介董五辈,男,1965年2月出生,博士生导师。主要从事于广谱抗病基因的分离克隆和植物-微生物分子互作应用工程。利用我们实验室建立的新技术从中草药植物及生防菌等中分离抗病基因。利用我们分离到的新基因转化植物及生防菌。我们在《The Plant Cell》,《PNAS》,《Scientific Reports (Nature)》,《Virology》,《PLoS ONE》,《Plant Physiology》,《IET Systems Biology》,《Molecular Plant Pathology》,《农业生物技术学报》等国内外刊物上发表文章30多篇。包括《ScienceDaily》,《Economist》,《Daily Science News》,《United Press International》,《Medical News Today》,《NewsZoom》,《The Sunday Paper》,《Bio-Medicine》,《What's Next In Science & Technology》,《UGA NEWS》等至少33家国际媒体曾先后报道了我们的研究工作,如本实验室建立的基因消除PCR技术被Nature出版集团发表在《科学报道》上后,又被美国的一家科技信息媒体作为新发明进行了报道,详情请参见下面网页:http://www.sciguru.com/newsitem/16371/reverse-process-pcr-eliminate-unwanted-genes-cycle-cycle-new-invention 。
基因消除PCR(Removing PCR, R-PCR)是基因扩增PCR逆向过程的一种去除非目标基因的新技术。在PCR反应中,每一循环目标基因得到了扩增;在基因消除PCR反应中,每一循环非目标基因得到了去除。如果你想扩增你想要的基因,你可用PCR;如果你想去除你不想要的基因,你可用基因消除PCR。
1982—1986: 生物学本科学士, 华中师范大学
1992—1995: 硕士研究生, 遗传学专业, 华中师范大学
1998—2001: 博士研究生, 作物遗传育种专业, 中国农业大学
2002.01—2002.08 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物病理学专业 博士后
2002.09—2005.02 德国遗传学与作物研究所(IPK Institute) 博士后研究员
2005.02—2007.12 美国佐治亚大学遗传学专业 博士后
2008.01—2009.08美国特拉华州立大学 助理研究员及兼任讲师(Research Associate & Adjunct Instructor).
2009.09—现在 华中农业大学植物病理学专业 教授
美国Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society学会会员
科研项目2009年华中农业大学海外人才引进项目 2009 — 2012 100万元 主持
华中农业大学自主科技创新基金资助项目 2010.01 — 2011.12 30万元 主持
抗除草剂、抗纹枯病等转基因育种新材料获得(课题编号:2011ZX08003-001),2011 — 2015,转基因生物新品种培育国家科技重大专项,子课题主持人。
大小麦与白粉病菌互作的分子机制研究,中德合作科研项目(PPP),2011 — , 中方主持人。
校级教学研究项目:植物病理学外国留学研究生英语授课课程建设 2010 — , 5万元,主持
湖北省高等学校省级教学研究项目:植物生产类学科基础课程植物病理学全英语教学模式研究与实践(项目批准号:2012178),2012 — ,主持
1. 基因消除PCR(ZL 201110382308.3)
2. 一种文库对文库酵母双杂交规模化筛选互作蛋白质的方法(201210395295.8)
湖北省品牌课程《分子植物病理学》, 2013
华中农业大学教学优秀质量二等奖, 2011
1. Tingting Zhang, Yinhui Jiang, and Wubei Dong*. 2014. A novel monopartite dsRNA virus isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilaginoidea virens and ancestrally related to a mitochondria-associated dsRNA in the green alga Bryopsis. Virology 462-463:227–235. DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2014.06.003.(SCI, 影响因子 3.367).
2. Mary E Case, James Griffith, Wubei Dong, Ira L Tigner, Kimberly Gaines, James C Jiang, S Michal Jazwinski, Jonathan Arnold. 2014. The aging biological clock in Neurospora crassa. Ecology and Evolution 4(17): 3494–3507 (SCI, 影响因子1.658).
3. Jiaojiao Huan, Kangkang Wan, Yunjun Liu, Wubei Dong*, and Guoying Wang. 2013. Removing PCR for the elimination of undesired DNA fragments cycle by cycle. Scientific Reports 3, 2303; DOI:10.1038/srep02303 (2013) (SCI, 影响因子 5.078). http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130729/srep02303/full/srep02303.html
4.Tingting Zhang, Yinhui Jiang, Junbin Huang, and Wubei Dong*. 2013. Genomic organization of a novel partitivirus from the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilaginoidea virens. Archives of Virology. 158(11): 2415–2419. DOI 10.1007/s00705-013-1742-3 (SCI, 影响因子 2.282).
5.Tingting Zhang, Yinhui Jiang, Junbin Huang, and Wubei Dong*. 2013. Complete genome sequence of a putative novel Victorivirus from Ustilainoidea virens. Archives of Virology 158(6): 1403–1406. DOI: 10.1007/s00705-013-1615-9 (SCI, 影响因子 2.282).
6. R.V. Chowda Reddy, Wubei Dong, Thomas Njock, M.E.C. Rey, and Vincent N. Fondong. 2012. Molecular interaction between two cassava geminiviruses exhibiting cross-protection. Virus Research 163: 169-177 (SCI, 影响因子2.846).
7. Xiaojia Tang, Wubei Dong, James Griffith, Roger Nilsen, Allison Matthes, Kevin B. Cheng, Jaxk Reeves, H.-Bernd Schuttler, Mary E. Case, Jonathan Arnold, and David A. Logan. 2011. Systems Biology of the qa Gene Cluster in Neurospora crassa. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20671. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020671 (SCI, 影响因子 3.534).
8. Nina Zellerhoff, Axel Himmelbach1, Wubei Dong, Stephane Bieri, Ulrich Schaffrath, and Patrick Schweizer. 2010. Nonhost resistance of barley to different fungal pathogens is associated with largely distinct, quantitative transcriptional responses. Plant Physiology 152(4): 2053-2066 (SCI, 影响因子 7.394).
9. R.V. Chowda-Reddy, Wubei Dong, Christian Felton, Danielle Ryman, Keith Ballard, and Vincent N. Fondong. 2009. Characterization of the cassava geminivirus transcription activation protein putative nuclear localization signal. Virus Research 145(2): 270–278 (SCI, 影响因子 2.429).
10. Wubei Dong, X. Tang, Y. Yu, R. Nilsen, R. Kim, J. Griffith, J. Arnold, and H-B Schuttler. 2008. Systems Biology of the Clock in Neurospora crassa. PLoS ONE 3(8): e3105. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003105 (SCI, 影响因子 3.534).
11. Wubei Dong, X. Tang, Y. Yu, J. Griffith, D. Choi, J. Baldwin, L. Hilton, K. Kelps, J. McGuire, R. Morgan, M. Smith, Q. Wang, J. Liu, J. Reeves, D. Logan, M. Case, and J. Arnold, & H-B Schuttler. 2007. Systems Biology of the Neurospora Biology Clock. IET Systems Biology 1(5): 257-265 (SCI, 影响因子 1.955).
12. Yihai Yu, Wubei Dong, Cara Altimus, Xiaojia Tang, James Griffith, Melissa Morello, Lisa Dudek, Jonathan Arnold, and Heinz-Bernd Schüttler. 2007. A genetic network for the clock of Neurospora crassa. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 104(8): 2809-2814 (SCI, 影响因子 9.598).
13. David A. Logan, Allison L. Koch, Wubei Dong, James Griffith, Roger Nilsen, Mary E. Case, Heinz-Bernd Schüttler, and Jonathan Arnold. 2007. Genome-wide expression analysis of genetic networks in Neurospora crassa. Bioinformation 1(10): 390-395.
14. Wubei Dong, Daniela Nowara, and Patrick Schweizer. 2006. Protein Polyubiquitination Plays a Role in Basal Host Resistance of Barley. The Plant Cell. 18:3321-3331 (SCI, 影响因子 9.653).
15. Jonathan Arnold, Wubei Dong, James Griffith, David Choi, Joshua Baldwin, Levi Hilton, Kristen Kelps, James McGuire, Rachel Morgan, Marquita Smith, Qin Wang, Jing Liu, Jaxk Reeves, David Logan, Mary Case and H-Berndt Schuttler. 2006. Systems Biology of the Biological Clock. IEEE Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ICCSB-2006), pp. 119-125.
16. Wubei Dong, Maita Latijnhouwers, Rays H.Y. Jiang, Harold J.G. Meijer, and Francine Govers. 2004. Downstream targets of the Phytophthora infestans G subunit PiGPA1 revealed by cDNA-AFLP. Molecular Plant Pathology. 5(5 ), 483–494 (SCI, 影响因子 4.485).
17. Wubei Dong. 2004. Pathogenicity target gene is the Achilles' heel in host-pathogen interaction. Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Bulletin [www.crpmb.org/] 2004/1029dong [http://www.crpmb.org/2004/1029dong/index.htm].
1. Jiaoiao Huan, Kangkang Wan, and Wubei Dong. A novel removing PCR method for isolation of Blumeria specialized genes. 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China, August 25-30, 2013.
2. Wubei Dong. ISOLATION OF BARLEY NONHOST RESISTANT COMPONENTS TO BLUMERIA GRAMINIS. 13th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference. Beijng Friendship Hotel, China, 28 August - 1 September, 2012 (大会报告).
3. Wubei Dong. Pathogen agent genes in plants. The 2nd International Conference on Biotic Plant Interactions. Kunming, China, November 12-16, 2011 (Abstract).
4. Tingting Zhang, Jiaojiao Huan, Jue Huang, Junwei Shi, Menglan Cheng, Wei Kuang, Wubei Dong*. What we can learn from high similarities of molecular mechanisms between barley host and nonhost resistances to Blumeria graminis. PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 2011, 101(6): S202-S202 (Abstract).
5. Dong, Wubei, Xiaojia Tang, Yihai Yu, Roger Nilsen, James Griffith, Jonathan Arnold, and H.-Bernd Schuttler. Systems Biology of the Biological Clock. XXIV FUNGAL GENETICS CONFERENCE Asilomar California,USA. March 20-25, 2007 (http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm).
6. Wubei Dong, Y. Yu, C. Altimus, J. Griffith, M. Morello, L. Dudek, H.-B. Schuttler, & J. Arnold. Systems Biology of the Biological Clock. Neurospora 2006 Conference, Asilomar California, USA. March 30 - April 2, 2006 (http://www.fgsc.net/asil2006/2006PosterAbstracts.htm).
7. Dimitar Douchkov, Wubei Dong, Uwe Zierold, Daniela Nowara, Udo Seiffert and Patrick Schweizer. High throughput RNAi to study the interaction between barley and powdery mildew fungi (http://www.pflanzen-biotechnologie.de/Abstracts/Schweizer.html).
8. Dimitar Douchkov , Wubei Dong , Uwe Zierold , Patrick Schweizer. 2006. High-Throughput RNAi In Barley Reveals Genes Involved In Durable Pathogen Resistance. Plant & Animal Genomes XIV Conference. January 14-18, 2006. Town & Country Convention Center San Diego, California,USA.
9. Wubei Dong, 2004. Pathogenicity target gene is the Achilles’ heel in host-pathogen interaction. Proceedings of the 11th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference, Norwich, England, 22-27 August 2004, abstract 2.80, Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Bulletin. (http://www.crpmb.org/icrpmc11/abstracts.htm#A2_80)
10. Wubei Dong, Dimitar Douchkov and Patrick Schweizer, 2004. Comparison of gene expression profiles in barley epidermis in response to Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei and Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici. Proceedings of the 11th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference, Norwich, England, 22-27 August 2004, abstract 1.3, Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Bulletin. (http://www.crpmb.org/icrpmc11/abstracts.htm#A1_3)
11. Uwe Zierold, Wubei Dong, and Patrick Schweizer. 2004. Transcriptome analysis in the epidermis of disease-resistant barley. Abstracts Mini Symposium on Expression Data Analysis. (http://pgrc-16.ipk-gatersleben.de/~pdw/exd/Abstracts.pdf)
12. Dimitar Douchkov, Wubei Dong, Daniela Nowara and Patrick Schweizer. Functional analysis of nonhost resistance in barley by RNAi. Plant GEMs Lyon 2004: 3th Plant Genomics European Meetings. 22 - 25 September 2004. Lyon, France
13. Dimitar Douchkov, Wubei Dong and Patrick Schweizer. An and RNAi-based approach to nonhost disease resistance in barley (GABI-NONHOST). Plant GEMs Lyon 2004: 3th Plant Genomics European Meetings. 22 - 25 September 2004. Lyon, France
14. Rays Jiang, Wubei Dong, Maita Latijnhouwers, Jun Guo, and Francine Govers. Transcriptional profiling in Phytophthora infestans using cDNA-AFLP. Phytophthora Molecular Genetics Network Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California, USA. March 16-18, 2003
15. Maita Latijnhouwers, Wubei Dong and Francine Govers. The Functions of a G-alpha and a G-beta Protein in the Life Cycle of the Oomycete Phytophthora Infestans. Phytophthora Molecular Genetics Network Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California, USA. March 16-18, 2003
16. Dimitar Douchkov, Wubei Dong, Uwe Zierold and Patrick Schweizer. Development of a high-throughput gene-silencing system for functional analysis of nonhost resistance in barley. RNAi: the technology to revolutionise functional genomic research—What are the limitations? 20 - 22 November 2003. Harnack-Haus, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany.
17. Schweizer, P., D. Douchkov, and W. Dong. Reverse-genetic screening by RNAi for nonhost disease resistance in barley. Presentations during the 3rd GABI status seminar (11./12. February 2003, GSI Bonn, Germany)
18. Schweizer, P., D. Douchkov, & W. Dong: Silencing the transcriptome of disease-resistant barley. 11. International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. St. Petersburg/Russia, 18-25.07.2003
19. Zierold, Uwe; Douchkov, Dimitar; Dong Wubei; and Schweizer, Patrick. SILENCING THE TRANSCRIPTOME OF DISEASE-RESISTANT BARLEY. The International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance Hotel Marienlyst – Elsinore Denmark, May 5-9, 2004 http://pr-ir2004.risoe.dk
20. Jiang, R.H.Y.; Jun Guo, --; Latijnhouwers, M.; Dong, W.; Govers, F. (2003)
Transcriptional profiling in Phytophthora infestans using cDNA-AFLP
In: Proceedings of The Dutch-Chinese Life Science Forum, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 12 October 2003. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], - p. 28.
21. Latijnhouwers, M.; Dong, W.; Govers, F. (2003)
The functions of a G-alpha and a G-beta protein in the life cycle of the oomycete Phytophthora infestans
In: Book of Abstracts XXII Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar, USA, 18-23 March 2003. - Asilomar, USA : [s.n.], - p. 148.
22. Ligterink, W.; Dong, W.; Jiang, R.H.Y.; Guo, J.; Latijnhouwers, M.; Slot, A. van 't; Vondervoort, P. van de; Weide, R.; Govers, F. (2002)
Phytophthora research at Wageningen University
In: Book of Abstracts : Phytophthora Molecular Genetics Workshop, 1-2 August 2002, Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002 - p. 6