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分类:导师信息 来源:中国考研网 2016-05-10 相关院校:北京交通大学
办公电话:51683600 电子邮件: yxchang@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学数学系 邮编:100044
1985年毕业于河北师范大学; 1988年获苏州大学数学硕士学位; 1995年获苏州大学应用数学博士学位. 1988年7月至1995年12月任河北师范大学数学系助教、讲师、副教授; 1996年1月调入北京交通大学数学系; 1998年9月至今任北京交通大学教授、博士生导师、二级岗位教授、数学系主任. 1998年被评为铁路青年科技拔尖人才称号; 2000年获第二届全国高校青年教师奖; 2000年获铁道部有突出贡献的中青年专家称号; 2004年享受国务院政府特殊津贴. 一直从事组合数学与编码理论的教学与科研工作, 曾获霍英东教育基金会第六届高等院校青年教师基金, 主持完成国家自然科学基金项目6项及一项博士点基金, 经常应邀参加国际、国内专业学术会议并做特邀报告及大会报告. 在组合数学与编码理论领域发表160余篇学术论文, 其中近130篇被SCI收录, 一项成果在1991年获河北省科技进步一等奖(排名二), 另一成果在2001年获全国高校科技奖自然科学二等奖(排名三). 曾应邀赴意大利、日本、加拿大、新加坡以及香港地区进行讲学及合作研究. 现任中国组合数学与图论专业委员会常务理事; 国际组合数学与应用学会Fellow; 中国运筹学会图论与组合分会副理事长; 中国数学会理事.
主讲本科生组合数学等课程; 研究生经典组合学, 区组设计, 数论基础, 密码学, 序列密码, 代数数论基础等课程
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Overlarge sets of Mendelsohn triple systems with resolvability[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2013-02,313(4),490:497
期刊-> 常彦勋,周君灵.Large sets of Kirkman triple systems and related designs[J]。Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,2013-03,120(3),649:670
期刊-> 常彦勋,周君灵.On tight blocking set in minimum coverings[J]。Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,2013-01,40(1),365:370
期刊-> 常彦勋,周君灵.TBSs in some minimum coverings[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2013-02,313(3),278:285
期刊-> 常彦勋,冯弢,faro,Tripodi.Metamorphosis of simple twofold triple systems into twofold (K4-e)-designs[J]。Electron. Notes Discrete Math,2013-03,40(40),217:222
期刊-> 王小苗,常彦勋,冯弢.Optimal 2-D (n m,3,2,1)-optical orthogonal codes[J]。IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory,2013-01,59(59),710:725
期刊-> 常彦勋,冯弢,faro,Tripodi.Metamorphosis of simple twofold triple systems into maximum twofold (K4-e)-packings[J]。Discrete Math,2013-10,313(313),2538:2546
期刊-> 张桂芝,常彦勋,冯弢.The Fine Triangle Intersections for Maximum Kite Packings[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series,2013-02,29(5),867:882
期刊-> 方剑英,周君灵,常彦勋.Nonexistence of some quantum jump codes with specified parameters[J]。Designs, Codes and Cryptography,2013-04,10623-013-9814-7(10623-013-9814-7),1:13
期刊-> 潘蓉,常彦勋.Determination of the sizes of optimal (m,n,k,λ,k−1)(m,n,k,λ,k−1)-OOSPCs for λ=k−1,kλ=k−1,k [J]。Discrete Mathematics,2013-03,313(12),1327:1337
期刊-> 方剑英,常彦勋.Mutually disjoint t-designs and t-SEEDs from extremal doubly-even self-dual codes[J]。Designs, Codes and Cryptography,2013-04,10623-013-9825-4(10623-013-9825-4),1:12
期刊-> 吴艳,常彦勋.On the covering number c_{\lambda}(3,W_4^{(3)}, v)[J]。 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,2012-11,28(4),631:638
期刊-> 李燕楠,常彦勋,范秉理.The intersection numbers of KTSs with a common parallel class[J]。Discrete Math.,2012-10,312(19),2893:2904
期刊-> 常彦勋,冯弢,Faro,Tripodi.The fine triangle intersection problem for kite systems[J]。Discrete Math. ,2012-02,312(3),545:553
期刊-> 黄月梅,常彦勋.The sizes of optimal (n,4,\lambda,3) optical orthogonal codes[J]。Discrete Math.,2012-10,312(10),3128:3139
期刊-> 黄月梅,常彦勋.Two classes of two-dimensional OOCs[J]。Designs, Codes and Cryptography,2012-03,63(3),357:363
期刊-> 王小苗,常彦勋.Further results on optimal (v,4,2,1)-OOCs[J]。Discrete Math. ,2012-01,312(2),331:340
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Decompositions of 3-uniform hypergraph K_v(3) into hypergraph K_4(3)+e[J]。Utilitas Mathematica ,2012-05,87(2),49:64
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Further results on large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares[J]。Journal of Combinatorial Designs,2012-09,20(9),399:407
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.带可分解性质的幂等拟群大集[J]。中国科学(数学),2012-10,42(10),1037:1045
期刊-> 常彦勋,杨帆,周君灵.The existence spectrum for (3, lambda)-GDDs of type g^t u^1[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2012-01,312(1),341:350
期刊-> 常彦勋,Faro,Tripodi,周君灵.Overlarge sets of resolvable idempotent quasigroups[J]。 Discrete Mathematics,2012-02,312(2),1461:1467
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Constructions for cyclic 3-designs and improved results on cyclic Steiner quadruple systems[J]。J. Combinatorial Designs,2011-05,19(3),178:201
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋,史凯华.The existence of NBIBDs with k1=6 and λ1=5, Mathematica Aeterna[J]。Mathematica Aeterna,2011-12,1(8),587:598
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Combinatorial constructions for optimal two-dimensional optical orthogonal codes with λ=2[J]。IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory,2011-10,57(10),6796:6819
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋,田子红.Large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2011-01,311(1),24:31
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.P3BD-Closed Sets[J]。Journal ofcombinatorial designs,2011-11,19(6),407:421
期刊-> 王小苗,常彦勋.The spectrum of (gv, g, 3, lambda)-dDFs in Z_{gv}[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series),2010-12,26(2),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.New results on large sets of Kirkman triple systems[J]。Designs, Codes and Cryptography,2010-12,55(1),
期刊-> 王小苗,常彦勋.The spectrum of cyclic (3, lambda)-GDD of type g^v[J]。Sci. China Math,2010-12,53(2),
期刊-> 王小苗,常彦勋.Further results on (12t, 4, 1) perfect difference families[J]。Discrete Mathematics 310,2010-12,310(1),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.New results on large sets of Kirkman triple systems[J]。Designs, codes, and cryptography,2010-12,55(1),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Existence of good large sets of Steiner triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2009-12,309(12),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Existence of good large sets of Steiner triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2009-12,309(12),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋,季利均.The spectrum for large sets of pure Mendelsohn triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2008-12,308(10),
期刊-> 张晶,常彦勋.Existence of BSAs and cyclic BSAs of block size three[J]。Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,2007-12,137(4),
期刊-> 常彦勋,G. Lo Faro,A. Tripodi.The spectrum of Meta(K_4-e > K_3+e, lambda) with any lambda[J]。Utilitas Math.,2007-12,72(无),
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Decompositions of 3-uniform hypergraph K^(3)_v into hypergraph of a certain type[J]。Science in China (A),2007-12,50(7),
期刊-> 常彦勋.The existence spectrum of golf designs[J]。J. Combin. Designs,2007-12,15(1),
期刊-> 张晶,常彦勋."The spectrum of BSA(v, 3, lambda; alpha) with alpha=2, 3[J]。J. Combin. Designs,2007-12,15(1),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Tripling construction for large sets of resolvable directed triple systems[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series,2006-12,22(1),
期刊-> 常彦勋,G.Lo Faro,G.Nordo.The fine structures of three latin squares[J]。J.Combin,2006-12,14(2),
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Existence of Z-cyclic 3PTWh(9) for prime p=1(mod4)[J]。Codes and Cryptography,2006-12,39(1),
期刊-> 冯弢,常彦勋.Existence of Z-cyclic 3PTWh(9) for prime p=1(mod4)[J]。Codes and Cryptography,2006-12,39(1),
期刊-> 徐允庆,常彦勋.Existence of r-self-orthogonal Latin squarees[J]。Discrete Math,2006-12,306(??),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋,季利均.纯的可迁三元系大集的存在谱[J]。Science in China,Ser. A,Chinese,2006-12,36(7),
期刊-> 高晶晶,常彦勋.New upper bounds for impulse radio sepuences[J]。IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory,2006-12,52(5),
期刊-> 常彦勋,C.Ding.Constructions of external difference families and disjoint difference families[J]。Designs,Codes and Cryptography,2006-12,40(2),
期刊-> 李强,常彦勋.A few more $(K_v, K_5-e)$-designs[J]。Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl.,2005-12,45(?),
期刊-> 王昕,常彦勋.The spectrum of self-converse directed BIBDs with block size four[J]。Ars Combinatoria,2005-12,75(?),
期刊-> 张晶,常彦勋.The spectrum of cyclic BSA(v,3,lambda; alpha) with alpha=2, 3[J]。J. Combin. Designs,2005-12,13(5),
期刊-> 周君灵,常彦勋.Product constructions for large sets of resolvable MTSs and DTSs[J]。Australasian J. Combin.,2005-12,33(?),
期刊-> 李强,常彦勋.一类图设计存在性的完全解决[J]。北方交通大学学报,2004-12,28(3),
期刊-> Frank E.Bennett,Gennian Ge,常彦勋,Malcolm Greig.Existence of (v,{2,W*},1)-PBDs[J]。Decrete Mathematics,2004-12,279(?),
期刊-> Yunqing Xu,常彦勋.On the spectrum of r-self-orthogonal Latin squares[J]。Decrete Mathematics,2004-12,279(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Jianxing Yin.Further results on optimal optical orthogonal codes with weight 4[J]。Decrete Mathematics,2004-12,279(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋.Some Cyclic BIBDs with Block Size Four[J]。Wiley InterScience,2004-12,?(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Giovanni Lo Faro,Hao Shen.Support Sizes of Threefold Resolvable Triple Systems[J]。J. Combin Dsigns,2003-12,11(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Giovanni Lo Faro.The existence of directed BIBDs[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2003-12,272(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Giovanni Lo Faro.The flower intersection problem for Kirkman triple systems[J]。Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,2003-12,?(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Ying Miao.Constructions for optimal optical orthogonal codes[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2003-12,261(?),
期刊-> 常彦勋,Ryoh Fuji-Hara,Ying Miao.Combinatorial Constructions of Optimal Optical Orthogonal Codes With Weight 4[J]。IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,2003-12,49(5),
期刊-> 常彦勋,RyohFuji-Hara,YingMiao.Combinatorial Constructions of Optimal Optical Orthogonal Codes With Weight 4[J]。IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,2003-12,49(5),
期刊-> 常彦勋,YingMiao.Constructions for optimal optical orthogonal codes[J]。,2003-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋,G.LoFaro.The flower intersection problem for Kirkman triple systems[J]。Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,2003-12,
期刊-> 马世奎,常彦勋.重量为 的光正交码的一些结果[J]。科学技术与工程,2002-12,
期刊-> 王昕,常彦勋.区组长为4的自反有向平衡不完全区组设计[J]。北方交通大学学报,2002-12,26(6),
期刊-> 马世奎,常彦勋.Some results of optimal optical orthogonal codes with weight five[J]。Science Technology and Engineering (in Chinese),2002-12,2(4),
期刊-> 蔡满春,常彦勋.Support size of completely decomposable TS(V,4)[J]。Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ.(Ser.B),2002-12,17(4),
期刊-> 常彦勋,缪莹.General constructions for double group divisible designs and double frames[J]。Designs Codes and Cryptography,2002-12,
期刊-> 蔡满春,常彦勋.Support sizes of completely decomposable 5-fold triple systems[J]。北方交通大学学报,2002-12,26(3),
期刊-> D.Bryant,R.Wei,常彦勋,C.A.Rodger.Two dimensional balanced sampling plans excluding contiguous units[J]。Communications in Statistics --Theory and Methods,2002-12,30(8),
期刊-> 常彦勋,G.LoFaro.Intersection numbers of Latin squares[J]。Australisian J. Combin.,2002-12,
期刊-> 蔡满春,常彦勋.完全可分的三元系TS(v,5)的支撑[J]。北方交通大学学报,2002-12,26(3),
期刊-> 常彦勋.On the existence of BIBdesigns with large λ[J]。Journal of Statistical Planning and inference,2001-12,
期刊-> JianguoLei,常彦勋,QingdeKang.The spetrum for large set of disjoint incomplete Latin squares[J]。Discrete Applied Mathematics,2001-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.There exitsts a large set of idempotent Latin square of order 62[J]。JCMCC,2000-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.The existence of BIB designs[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica(English Series),2000-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.The existence of resolvable with k even and \lambda=1[J]。Discrete Math.,2000-12,218(1-3),
期刊-> 常彦勋,G.LoFaro.The existence of DBIBDs with block size not divided by four[J]。Discrete Math.,2000-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.The spectrum for large set of idempotent quasigroups[J]。J. Combin. Designs,2000-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.The existence of resolvable BIBDs with λ=1[J]。应用数学学报,2000-12,16(1),
期刊-> 常彦勋.素数幂分布定理[J]。北方交通大学学报,1999-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.Some new results on LKTS(V)s[J]。Ars combinatoria,1999-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.Wilson 一般化定理的精确刻画[J]。中国科学,1999-12,
期刊-> 常彦勋.Intersection numbers of kirkman triple systems[J]。Ars combinatoria,1999-12,
1998年被评为铁路青年科技拔尖人才称号; 2000年获第二届全国高校青年教师奖; 2000年获铁道部有突出贡献的中青年专家称号; 2004年享受国务院政府特殊津贴
现任中国组合数学与图论专业委员会常务理事; 国际组合数学与应用学会Fellow; 中国运筹学会图论与组合分会副理事长; 中国数学会理事