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发表于 2015-08-12 10:39
董滔,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究领域包括:神经网络动力学行为,计算机病毒,网络拥塞控制动力学行为等。在Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications, Nonlinear Dynamics, Neurocomputing 等SCI收录的著名国际期刊发表论文10篇。担任多个国际期刊和学术会议的审稿人,如IEEE TNNLS, Nonlinear Dynamics, Neurocomputing等国际杂志。 1.学习和工作经历: 2013/11-至今, 西南大学,电子信息工程学院,副教授 2010/09-2013/6,重庆大学,计算机学院,博士 2007/04-2008/04, 华为技术有限公司,软件工程师 2004/07-2007/4,电子科技大学,计算机学院,硕士 2000/09-2004/07,电子科技大学, 应用数学学院,学士 2.研究方向:计算机病毒 神经网络 网络拥塞控制 3. 已发表的部分论文 [1] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, Dynamics of congestion control in wireless access networks, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 48 (2013) 123–132, (SCI, IF: 2.609). [2] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, On the general consensus protocol in multi-agent networks with double-integrator dynamics and coupling time delay, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013 (SCI, IF: 1.209).. [3] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, Huaqing Li, Hopf-pitchfork bifurcation in an inertial two-neuron system with time delay, Neurocomputing, 97 (2012) 223–232 (SCI, IF: 1.609). [4] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, Huaqing Li, Stability and Hopf Bifurcation in a computer virus model with multi-state anti-virus, Abstract and Applied Analysis, (SCI, IF: 1.209). [5] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation in a tri-neuron BAM neural network model with multiple delays, Nonlinear Dynamics (2013) 71:583–595 (SCI, IF: 3.009). [6] Tao Dong, Xiaofeng Liao, Hopf–Pitchfork bifurcation in a simplified BAM neural network model with multiple delays, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 253 (2013) 222–234 (SCI, IF: 1.109). [7] HuaQing. Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Tao Dong, Second-order consensus seeking in directed networks of multi-agent dynamical systems via generalized linear local interaction protocols, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 70, pp. 2213-2226, 2012. (SCI, IF: 3.009). |
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