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发表于 2015-07-13 10:48















1. 主持国家自然科学基金《杏果实香气物质形成特异CCD基因家族成员的克隆及功能解析》,(31471855),2015.1-2018.12
2. 主持国家自然科学基金《桃果实内酯类香气物质的生物合成及其调控机制研究》,(31260467),2013.1月-2015.12
3. 主持重庆市自然科学基金《川陈皮素调节肥胖小鼠能量代谢的动力基础研究》(cstc2013jcyjA80012),2013.9-2015.9
4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费《果品营养与质量安全创新团队建设》(XDJK2013A014),2012.10-2014.10
5. 主持西南大学博士基金《桃果实香气形成相关脂氧合酶(LOX)基因功能研究》(SWU112075)2012.10-2014.10
6. 主研重庆高校创新团队建设项目《果品营养与质量安全创新团队建设》()2013.10-2015.10
7. 主研国家自然科学基金《库尔勒香梨果实套袋后香气成分的变化及其生理机制研究》(31260454)2013.1 -2015.12
8. 主研国家自然科学基金《桃果实青香型香气向果香型香气转化的分子机制与调控》(31171937)2011.1 -2014.12

[1] Xi WP, Zhang B, Liang L, Shen JY, Wei WW, Xu CJ, Andrew CA, Ferguson I, Chen KS(✉).Postharvest temperature influences volatile lactones production via regulation of acyl-CoA oxidases in peach fruit. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2012, 35(3): 534-545. (IF=5.145)
[2] Xi WP, Zhang QY, Lu XY, Wei CQ, Yu SL, Zhou ZQ (✉). Improvement of flavor quality and consumer acceptance during postharvest ripening in greenhouse peaches by carbon dioxide enrichment, Food Chemistry, 2014, 164: 219-227. (IF=3.334)
[3] Xi WP, Fang B, Jiao BN, Zhou ZQ (✉). Flavonoid compositions and antioxidant activities of Chinese local pomelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck.) cultivars. Food Chemistry, 161:230-238. (IF=3.334)
[4] Xi WP, Zhang, YM, Sun, Y, Shen, Y, Ye, XQ., Zhou, ZQ (✉). Phenolic composition of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Balnco.) pulps and their antioxidant properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 2014, 52(1): 466-474. (IF=2.468)
[5] Xi WP, Zhang B, Shen JY, Sun CD, Xu CJ., Chen KS. (✉). Intermittent warming alleviated the loss of peach fruit aroma-related esters by regulation of AAT during cold storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2012, 74: 42-48. (IF=2.411)
[6] Zhang B, Xi WP (Co-first author), Wei WW, Shen JY, Ferguson I, Chen KS (✉).Changes in aroma-related volatiles and gene expression during low temperature storage and subsequent shelf-life of peach fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60(1): 7-16. (IF=2.256)
[7] Wei CQ, Xi WP, Nie XY, Liu WY, Wang Q, Yang BB, Cao D(✉). Aroma characterization of flaxseed oils using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-olfactometry. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2013, 115(9): 1032-1042. (IF=2.266)
[8] Zhang YM, Sun YJ, Xi WP, Shen Y, Qiao LP, Zhong LZ, Ye XQ, Zhou ZQ (✉). Phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacities of Chinese wild mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits. Food Chemistry, 2014, 145: 674-680. (IF=3.334)
[9] Lu Y, Xi WP, Ding XB, Fan SJ, Zhang Y., Jiang D., Li YM, Huang C, Zhou ZQ (✉). Citrange Fruit Extracts Alleviate Obesity-Associated Metabolic Disorder in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese C57BL/6 Mouse. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 14(12): 23736-23750. (IF=2.464)
[10] Jing L, Lei ZT, Xie RJ, Xi WP, Zhou ZQ, (✉). Antifungal activity of citrus essential oils: A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 6: 3011−3033. (IF=2.9)
[11] Zhang B, Shen JY, Wei WW, Xi WP, Xu CJ, Ferguson I, Chen KS (✉). Expression of genes associated with aroma formation derived from the fatty acid pathway during peach fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (10): 6157–6165. (IF=2.562)
[11] Su MS, Chen KS (✉), Ye ZW, Zhang B, Guo J, Xu CJ, Sun CD, Zhang JK, Li X, Wu AZ, Xi WP. Physical changes and physiology characteristics of red and green peel during nectarine (cv. Hu018) maturation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012, 92(7): 1448-1454. (IF=1.36)
[12] Su MS, Chen KS (✉), Ye ZW, Zhang B, Guo J, Xu CJ, Sun CD, Zhang JK, Li X, Wu AZ, Xi WP. Physical changes and physiology characteristics of red and green peel during nectarine (cv. Hu018) maturation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012, 92(7): 1448-1454. (IF=1.36)
[13] Zhang H, Xi WP, Wang HL, Zhou ZQ, (✉). Bioactivities and structure of polymethoxylated flavones in citrus. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 2013, 11(2): 237-242. (IF=0.435)
[14] Tan S, Li MX. Ding XB, Fan SJ, Guo L, Ming Gu, Zhang Y, Feng L, Jiang D, Li YM, Xi WP, Huang C, Zhou ZQ (✉). Effects of fortunella margarita fruit extract on metabolic disorders in high-fat diet-induced obese C57BL/6 Mice, Plos one, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093510. (IF=3.77)
[15] Sun Q, Zheng L, Xi WP, He SL, Yi SL, Lv Qiang, Zheng YQ, Deng L, Xie RJ (✉). Transcriptome analysis of blood orange (Citrus sinensis) following fruit bagging treatment by digital gene expression profiling. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2014, 89 (4 ): 397-407. (IF= 0.509)
[16] Xie RJ, Zheng L, Jing L, He SL, Xi WP, Lv Q, Yi SL, Zheng YQ, Deng L. The effect of cultivar and bagging on physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of three sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 2013, 13 (2): 139-147. (IF=0.435)
[17] 席万鹏,郁松林,周志钦(✉). 桃果实香气物质生物合成研究进展,园艺学报, 2013,40(9): 1679–1690.
[18] 席万鹏,张波,梁莉,申济源,徐昌杰,陈昆松 (✉). 温度对采后桃果实内酯类香气生物合成的调控. 园艺学报, 2011, 38: 2473.

1. 席万鹏, 周志钦, 于杰. 油漆污迹去除剂. ZL 201410123132.3
2. 周志钦, 于杰, 席万鹏, 钟涛, 刘燕. 包装盒(佑安茶). ZL 200910103539.9
3. 于杰, 周志钦,席万鹏, 钟涛, 刘燕.手提袋(佑安茶). ZL 201110414487.4

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