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发表于 2015-04-23 09:37


袁宏宽,男,陕西省城固县人。中共党员,博士,教授,硕士生导师,学院副院长,重庆物理学会理事。2001年于宝鸡文理学院获学士学位,2004年于西南大学获硕士学位,2009年于苏州大学获博士学位。 2004年7月-至今,在西南大学物理科学与技术学院任教。
主要从事团簇物理学、功能性新材料的设计、第一性原理的电子结构计算等方向研究,已在Phys. Rev. B, J. Chem. Phys., J. Phys. Chem. A, Inter. J. Hydrogen Energy等国际期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,申请专利2项;主持和主研国家级和重庆市级科研项目7项、西南大学校级项目4项;获重庆市自然科学奖三等奖1项;出版“十二五”规划教材1部。


联系方式:yhk10@swu.edu.cn; 023-68254045




(02) 基于单分子磁体的单自旋态制备和检测
国家自然科学基金 (91121013), 主研,2011.01-2014.12.


重庆市自然科学基金 (2012JJA50006), 主持,2012.09-2015.09


重庆市自然科学基金 (2008BB4253), 主持,2008.09-2011.09

(05) 宽禁带化合物半导体纳米结构储氢性能的研究

重庆市自然科学基金重点项目 (CSTC 2011BA6004), 主研,2011.06-2014.06


重庆市自然科学重点项目基金(CSTC 2009BA4005),主研,2009.04 -2012.04



(08) 过渡金属团簇的稳定性和磁性研究


(09) 磁性纳米团簇的研究及应用


   (10) Co及其掺杂化合物团簇的结构与磁性研究

西南师范大学青年基金(SWNUQ2004021), 主持,2004.12-2006.12


(01) Monoxides of small terbium clusters: A density functional theory investigation

G. L. Zhang, H. K. Yuan*, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, Y. Li, J. Z. Wang, and J. Chen

J. Chem. Phys. 141, 244304 (2014)

   (02)Density Functional Calculations for Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of Gadolinium-Oxide Clusters

H. K. Yuan, H. Chen,C. L. Tian, A. L. Kuang, and J. Z. Wang

J. Chem. Phys. 140, 154308 (2014)

(03)Electronic structural and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3 clusters

H. K. Yuan, H. Chen,A. L. Kuang, C. L. Tian, and J. Z. Wang

J. Chem. Phys. 139, 204307 (2013)

(04) The spin and orbital moment of Fen (n=2–20) clusters

H. K. Yuan, H. Chen,A. L. Kuang, C. L. Tian, and J. Z. Wang

J. Chem. Phys. 139, 034314 (2013)

(05) Geometrical structure and spin order of Gd13 cluster
H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, B. Wu, and L.Xu
J. Chem. Phys. 135, 114512 (2011)
   (06) Density-functional study of small neutral and cationic bismuth clusters Bin and Bin+ (n=2-24)
H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, Y. Miao, Z. H. Xiong
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 094305 (2008)
   (07)Study of geometrical evolution, electronic structures, and magnetic properties of Bi-Mn binary clusters
H. Chen, H. K. Yuan, A. L.Kuang, Y. Miao, P. Chen, Z. H. Xiong
Phys. Rev B 77, 184429 (2008)   
   (08)Density-functional calculations of the structures electronic and magnetic properties of small Yn clusters (n=2-17)
H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, A. S.AhmedZ. H. Xiong
Phys. Rev B 75, 174412 (2007)   
   (09)Density-functional study of Scn clusters (n=2-16): lowest-energy structures, electronic structure and magnetism
H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. S. Ahmed, J. F. Zhang
Phys. Rev B 74,144434 (2006)
(10) High-capacity hydrogen storage in Li-decorated (AlN)n (n=12, 24, 36) nanocages
Guangzhao Wang, Hongkuan Yuan*, Anlong Kuang, Wenfeng Hu, Hong Chen
Int. J. hydrogen energy 139, 3780(2014)

(11) Emergence of Antiferromagnetic Ordering in Tbn (n=2−33) Clusters

G. L. Zhang, H. K. Yuan*, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, C. L. Tian, and J. Z. Wang

J. Phy. Chem. A,118, 1936 (2014)  

   (12) Structural and Magnetic Properties of Small 4d Transition Metal Clusters: Role of Spin−Orbit Coupling

H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, B. Wu, L. Xu, and J. Z. Wang

J. Phy. Chem. A,116, 11673 (2012)

   (13) Structural and electronic properties of Aun−xPtx (n=2–14; xn) clusters: The density functional theory investigation

H. K. Yuan, A. L. Kuang, C. L. Tian, and H. Chen
AIP Advances4, 037107 (2014)

(14) Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt clusters

W. F. Hu, H. K. Yuan*, H. Chen, G. Z. Wang, G. L. Zhang

Phys. Lett. A 378, 198 (2014)

(15) Spin-orbit effect and magnetic anisotropy in Pt clusters

H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, A. L. Kuang, and B. Wu

J. Magn. Magn. Mater.331, 7, (2013)  

(16) Electric dipole moments and polarizabilities of small Bin (n=2-24, 40, 80) clusters
Song Zhang, Hong Kuan Yuan*, Hong Chen, An Long Kuang, Bo Wu
Phys. Stat. Solid. B. 249, 62 (2012)
   (17)Direct Observation of Molecular Orbitals in an Individual Single-Molecule Magnet Mn12 on Bi(111)

K. Sun, K. Park, J.L. Xie, J. Y Luo, H. K. Yuan, Z. H. Xiong, J.Z Wang, Q. K. Xue

ACS Nano.7 6825(2013)

(18) Chiral Pinwheel Clusters Lacking Local Point Chirality

K. Sun, T. N. Shao , J. L. Xie , H. K.Yuan , Z. H. Xiong , J. Z. Wang , Y. Liu , Q. K. Xue

Small 8, 2078 (2012)

   (19) Half-metallicity and magnetism of the quaternary inverse full-Heusler alloy Ti2xMxCoAl (M=Nb, V) from the first-principles calculations

Ying Chen, BoWu, Yu Feng, Hong-Kuan Yuan, and Hong Chen

Eur. Phys. J. B 87,24 (2014)

   (20) Magnetism and half-metallicity in bulk and (100) surface of Heusler alloy Ti2CoAl with Hg2CuTi-type structure

Yu Feng, Bo Wu, Hongkuan Yuan, Anlong Kuang, Hong Chen

J. Alloy. Compound. 557, 202(2013)

(21)Static electric and optical properties of two coupled noble metal nanoparticles
Bo Wu, Hongkuan Yuan, Anlong Kuang, Hong Chen, Song Zhang
Comput. Mater. Sci.51, 430 (2012)        
   (22) Thermodynamic stability, magnetism and half-metallicity of Heusler alloy, Co2MnX (X = Si, Ge, Sn) (1 0 0) surface

Bo Wu, Hongkuan Yuan, Anlong Kuang, Hong Chen, Yu Feng

Appl. Surf. Sci.258, 4945 (2012)

   (23)Tunable magnetism and half-metallicity in bulk and (1 0 0) surface of quaternary Co2MnGe1−xGax Heusler alloy

Bo Wu, Hongkuan Yuan, Anlong Kuang, Yu Feng and Hong Chen

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.44, 405301 (2011)

   (24)Tunable magnetism and half-metallicity in bulk and (100) surface of quaternary Co2MnGe1−xGax Heusler alloy
BoWu, Hongkuan Yuan, Anlong Kuang, Yu Feng and Hong Chen
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 405301 (2011)
(25) A study on the magnetic properties of carbon-doped (1120) ZnO thin films
L. B. Shi, H. K.Yuan
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 857 (2011)
   (26) Effect of Nb doping on electronic and magnetic properties of half-metallic CoMnSb semi-Heusler compound from first-principles calculations
X. Y. Wu, J. Zhang, H. K.Yuan, and H. Chen
Phys. Stat. Solid. B 247, 945 (2010)
(27) Ferromagnetism driven by cation vacancy in GaN thin films and nanowires
Anlong Kuang, Hong-kuan Yuan, and Hong Chen
Appl. Surf. Sci.256, 6040 (2010)
   (28) Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Con-xMnx(n=0-9, x=0-9) Clusters for Density Functional Calculations
X. H. Dai, H. K. Yuan, H. Chen
Chem. J. Chinese. U 30, 42 (2009)
(39) First-principles study of identical Nb4 clusters on the Si(001) surface
Anlong Kuang, Hongkuan Yuan, and Hong Chen
J. Mol. Struct. 910, 69 (2009)
(30) First-principles study of manganese adsorption on Si(100) surface
Anlong Kuang, Hongkuan Yuan, and Hong Chen
Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 6624 (2009)


(01) 2010年,获重庆市自然科学三等奖(纳米团簇与半导体的结构设计和磁性研究,主持)
(02) 2014年,获西南大学“2012-2014年优秀教育工作者”            
(03) 2013年,获西南大学“本科教学优秀管理工作者”               
(04) 2013年,获西南大学“本科实习优秀管理干部”                  
(05) 2012年,获西南大学“毕业研究生就业工作先进个人”            
(06) 2011年,获物理科学与技术学院“2008-2011年度优秀科研工作者”
(07) 2009年,获西南大学“研究生思想政治工作先进个人”            
(08) 2006年,获物理科学与技术学院“优秀共产党员”




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