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发表于 2015-04-17 13:08
主要从事自旋电子学和磁性纳米材料的研究, 包括巨磁电阻材料,磁性半导体, 自旋电子学器件等相关领域。先后主持省部以上科研课题6项,在国内外学术刊物上发表SCI或EI收录论文30余篇,获省部级以上奖励3项。主要承担《热力学与统计物理》、《凝聚态物理导论》和《铁磁学》等课程的教学任务。 联系邮箱:pchen@swu.edu.cn 目前主持项目情况: 教育部科学技术研究重点项目 (编号:107092) 教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金项目 (编号:200728) 教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划(编号:08-0816) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号:10974158) 近期发表的主要论文目录: (1) Chen P, Xing DY, Du YW, Zhu JM, Feng D Giant room-temperature magnetoresistance in polycrystalline Zn0.41Fe2.59O4 withα-Fe2O3 grain boundaries PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 87 (10): Art. No. 107202 (2001). (2). Chen P, Wong SP, Chiah MF Magnetic properties of (Pr0.17Co0.83)69C31 nanocomposite films prepared by pulsed filtered vacuum arc deposition APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 81 (25): 4799-4801, 2002 (3). Chen P, Xing DY, Du YW Positive magnetoresistance from quantum interference effects in perovskite-type manganites PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 (10): Art. No. 104402, 2001 (4). Chen P, Du YW Large magnetoresistance in Ni1-xFexS near room temperature, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 79 (1): 96-98 , 2001. (5) Yu T, Hao SF, Wang LM, Zhang ZG, , Li XQ, Li DG, Chen P(通讯作者) Magnetic Property and Magnetoresistance in Fe/ITO Multilayers Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300:2185,2008 (6). Zhang ZG, Hao SF, Wang LM, , Yu T, Li XQ, Li DG, Chen P (通讯作者) Giant magnetoresistance in Fe/In multilayers and its anomalous temperature dependence Solid State Communicates 147: 381, 2008 (7) Chen P, Wu GH, Zhang XX Magnetic, transport and thermal properties of single crystal Co2FeGa” Jounal of Alloys and Compounds 454: 52, 2008 (8) Chen P, Takamuru K.Ohno H. Magenetic and Elelctrical Properties of Zinc-Blende CrAs Chinese Physics B 17: 1, 2008 (9) Chen P, Wu GH, Zhang XX Martensitic Phase Transformation in Single Crystal Co5Ni2Ga3 Journal of Materials Science 43: 4226, 2008 (10) Chen P, Zhang XX Martensitic phase transformation in single crystal Ni54Fe19Ga27 Solid State Communications 143, 255–259 ,2007 (11) Hao SF, Zhang ZG, Wang LM, , Yu T, Li XQ, Li DG, Chen P (通讯作者) “Giant magnetoresistance in Co–Al2O3 granular films prepared by self-organized growth” (12) “Giant magnetoresistance of Fe/In/Fe trilayers”, Journal of Alloy and Compounds 486,18-21 (2009),(通讯作者) (13).“Giant magnetoresistance of Co/ITO multilayers’ Solid State Communication,149,2254-2256 (2009),(通讯作者) 获奖情况: 1、获得了2004年的国家自然科学二等奖 2、获得2003年全国优秀博士学位论文奖. |
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