14 西南大学英语语言学,英语综合,法语考研真题(回忆版)转载
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发表于 2014-07-22 10:10
一,名词解释 1acronym 2image schema 3Chomsky 4intertexuality 5register 6diglossia 7homonymy 8 multilingual 9adjacency pair 10 neurolinguistics 二 比较 1 Theme vs. Rheme 2 meronym vs. Hyponymy 3 presupposition vs. Entailment 4 conceptual metaphor vs. Conceptual metonymy 5 summative test vs. Formative test 三 构词法 1URI 2chirf 3burgle 4 to bullet-(词尾不记得了)这个明显是个conversion 就对了 5 MOOC 6 Razzle-dazzle 7 kang-bloody-roo 8 9 10 剩下的三个请记得的好心人补上吧 四 句子两个歧义都写出来 1. I know Mike better than you. 2. Susie doesn’t dance to please her mother . 3. The CEO appointed Mr. Brown assistant. 4. 5. 还有两个怎么都想不起来了 五 Using Leech’s CP and maxims to analyze the following utterances (1) A: should we bring some to children? B:Yes. I vote I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M. (2) A: There is a dead fly in my soup. B:what do you want for $1-----a live one? 六.Comment on the sentence of F. De Saussure . “Linguistics is the “patter-domain” because it is the most complex and arbitrary.” 这个不是原句。是我的大概印象。请记得同 学改正。 七.分析下面肯尼迪的演讲,写出至少三种修辞手法 Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 八.回答下列四个问题 1. Explain three steps of language production 2. 旧书《新编语言学教程》P212 第7 题 3. Exemplify why metaphor is so important for human to organize and understand the world. 4. 下面这个句子用了什么movement。画出它的树形图,标出trace and track 新书《语言学 导论》P70,第4 题第(1)小问。 英语综合: 一. 名词解释 1 The Beautiful Mind 2 New Media 3 M.K Hailldy 4. FedEx 5. William Faulkner 6. Ronald W. Langacker 7. 8. 9. 10. Geoffrey Chaucer 剩下的实在是想不起了。 想起了我随时补充吧。也请记得的补上吧 二. 改错 20 分 THE APES AND THE TWO TRAVELLERS ,选自《伊索寓言》。老师把同学们容易犯错的 地方变成了出题点。共10 处错误,20 分。以下是正确的文本,具体出题点记不清了。 THE APES AND THE TWO TRAVELLERS Two men were travelling together, one of whom never spoke the truth,whereas the other never told a lie; and they came in the course of their travels to the land of Apes. The King of the Apes, hearing of their arrival, ordered them to be brought before him; and by way of impressing them with his magnificence, he received them sitting on a throne, while the Apes, his subjects, were ranged in long rows on either side of him. When the Travellers came into his presence he asked them what they thought of him as a King. The lying Traveller said, "Sire, every one must see that you are a most noble and mighty monarch." "And what do you think of my subjects?" continued the King. "They," said the Traveller, "are in every way worthy of their royal master." The Ape was so delighted with his answer that he gave him a very handsome present. The other Traveller thought that if his companion was rewarded so splendidly for telling a lie, he himself would certainly receive a still greater reward for telling the truth; so, when the Ape turned to him and said, "And what, sir, is your opinion?" he replied, "I think you are a very fine Ape, and all your subjects are fine Apes too." The King of the Apes was so enraged at his reply that he ordered him to be taken away and clawed to death. 三. Reading Comprehension 全新改版!!! 五篇200 词左右的文章,每篇下面三个问答题。问的各种方式都有。要仔细读懂小短文 吧。还要答快点。我就是花的时间太多,差点没做完后面的。不过我也不敢保证2015 年还是这个题型。反正拆开信封的那一刻做好心理准备吧。兵来将挡水来土掩! 四.翻译英译汉全篇木有一个句号!分号都只有两三个吧。讲的是政治问题简化运动的事 儿。像篇讽刺文。 还是有点靠能力的。 汉译英 两篇(1)具体内容不记得了。也没找到原文,讲的就是什么意识不能掌握很多 事物。但是又是有志者事竟成。不要放弃什么的。一篇小散文吧。很短,100 多字吧(2) 原文还是没找到。大概内容是:中国观众一直很挑剔,并没有因为中国电影水平的提高 而降低标准。中国电影遭受批评很多。但是许多电影人表示不平衡。因为没有一种艺术 形式像电影这样遭受如此多的批评。但是这些观众的批评是有利于中国电影水平的提高。 这些批评也可以被认为是中国观众对中国电影的关注和期望中国电影提高。 大概就是 这样吧,也不长,也就一百多字。五.作文两段材料。原文没找到 第一段材料大意是一 个苏格兰作家说:“女王的国土,是个日不落帝国”。这句话如今被改写,英语的国度, 是个日不落帝国。第二段材料是邓小平的讲话,大意是我们要发展,不要落后。想要发 展就得打开国门。学习先进的科学技术。但是我们也要坚持独立自主。分析这两段话之 间的联系。写一篇不少于300 词的作文 法语: 西南大学2014 的法语大改版啊!!!拆开信封的时候我都怀疑是不是发错卷子了,看 来信封好几遍。考完法语就幻灭了。。。。。。题型为阅读,汉翻法句子。法翻汉文章。 作文一 阅读1 法国电影第一次放映啊什么什么的。2 圣马汀和撒旦的故事3yahoo.com 二.汉翻法跟课文内容一点关系都没有。不像以前考书上的,或者改编。这次完全考能力, 考词汇量。三.法翻汉讲的是法语研究什么的。词汇量不够,看得不是很懂。乱翻的。四. 作文题目:Mon premier entretien (不少于八十个单词)(我都不认识最后一个单词,作 文完全是乱编的。。。。。泪奔啊。。。。。) |
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